Victim of attack should ‘seek help for being gay’
7:17 pm - June 7th 2008
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I despair sometimes, why can’t god bothers stop worrying about what others do in bed. Pink News reports:
The wife of the First Minister of Northern Ireland has caused controversy with her born-again Christian outlook on life. Iris Robinson is MP for Strangford and chairs the Northern Ireland Assembly’s health committee.
Reacting to news that a man was viciously attacked because he is gay, she suggested that he should consider therapy to “cure” him of his homosexuality. Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster today she condemned the attack on Stephen Smith but added: “I have a very lovely psychiatrist who works with me in my offices and his Christian background is that he tries to help homosexuals trying to turn away from what they are engaged in. And I have met people who have turned around to become heterosexual.”
This pisses me off in so many ways.
For many years lesbian and gay people were seen as suffering from a psychiatric disorder and it was only in 1973 that it was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) . Lesbian and gay people were often subjected to ‘treatments’ such as :
surgical treatments such as hysterectomy, ovariectomy, clitoridectomy, castration, vasectomy, pudic nerve surgery and lobotomy. Substance-based treatment attempts have included hormone treatment,pharmacologic shock treatment, and treatment with sexual stimulants and sexual depressants. Other attempts include aversion therapy, the attempted reduction of aversion to heterosexuality,electroshock treatment,group therapy, hypnosis, and psychoanalysis.
Lesbian and gay people were made to feel guilty and lets not forget that for gay men having sex together was illegal and of course still is in many parts of the world. There were, and still are, religious , social and family pressures. Lesbian and gay people still face attacks even in gay friendly Brighton .
So this guy gets beaten up by homophobic thugs and Ms Robinson suggests he needs treatment to ‘turn’ !! No, the vicious bigots should be punished and attitudes that lead to such violence need to be challenged. No matter how much she condemns the attack, her words only add to an attitude that lesbian and gay people are sick and need to be cured. This breeds breed violence and discrimination.
Sadly many people are still pressurised to conform to heterosexual norms , usually through family and religious pressure. Others have residual guilt and if they do try to change only end up unhappy and living a lie, trying to please the religious intolerance of people like Ms Robinson.
What is her problem, why does it matter to her if two men have sex together. No one is asking her to indulge in a little girl on girl action, no one is telling her not to be in a heterosexual marriage and family.
Oh and something I did hear about on the pro choice demo and that Pink News refers to :
Mrs Robinson’s view of gay and lesbian people is well-known. Last month she castigated MPs in the House of Commons during debate on fertility treatments. MPs decided to remove the requirement on doctors to consider the need for a father when assessing women for fertility treatments.
“Envisage, down the road, a child going to primary school and being collected by two females or two males, and the bullying and abuse to which those children will be exposed; or going into their parents’ bedroom, as is natural for a child to do, and finding two women or two men making love?” said Mrs Robinson. “I stand by my faith and the word of God that man was created in the image of God and that woman was created from the rib of Adam to be his helpmeet and companion. That is the natural progression of procreation.”
“The word of God says that procreation is through a man and a woman. “We are moving mountains to facilitate immorality and to bring the rights of lesbians above all others in this country. It is a shame, and honourable Members ought to hang their heads in shame.”
Oh for goodness sake what a stupid bigoted woman , no one is saying children should walk in on their parents having sex , whether straight or gay. Is she saying that its OK for kids to see their heterosexual parents having sex ?? I would assume that any parent , whatever their sexuality, would ensure they children did not walk in. Perhaps it is a regular occurrence in Ms Robinson’s home for the kids to wander in and catch her and hubby going at it, is that ‘natural’?
Oh and if she believe’s that being gay is a psychiatric illness it could be argued that religious beliefs are a bit delusional and could do with some treatment. I mean hearing voices, messages from a imaginary god, belief in miracles, woman made from ribs …sounds a bit psychotic to me, must dig out my DSM and see what it says.
Thing is Ms Robinson and her ilk are free to believe such superstitious nonsense and live their lives as they wish. I’m not suggesting they seek a ‘cure.’ Can’t they just leave others to live their lives ?
Pic : last years Pride in Brighton .Another good religious chap bothered about other people’s sex lives and trying to save souls 🙂
News update:
Police to investigage Iris Robinson over homophobic comments
Blog chatter:
Splintered Sunrise – Another little vignette from our rainbow province
The Cedar Lounge Revolution – the Iris ‘n’ Pete Show rumbles into town…
Paul Walter – ‘Gays can be “turned” by psychiatry’
Well done fillet – I really fucking despair sometimes…
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'Stroppybird' is a regular contributor to Liberal Conspiracy. She has been involved, on and off since the 80's, in left/feminist/LGBT/ politics and social policy. She considers herself a stroppy socialist, feminist and an atheist. Is in the Labour Party, just, mainly because she don't see any alternative on the left at the moment. Not sure for how much longer. She also write for Stroppyblog
· Other posts by stroppybird
Story Filed Under: Blog ,Civil liberties ,Equality
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Reader comments
As awful as her comments are, she should certainly not be prosecuted for them.
Gah! Awful woman!
what a moron
Dumb cow, simply unscientific ignorant nonsense.
Agree with Steff; the woman’s clearly an idiot but then she’s not even an MP. She can say whatever she likes, even when it’s as vile as what’s quoted here.
Alan – “Iris Robinson is MP for Strangford and chairs the Northern Ireland Assembly’s health committee.”
Don’t think I suggested prosecuting her !
btw I am not arguing against her right to spout superstious bollocks, just pointing out she is trying to impose her views on others as she did by her vote on the HFE . Also by saying LGBT people should have ‘treatment’.
I find it remarkable that people immediately jump defend Mrs Robinson and her right to freedom of speech when no-one is questioning that right – not even for a moment. I also find it remarkable that there are people in positions of power and authority who consider homosexuality an illness to be cured. While the situation in Northern Ireland has improved, it still retains some, ahem, backward opinions.
There is an audioclip of her comments at
Was she not one of Naddine Dorries greatest fans’? i seem to remember her from the Commons debate….
Could be wrong, right enough.
The second bit of my post is about her comments on the HFE bill re lesbians and fertility treatment. I’m guessing she supports Dorries on the abortion issue.
Mund – oops sorry. Perils of commenting just after getting up. Still, she should be argued with and beated in open debate over this – actually now more than ever.
Or even “beaten”…
I’m guessing she supports Dorries on the abortion issue.
Oh yes she was. Here is the nonsense she spouted then:
Shocking stuff. Can’t imagine anyone getting away with those kind of remarks on English radio or in the Commons.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a fierce supporter of freedom of speech but some people really do dig some spectacular holes for themselves.
Can’t believe more hasn’t been said about this. What utter contempt she shows.
Great post, Stroppybird. I just wish some people would get their brains out of the 1500s.
I am delighted that she has the courage to speak out on this. It shows that those who feel silenced due to political correctness can have a voice. And when they use that voice, they sound like intolerant, authoritarian, contemptuous disgustoids from the planet Yuck. Those who complain about political correctness use it as a cloak to hide their own views which the vast majority of us find appalling.
Different Duncan @17: Best. Comment. Evar.
Although we have freedom of speech, people in public office have [or should have] a degree of responsibility not to sound off at the drop of a hat, just because they’ve got a journalist at hand gagging to give them some exposure.
All right, David Blunkett was famed for his knee-jerk reactions. Did his colleagues not learn from that?
Some of Mrs. Robinson’s constituents should make an appointment with her in her surgery, explain that the “ex-gay” movements have been discredited, share some of their own experiences, and help her to see the error of her straight-and-narrow-minded ways.
Absoluely disgusting and so small minded of her.
In this day and age Gay people should not be treated as though being Gay is a treatable disease or illness.
And being a Gay christian it annoys me how she can say these things and still call herself a christian after all God is love and it matters not if you love men or women if we love others then God loves Us.
Unfortunately, this is the voice of Ulster Unionism
Freedom of speech doesn’t even matter. If I said gravity didn’t exist you’d think I was mad. Well what she says goes against millions of man hours spent in the past and given that our best scientists do not say homosexuality is a disease which can be cured. How can she say something so idiotic. It’s not political correctness is scientific correctness.
It just shows a lack of education in science, bet she has no education in genetics, physiology, psychology or probably of the scientific method. if she did she wouldn’t take anecdotal evidence from one man.
The fact that these idiots get in office is a terrible symptom of the electorates deficiency in understanding of the world and how it works .
John H – her constituents, as in the people who elected her? 😉
Constituents: registered electors in her constituency; and, indeed, other people living within her geographical patch.
They may not have voted for her; or they may not have voted at all. But they ARE her constituents; and she is their MP, with a duty to represent them.
It is also quite possible that some of the electors who voted for her ARE LGBT. Some of these may now be regretting their actions: but others may have voted her in for other reasons, which remain valid.
I’m NOT leaping to Iris’s defence: just pointing out a few of the many mysteries of the electoral process, and the psephological psychology of voters.
11 June 2008
Attack victim lambasts Robinson
The victim of a homophobic assault has called on the DUP’s Iris Robinson to resign over comments she made about homosexuality.
The Stormont health committee chair has condemned attacks on gay people.
But in an interview on Friday, she said as a Christian she viewed homosexuality as an abomination and that gay people should seek counselling.
Stephen Scott, who was assaulted by three youths in Newtownabbey, said her comments “disgusted” him.
Mr Scott said Mrs Robinson’s comments had made him feel worse.
“I certainly will not rest until she stands down for what she’s done, because she’s made my life hell since her comments,” he said.
He said he had struggled with coming to terms with being homosexual, something made more difficult by his background.
“I took an overdose last November because I was finding it hard to cope with being gay – I had no support from anyone and felt on my own,” he said.
“I had always denied it but now I’m out and I’m not ashamed to say I’m gay.”
Complaints have also been made to the police about the Strangford MP’s comments.
She has received an amount of criticism from other politicians, but Mrs Robinson has insisted she has every right to express her views.
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Members of faiths who “view homosexuality as an abomination” should consider why their deity-of-choice created a colourful rainbow spectrum of sexuality: not just amongst humans, but throughout the animal kingdom. / 21.05.08
… Of a hundred types of sex acts practised by giraffes, 94 are performed by gay partners. …
[In German. Translate this page using ]
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Bagemihl B. (1999) “Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity” [ISBN 031225377X]:
The actual type of genital contact varies widely. Full penetration in male anal intercourse occurs in some species (for example, Orang-utans, Rhesus Macaques, Bison, and Bighorn rams),while female penetration of various types occurs during lesbian interactions in Orang-utans (insertion of the finger into the vagina), Bonobos (insertion of the erect clitoris into the vulva), and Bottlenose and Spinner Dolphins (insertion of a fin or tail fluke into the female’s genital slit). Simple pelvic thrusting and rubbing of the genitals on the rump of the other animal is widespread in both male and female homosexual mounts (occurring in the Northern Fur Seal, Lion, and Proboscis Monkey, among others), and simple genital-togenital touching is the form of homosexual (and heterosexual) contact in species where males do not have a penis (as in most birds, such as the Pukeko and Tree Swallow). A more unusual type of male homosexual contact involves various forms of non-anal penetration. In Whales and Dolphins, both males and females have a genital slit or opening; when not aroused, the male’s penis is contained in the cavity leading to this slit. Homosexual activity in Bowhead Whales, Bottlenose Dolphins, and Botos sometimes involves insertion of the penis of one male into the genital slit of the other. Other more unusual forms of penetration have also been documented: male Botos occasionally insert the penis into a male partner’s blowhole (on the top of his head!), while male Orang-utans have even been observed retracting their penis to form a sort of “hollow” or concavity that another male can penetrate. Clitoral rubbing or other types of genital tribadism are found in female Bonobos, Gorillas, and Rhesus Macaques (among others), while males in several species (e.g., Whitehanded Gibbons, West Indian Manatees, and Gray Whales) rub their penises together or on each other’s body. In male Bonobos, mutual genital rubbing sometimes takes the form of an activity with the colorful name of “penis fencing,” in which the males hang suspended by their arms and rub their erect organs against each other.
Oral sex of various kinds also occurs in a number of species. This may involve actual sucking of genitals (fellatio between males in Bonobos, Orang-utans, Siamangs, and Stumptail Macaques); licking of genitals (cunnilingus in Common Chimpanzees, Long-eared Hedgehogs, and Kob antelopes; penis-licking in Thinhorn Sheep and Vampire Bats; genital licking in female Spotted Hyenas and male Cheetahs); mouthing, nuzzling, or “kissing” of genitals (female Gorillas, male Savanna Baboons, Crab-eating Macaques, and West Indian Manatees); and genital sniffing in female Pronghorns and Marmots as well as scrotal sniffing in Whiptail and Red-necked Wallabies. Male Stumptail Macaques even perform mutual fellatio in a sixty-nine position, while males of a number of primate species (including Gibbons, Bonnet and Crested Black Macaques, and Nilgiri Langurs) sometimes actually eat or swallow their partner’s (or their own) semen-though usually after mutual genital rubbing or manual stimulation rather than oral sex. Dwarf Cavies and Rufous Bettongs occasionally indulge in anal licking, nuzzling, and sniffing with same-sex (and opposite-sex) partners. Another sort of “oral” sexual activity is called beak-genital propulsion and occurs among both male and female Bottlenose and Spinner Dolphins: one animal inserts its snout or “beak” into the genital slit of another, simultaneously stimulating and propelling its partner forward while swimming (a similar behavior in Orcas, involving simple nuzzling or touching of the genitals with the snout, is known as beak-genital orientation).
Another type of activity found during homosexual interactions is masturbation, in which one animal stimulates its own or its partner’s genitals with a finger, hand, foot, flipper, or some other appendage. For example, male Savanna Baboons often touch, grab, or fondle the genitals of another male-this behavior is known aptly as diddling-while male Bottlenose Dolphins and West Indian Manatees sometimes rub another male’s penis with their flippers. Male Rhesus and Crested Black Macaques, female Gorillas, male Vampire Bats, female Proboscis Monkeys, and male Walruses sometimes masturbate themselves when mounting, courting, or interacting sexually with another animal of the same sex. Mutual masturbation in a side-by-side sixty-nine position occurs in female Crested Black Macaques, while male Bonnet and Stumptail Macaques masturbate each other and even fondle one another’s scrotums. Another form of mutual masturbation in these species involves two males backing up toward each other and fondling each other’s genitals between their legs. In Bonobos and Common Chimpanzees, individuals often rub their anal and genital regions together while in this rump-to-rump position, prompting zoologists to give these behaviors names like “rump-rubbing” and “bump-rump.” Other more unusual forms of “manual” stimulation include mutual genital stimulation using trunks in female Elephants, and anal stimulation and penetration with fingers by male Common Chimpanzees, Siamangs, and Crab-eating Macaques.
If you choose sexual partner(s) of the same gender then remember that your union will always be sterile with a higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases and endemic infidelity. Why would you want to force the rest of society to approve of your choice?
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