US Elections 08: Key moments
12:30 am - November 5th 2008
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Hey all, here is a post about the key moments that are happening in this potentially historic election. There is the liveblog/chat on the right of the main page for quick and more light hearted discussion, but here you can be as serious and excitable/cynical as you need to be about what is happening.
05:20 – Last word
Only five states are left to come in, all republican. Obama is likely to take Indiana, Montana and North Carolina off of the Republicans hands, but I can no longer wait up to see this happen. Good night all, it’s been an amazing evening. Well done to the new President Elect, Barack Obama.
05:00 – Obama comes out to give his speech as President Elect
With his family, all looking amazingly proud and happy, Obama is out to give his victory speech.
Obama uses this speech to promote the idea that anyone in America can achieve what they want to achieve, speaking more verbosely the message of unity that McCain offered in his concession speech.
Obama talks of McCain, and while the response is muted, the democrat crowd has the graciousness to clap and cheer slightly. Similarly he is extremely grateful to a number of his family, colleagues and opponents.
Obama is giving an expectedly masterful speech, showing both a vision for a greater future, but also a grounding in reality of the level of work that is going to be required to make changes.
(in our Live Chat… sonofajoiner: I’m going to miss Bush and his mangled speeches.)
Talking of those that don’t support him, he is also keen to be humble towards them, knowing that to keep this movement going he needs his critics to become his supporters to some degree. His speech is great at giving the feeling of a level of empowerment to the “ordinary person”.
04:45 – Nevada projects Obama
Nevada is another state that now goes Blue after being Red. I’m glad to say that it’s something I saw coming based on early polls during primaries, it also goes to show the STRENGTH of exit polls and public opinion polls this year, rather than the weakness.
I’d also like to say, if it seems like the output here has been biased towards Obama victories, it’s because I’ve tended to focus on swing states, and Obama has pretty much won every one that’s come up. Go figure
04:30 – Florida, Colorado projects Obama
Florida goes to the Democrats according to CNN. A vital victory that hopefully sweeps away the bad memories of 8 years. Colorado also exchanges hands to democrats after being a Republican state in 2004.
04:18 – John McCain gives his concession speech
The crowd ungraciously boo the new President, to which John looks pretty annoyed at as he asks them to be more respectful with a simple “please….” He continues to talk about the positive benefits of electing an African American as a President, and how it shows there are no more barriers in America to achieving what Americans wish. Pledging his support to Obama to help through tough times, he also urges his supporters to unify with Obama.
McCain goes on to blame himself for the loss, and not the Republican supporters…a generous notion that I’m sure many Republican pundits will gratefully jump on as they have already attempted. Humble and fair McCain comes across as proud to have run and respectful in defeat.
04:03 – Virginia, Hawaii and Oregon also project Obama
The new President elect keeps the votes tumbling in, turning over yet another state. He also has the lead in Indiana in the final stages of reporting so looks to perhaps turn over another also, a truly great night for the Democrats.
04:00 – California and Washington projects Obama
So we have it, Obama is now the next President of the USA as he breaks 270 votes!
03:55 – Count update
Currently it is 207-135, and those big states are slowly ticking down to being able to project properly. It is now only 5 minutes until we possibly officially see Obama becoming the president elect.
03:22 – Texas projected for McCain
Texas is unsurprisingly McCain’s, but didn’t it take an age to be able to call it? Current tally is 207-129 for Obama according to CNN.
03:20 – Count update
Indiana is still perilously close, with only 12,000 votes in it for McCain. Virginia is moving towards Obama too, both these states on 86% counting. Florida is still slightly ahead for Obama also by about 3% with just under 70% reported.
03:00 – Montana and Nevada polls close… Iowa projected Obama, Utah projected McCain
These four red states close, and Obama has won back Iowa stealing 7 more votes from the Republicans. Anyone else around should probably join our now calmer live chat on the right of the main page!
02:45 – Republicans are imploding.
John Bolton on the BBC is very critical of the republicans, there are reports of the republicans turning off the news feed at their side. Things are looking dire, they know it, and they’ve already started the conversation of appointing blame. Current count from the BBC is 200 to Obama vs 124 for McCain.
02:33 – Louisiana and others projected for McCain.
But the interesting point is also new Mexico potentially being won by Obama, as at least one network is calling. This would show a very sharp change in attitudes since the beginning of the primaries and a greater acceptance of Obama among more demographics as predicted.
02:24 – Ohio projected for Obama.
This takes the votes to over 270 if all Obama does is win his own states back. It’s all uphill for McCain now, and there aren’t really many states to take back. Florida will be the most telling state to call next.
02:05 — Fox News calls Ohio for Obama!
By a huge margin. If Ohio and Florida have both gone Democrat, McCain is toast.
02:00 — Obama takes Michigan, New York, McCain takes N. Dakota and Colorado
BBC has it at 175/61, MSNBC has 175/70 and CNN 174/49
01:45 — BBC interviewee in Georgia says the GOP might lose there. Virginia still too close to call, Texas early polls indicate it might possibly be in contention.
01:30 — Alabama goes for McCain
Nowt for OH or NC yet, we’ll see. Looks like Elizabeth Dole has lost big in North Carolina–that’ll make a few friends of mine happy.
(Mat takes over for a bit, Lee’s obviously not used to this sort of thing, going for food indeed *munches mini chedder as he types*)
1:05 – New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine projected for Obama
Current count is 103 for Obama and McCain on 34. Now the West was always the Democrats to be won so we can’t get too excited here…but there is a moral victory in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire because of McCain’s involvement in pushing for them. Perhaps that push was ill advised…
1:02 – Illinois, DC, Delaware, Massachusetts and Maryland projected for Obama, Tennessee projected for McCain
Current count is 77 Obama, and McCain on 27.
1:00 – Pennsylvania & New Hampshire projected for Obama
A good solid win in Pennsylvania, and quick too, in a state that Obama needed to keep.
1:00 – 15 states close their polls, including key states such as Florida and Pennsylvania
In fact…
00:53 – South Carolina projected for McCain
Following previous form, SC goes to the republicans, still only the third state of the first five to be called.
00:46 – Comment from Rachel North
Highlighting Daily Kos:
“If Indiana is announced too close to call when polls close this year, it will be an indicator that Barack Obama is headed for a similar landslide victory himself, even if he isn’t quite able to carry the state.”
Obviously Indiana is being called as too close otherwise we would have heard the result already (though Unity reports CNN is leaning towards McCain winning). It continues…
00:39 – More polls close
Three more states have closed their polls, nothing official yet but reports are that West Virginia is being pegged for McCain while North Carolina is looking to be swinging Obama’s way. Unity posts on our LiveChat that Florida is currently looking like 57-43 in favour of Obama…incredible.
00:23 – Kentucky projected for McCain, Virginia projected for Obama
Two pretty safe states are projected after 6 states finish polls, the real action will come with Ohio and North Carolina around 00:30. Interest is also falling on Indiana which is rumoured to be going towards Obama, a potential early shock.
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Lee is a 20 something web developer from Cornwall now residing in Bristol since completing his degree at the lesser university. He has strange dreams, a big appetite, a small flat, and when not forcing his views on the world he is probably eating a cookie. Lee blogs independently from party colours at Program your own mind.
· Other posts by Lee Griffin
Story Filed Under: Blog ,Economy ,Media ,United States
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Reader comments
cheers for that mr g.
what impact d’we reckon the lack of queerbashing amendments compared to 04 is gonna gave on the fundie turnout?
chris hitchens is an arse.
I don’t even think I know what you’re talking about…I obviously missed this last time around?!
jmc’s speech from this afternoon sounds more like a concession than a stump speech
sorry – last time round a whole bunch of states had amendments on whether to legalise or outlaw gay marriage – this is credited with raising turnout among religious conservatives.
It was pretty poor.
Ah I see John…. it seems to be a whole different battleground this time around. Though in all honesty the abortion issue seems to have riled people predictably.
no indeed – interesting point is it subtracts x% of conservatives who prob wouldn’t otherwise have bothered to turn up to vote voting for a heathen like bush from the list, but voted for him rather than kerry as they were there – ie gives obama a x% advantage compared to last time.
damn, this closeness is interesting/irritating – like a uk election where only rhonda and mole valley reported before 4am
Lol, it’s superb for those excited about politics, or just polls..
…so on that basis new hants and pennsylvania are a pretty good sign.
Yay! I’m online sat in front of t’telly with my wireless keyboard and Jennie’s laptop. Catching up now.
Pennsylvania’s been called for Obama as I type. This is apparently news, I thought PA was pretty safe but McCain was trying to put up a showing somewhere.
I think it’s more that McCain was trying to show some front, like you say.
Bugger, forgot to hit ‘subscribe’
Man things are coming in too fast to liveblog right now!
That’s a swathe of states for Obama…geez!
Electoral Vote has called Florida 58% Obama.
Game over McCain already?
Jeremy Vine’s little map is failing him. Too much technology, not enough thought. Still, raw data as it comes in is good, shame they’re mostly showing the talking heads.
60% Obama in Orange County FL. That’s huge, right? We’re talking landslide time right?
It’s looking very tough, tellingly the polls as it stand look pretty solid, and if that carries on we’re definitely on for an Obama win by some 5-10%
What constitutes a landslide?
anti-chicken-counting, but yay florida so far.
pa and nh relevant cos called immediately – ie vote not even vaguely close.
Aye John, they were pretty much right on top of the poll close. The keyis that states McCain was trying to win from the Dems are being called straight away for Obama…whereas states Obama was fighting for are still too close, even if leaning to the republicans
slightly nervous about counts on not all precincts – historically cities report first and country bits later so could be exaggerated.
the senate stuff is now more important probably – and looking surprisingly good so far…
BBC chat (with their talking heads) earlier was stating how important the senate stuff is…stating that even if McCain did win there would have to be a sharp change in policy with the Democrats under as much control as they are projected to take.
Elizabeth Dole’s gone in NC. That’s a massive shift. Sure, friends there were telling me it was a sea change, but I didn’t expect her to lose, let alone by that much.
Landslide is winning by a huge number of seats/states–Blair got one in ’97, Obama looks likely to win many states that were Red last time. Last two presidentials have been knife edge, one state switching could change the result, this time I doubt we’ll see crucial court decisions deciding the thing, it’s too clear cut.
Assuming the exit polls and predictions are right.
Agreed, I mean we’re looking at potentially … half a dozen states that have the chance of going from red to blue? Mat is (hopefully) going to take over the live blog with the next set of states polls closing in under 5.
There is much we can learn from the US campaign – and all credit to the US Democrats on this great night.
But our election night knocks theirs into a hat, political theatre-wise.
But we’ve probably just had the key moment of the election night. So, were you up when some of the networks called Pennsylvania – but CNN and the others weren’t quite sure?
Thanks to Lee and MattGB for updating this thread.
Sunder: But couldn’t ours be better still? How much do we have to sit there through constituencies being called that we know the answer to and have done for years?
The last decade of elections has gone to show one thing, PR’s time is now.
in “for the future” terms, john simpson’s “carter 76″ analogy of discredited-crook/new-hope is a bit depressing.
I’m for electoral reform. (Fortunately, I’m for the Alternative Vote, so we keep the election declarations. Seriously, I would trade in the horse race of British politics for sensible Scandinavian-style consensual progressive democracy … But I’d recognise there would be a loss for political theatre!
@Sunder, aye, we can all learn, but the different parties need to learn different lessons. You guys need to relearn grassroots bottom up stuff, we need to learn how to fundraise, the Tories need to figure out how to not run in fear from young people…
This isn’t going to be a night of complexities is it? Nice and easy ‘Obama wins’.
Scarily, Electoral Vote is saying TX is only barely GOP. Texas is a marginal. Yowsers.
Oh yes, political theatre is important too
christ, GA republican saying chances of holding “not so good” and blaming obama’s money. new right-wing narrative ahoy!
On BBC they’re talking to some campaign organisors in Georgia. Very interesting as the Republican is very downbeat, playing down the chances of them to win the state again. He also clocks a doozy in talking about Obama’s money being what has brought him this result. No shit, and don’t Republicans just feel so angry that their number one route to power is being used by the otherside?
Damnit john!
…tho fox called GA for JMC. hmm, distressed that icelandic tv seems only to carry the beeb, this is gonna be an election where who calls when is gonna be key indicator
Fox seems to be up to usual tactics… CNN is very cautious
Ohio looking far too good. Getting giddy.
what can I say? – drunken txting wins in speed what it loses in analytical rigour…
Oh, Ohio under-reported. No wonder.
Giving up on the Fox News site now, but I’m getting some interesting reports from Texas still.
5000 lawyers gone to Florida to check counts?!
They need a few to watch the count, and the rest argue over who gets to speak to the judge next. Oh, and a few to keep track of how much to charge the client(s)
whilst c.hitchens is an arse, “do they even have 5000 lawyers in britain” is a good response to “you’d never see 5000 lawyers being despatched to a british constituency to argue about unfair voting”.
what’s so wrong with “make an x in a box with a pencil” anyway?.
texas not called immediately? FTW! err, fox calls ohio for obama.
Obama takes Ohio.
Shall we go to sleep now or stay until he crosses the wire?
Lots of people are seemingly taking this as the victory and thinking of bed…I think until CNN calls Ohio it’s not over. And to be honest until he wins Florida or another big state then it’s premature.
keen to see abc call fl or oh. then bed.
liking ‘it’s those darn spics’ and ‘obama is the most radical candidate ever’ narratives from assorted republicans…
“or” not “and”.
could mccain have done better with lieberman or romney, or doesn’t it matter?
Who’s the idiot with the moustache who doesn’t get British TV reporting styles? Palin was needed to give McCain a chance? Dude, she took a possible close call and gave Obama a landslide, and she didn’t mobilise the base, all those empty offices with no volunteers?
BBC just called Ohio for Obama.
Game over.
Shit, Murdoch’s main concern over the Obama policy platform is the same as mine. I agree with Murdoch…
arizona tied? almost wanna stay up just to see that called…
Can’t find that on a site, but yeah, if AZ is close then McCain’s going to get scapegoated. Which might mean the base (and the idiot with the moustache) can pretend that it’s just a Bush rejection and McCain being crap.
Which assuming Obama doesn’t fuck up gives hima lot of room to manouvre politically without scaring off the middle ground, they sure as hell won’t vote for Palin in 2012.
New Mexico?
an hour 30 to call tx for jmc? the full returns on this are going to be psephology gold.
anyone give me 100:1 on jmc now?
OK, moustache bloke is John Bolton, who I’d never seen on TV before. Ye gods, that was the man they put in charge of global diplomacy? Reality not his strong point is it?
Four states coming to poll close, all Republican…will they all go to Reds again?
President Obama – time for the right to change its mind?
Some of those who have questioned whether he is American enough to lead – too liberal, too smart, not patriotic enough – will see that the smart move will now be to embrace him as proof that the American Dream is possible.
The right has lost this election by being negative, angry and turning in on itself. But many believe that the problem was not being angry enough.
an ever more strident and oppositionist right could contribute to the real possibility of a political realignment over the next four to eight years.
immediate call for obama in iowa. stick a fork in this election, it’s done. landslide?
Everyone seems to think Landslide now, amazing.
I saw the Live count of Votes in
We can’t still predict who will win, instead if they have landslide lead…
So the question here, Who Will be the next President, is it Black Obama or White McCain?
Let us hope that this game would be fair and peaceful!
It’s nothing to do with Race, a poll of Americans show 90% of them don’t consider race to come in to it.
John bolton is hillarious on the BBC…
John Bolton is indeed hilarious, especially his look as Simon Shama was literally getting right in his face. You can tell Shama is really enjoying being sat right next to him.
Bolton’s finally gone. About bloody time. Not only an incompetent diplomat, but also completely unbriefed about how British TV reporters work. They’re supposed to challenge their interviewee you prat, else what’s the point.
Hmm, who’s the racist spammer above? Probably going to turn in soon, brain is ceasing up
tragic to lose bolton. fairly sure frum (repub replacement on beeb) will be more sane and less embarrassing, for all his flaws.
damn, this is fun. not gonna get a domestic equiv for a while tho (altho interesting that pundits put recession as final blow for jmc but only-chance-of-survival for gb…)
Senate wise Democrats having a good night with four states turned over
CA, WA in, Obama in according to BBC.
Now they have to actually count the votes. FFS, what a stupid way to run an election
EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!!!
It’s official! He has more than 270! Change is coming!
I think I’ll stick around to see Florida and Indiana go his way and then go to bed
The republican supporters are absolutely fucking disgraceful
The grace and sincerity of John McCain’s concession speech – particularly on overcoming the history of bigotry in America – was marred only by the lack of decency of too much of his audience.
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