Watch: No2ID’s chilling video – ‘Take Jane’
2:39 pm - December 9th 2008
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NO2ID will be accused of scaremongering. But the Take Jane video is a good deal less frightening than it might be, because we wanted it to have widespread distribution.
It is likely that a National Identity Register — the database at the heart of the ‘ID cards’ scheme — will kill people, by leading murderers to their victims. It is nearly certain it will be used, as many existing databases have already been, to harrass and to stalk individuals and to commit crimes against them.
Because it is intended to be universal, because it will contain or connect to so much information, and because it will feed other official databases, the National Identity Register has much more potential for harm than the often patchy official records that already exist.
The ID scheme is being designed to keep track, throughout your life, of where you live and all your contacts with organisations that use the Identity and Passport Service’s ‘verification service’. They are intended to include health (e.g. registering with a GP) and social services (e.g. applying for benefits), also banks and employers. Your track may be followed by anyone interested in you who can gain access to the system or a copy of your ‘audit log’..
… from the No2ID ‘Take Jane’ site
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“Stop the database state” is a good slogan
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No2ID’s video: Take Jane « Amused Cynicism
[...] (via Liberal Conspiracy) [...]
Ronnie Brown » Blog Archive » Take Jane
[...] informing the public on the dangers of the Government’s proposed ID card. The video, as Liberal Conspiracy have pointed out, is nowhere near scary enough. Hopefully, they’ll ramp up the fear factor [...]
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