Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs
5:05 pm - January 7th 2010
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The hysterical Conservative blogger Iain Dale wrote a blog post today titled ‘Is Left Foot Forward Really “Evidence Based”?‘
His complaint is that:
Left Foot Forward rather pioulsy describes itself as an “evidence based blog”. Why, therefore, is THIS story still on its site? It alleges a Conservative U-Turn on Educational Maintenance Allowances. The author of the piece, James Mills, alleged that David Cameron had reversed Tory policy on EMAs at a Cameron Direct meeting in Hammersmith. He said that Cameron had said he would keep EMAs, while other Tories, like Michael Gove were committed to outright abolition.
After seeing a video of the event LFF admitted that the words attributed to Cameron had not actually been uttered.
He then goes on to say that in his opinion LFF should “should issue an apology for this blogpost after having removed it”.
Who died and appointed Iain Dale the arbitrator of how blogs should behave?
A few weeks ago Dale published a blog-post titled ‘Oxford is Cool‘, which continued in a series of ill-informed posts spouting global warming denialism.
That blog post was thoroughly eviscerated by Unity here – but rather than amend his blog post to admit his mistake, Dale instead tried to pretend he was being victimised.
In his defence he said then:
I regard the internet as a place for debate – where you can throw something out there and let people debate the rights and wrongs.
One standard for himself and another for others. Even when exposed as having published complete shite, Dale refused to amend his mistake.
In this case, Will Straw has already pointed out his defence:
1) We issued a clarification as soon as it became apparent that James’ recollections of David Cameron’s precise comments were wrong. But the substantive point remains that David Cameron now says he supports EMAs when he previously said “we think there are some really practical problems and issues with that sort of compulsion”, Grayling said it had done “absolutely nothing to help solve this country’s chronic skills shortage” and Michael Gove called them a flop. Read our full piece for the full story.
2. The point about describing ourselves as “evidence-based” was simply that we would use links and first-hand testimony to back up our stories and would try and avoid churning out too much opinion. Generally we get it right but we sometimes get it wrong. If we do so we correct it – something that can’t be said for all bloggers.
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Sunny Hundal is editor of LC. Also: on Twitter, at Pickled Politics and Guardian CIF.
· Other posts by Sunny Hundal
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Reader comments
Sooo… Iain Dale writes a blog post based on evidence that is misinterpreted at best, and downright incorrect at worst. Liberal Conspiracy write a long post saying how shoddy this is. This is a Good Thing.
Left Foot Forward writes a blog post based on evidence that is misinterpreted at best, and incorrect at worst. Iain Dale writes a post saying how shoddy this is. This is a Bad Thing.
Accurate summary?
do you mean hysterical as in funny or hysterical as in overreacting to inconsequential events and/or minor offenses?
2 – either way it’s sexist. I expected better of Liberal Conspiracy than the promulgation of such misogynist 19th century language…
Iain Dale is a hypocrite. He still hasn’t amended, let alone removed or apologised for this post about London Labour Assembly members, despite having received a number of emails and comments from them pointing out that it was totally false.
Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes I’m not sure if Dale even tries to check his facts.
Yeah alright Tim, whatever.
Adam – I think if we compiled a list of the times Dale has spouted completely ignorant crap, and then ignored it when it was pointed out, we could have a blog dedicated to it.
Remember the whole ‘Global Cooling’ story he tried to push? Even the climate change deniers in the US don’t try that any more.
The same general definition, or under the name female hysteria, came into use in the middle and late 19th century to describe what is today generally considered to be sexual dysfunction.Typical treatment was massage of the patient’s genitalia by the physician and later vibrators or water sprays to cause orgasm.
I’m sure you are going to try and wriggle out of it, but I think most people will be clear that the use of the term “hysterical” to describe Iain Dale is clearly symptomatic of a deeply ingrained homophobia.
I am bias, I loath Iain Dale, mainly for his terrible treatment of Tim Ireland and the shoddy content over at his blog so this is a nice bit of work pointing out yet more hypocrisy over at his gaff.
Don’t forget that Dale has a nasty habit of pulling pieces without telling anyone of notifying people either…or God forbid, apologising.
what a pathetic attempt to try and deflect from the main issue here.
hysterical /h?st’er?k?l/
Someone who is hysterical is in a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him.
He made headlines and received hysterical hate mail.
pagar at 6, are you kidding? Seriously, my radar for such stuff is pretty tight-set and it never occurred to me that the use of hysterical was a homophobic term here.
Perhaps we should all write indignant blogposts about how Iain Dale is trying to suppress free speech; that he doesn’t understand the internet and contribute to a collection to fund a private prosecution for [insert alleged misdemeanour].
That’s what he’s taught us, isn’t it?
Dale is a joke and I can only think his blog popular because it was one of the first.
With a change of government, as is likely with the Tories getting in, him and Fawkes will soon be yesterdays men.
Dale is ridiculously Tory.
If hysterical is anything, it’s misogynistic.
If you’re going to play whatabout, at least do it properly.
Oh hang on, I just realised. Iain Dale is gay. So you score extra points by trying to claim Sunny was being homophobic.
Very devious of you.
so you weren’t using it to mean funny then … in which case isn’t it rather hysterical to ask “Who died and appointed Iain Dale the arbitrator of how blogs should behave?” when all he’s done is write a blog post saying some blog ought to take down an erroneous post? rather run of the mill, isn’t it? And yes he’s a hypocrite but there’s a bit of a difference between posting some bollocks about global warming and posting David Cameron said X, when he didn’t. The later would merit a correction in a newspaper, but if newspapers apologised everytime they published bollocks there’d hardly be room for any new bollocks. And news just in, people are better at pointing out the mistakes of others than at admitting their own.
Am I the only one that finds this bickering rather unedifying? Is this going to re-vitalise the liberal-left through discussion and action?
Conservatives think they have a divine right to rule so it should be of no surprise that Dale sees himself as the bloggers policeman. He is always demanding that people apologise for things he does not agree with. But this never applies to his sewer of a site where the bullshit comes think and fast.
But Dale is your typical tory troll, always demanding civility and accuracy from his opponents while all the time acting like a tosser himself.
Poor p poor Sir Iain Dale, try to understand, disappointed in politics, desperate about the polls . .
Is this going to re-vitalise the liberal-left through discussion and action?
I think you miss the point. It is the specific aim of right-wing blogs to deliberately try and malign and rubbish left-wing blogs as they know that a change in the order is coming.
Why else do you see a whole range of right-wing nutjobs writing on their pages what LibCon should write or not write about? Why else do they get so hysterical about us attacking Cameron, while spending all their time writing ‘ZaNuLieBore’? Why else the continued attempts to malign this blog?
It’s because they don’t like when someone points out their own mistakes. And this needs to be highlighted. In case you haven’t noticed – there is plenty of other intelligent content posted on this blog today, this is only one. So you are welcome to ignore this if you prefer, and look at funny, or more intellectual discussions.
Ian Dale supports a party full of people who would like to build a bonfire and put Ian on the top of it.
Look at all those republicans who have been pushing the death penalty for Gays in Uganda. Many of the tory party support them. And Dale carries water for these people. As Littlejohn would say “you could not make it up.”
I take your point in your last para. But really, I don’t see how right wingers criticizing what’s written on LC or other left wing blogs differs terribly from left wingers criticizing what’s written of right wing blogs, which happens all the time. How is you rubbishing Dale different from Dale rubbishing you? I really don’t understand your first para – why has a likely change of government suddenly given right wing bloggers the “specific aim” of maligning left wing blogs? that sounds rather hysterical to me.
But really, I don’t see how right wingers criticizing what’s written on LC or other left wing blogs differs terribly from left wingers criticizing what’s written of right wing blogs, which happens all the time.
The difference is that we point out what they’re saying wrong by evidence. They in turn can only complain that the tone on left-wing blogs is nasty (according to them). Dale and Montgomerie are pissed because we’ve continually exposed their climate change denying rubbish on here.
that sounds rather hysterical to me.
See this and this. It’s particularly amusing to be accused of being ‘infantilist’ by Paul Staines.
It’s not so long since the boy Dale wrote a post about nursing degrees which was completely factually wrong. Rather than admit it he’d got it all wrong – every blogger makes mistakes, after all – he sought to defend himself by saying his general thrust was justified. As far as I could see he was saying that the facts weren’t important, and that he was right anyway., which is precisely what he now seems to be accusing Left Foot Forward.
See http://thoughcowardsflinch.com/2009/11/12/nurse-dale-10-years-out-of-date/
pagar at 6, are you kidding? Seriously, my radar for such stuff is pretty tight-set
I know it is Daniel, and that is the point of the joke.
Frankly I couldn’t care less if Sunny called Dale a prancing mincer but when commenters on this site dare not dispute with a black Muslim in a wheelchair in case she is a transgender lesbian, how could anyone resist when the boss crosses his own line?
The “hysterical gay” is a well known stereotype going back to Danny La Rue- Norton, Carr, etc are current incarnations.
Dale is just an idiot- draw attention by all means but why the need for gratuitous innuendo?
Because we enjoy slagging Dale, Cole, Mounsey etc. off.
I always get especial pleasure from thinking about the third-division blowhards, trying desperately to get people wound up over their posts, whinging to their mums about how no lefties write outraged comments on their blogs.
The fact is, I’ve stated my serious views often enough, I will let my hair down by having a good rant about right-whingers.
You’ve also misspelt Fale’s name.
‘Am I the only one that finds this bickering rather unedifying?’
‘Is this going to re-vitalise the liberal-left through discussion and action?’
Adam – I think if we compiled a list of the times Dale has spouted completely ignorant crap, and then ignored it when it was pointed out, we could have a blog dedicated to it.
You mean this isn’t it?
“Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes I’m not sure if Dale even tries to check his facts”
But Dale doesn’t pretend to be anything but a biased party hack who merely
propogates CCHQ PR or claim his blog is in any way factual.
Oh, hang on…
Oh look the trolls are out in force to defend their great hero and champion.
but when commenters on this site dare not dispute with a black Muslim in a wheelchair in case she is a transgender lesbian
would you like a victim badge? I know there’s plenty of white males out there who feel like they’re the worst off in society. Are you joining them? Getting abused by Muslim women in wheelchairs are you?
how could anyone resist when the boss crosses his own line?
didn’t cross any line, but thanks for the laughs 🙂
The “hysterical gay” is a well known stereotype going back to Danny La Rue
Jeebus, Pagar, you don’t half talk some shit.
Danny La Rue was a female impersonator in the traditional of the music halls, not a drag act, and didn’t camp it up.
La Rue’s shtick, if you ever saw his act, was nothing at like that of Graham Norton or Alan Carr. In fact, on the rare occasions he dropped out of character to deal with a heckler he did so by going butch and emphasising the fact that he was a man.
Did you hear Dale on Talksport.
I didn’t know he was a West Ham fan.
I almost feel sorry for him now
Excellent – I thought we might have had to wait until Feb for Volume 36552416 of “Why Dale and Guido MUST BE IGNORED”.
But, no; here it is now.
What a nice treat.
Is Sunny not aware that it’s one rule of Dale and another rule for everyone else?
Like when the Mail poke fun at him and he brands them homophobic with a big hissy fit, but they can tell whatever lies they like about any other poor sods and we don’t hear a squeek
Come on, we all know Iain being “gay” is just a cover for him to be right-wing behind.
Iain: “”
Anyone sensible: “What a load of discriminatory crock you speak, Dale”
Iain: “I can’t possibly be discriminatory, I’m a minority myself!”
Message to Iain Dale: gay people can be racist, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic right-wing fuckwits too. They can also be completely wrong.
La Rue’s shtick, if you ever saw his act, was nothing at like that of Graham Norton or Alan Carr.
Stand corrected, Unity. How would you characterise John Inman?
@ 33 he brands them homophobic with a big hissy fit
What, like a hysterical queen? 🙂
You’ll make excuses for nay old nonsense won’t you?
Reactions: Twitter, blogs
sunny hundal
What an idiot. RT @libcon: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
Left Outside
RT @pickledpolitics: What an idiot. RT @libcon: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
Chris Paul
RT @pickledpolitics: What an idiot. RT @libcon: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
David Chiverton
@iaindale I see you've managed to upset Sunny H again. His rant is a masterpiece in unintended irony. http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
Liberal Conspiracy
:: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by sunny hundal, Liberal Conspiracy and topsy_top20k, topsy_top20k_en. topsy_top20k_en said: :: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug […]
Leon Green
RT @pickledpolitics: What an idiot. RT @libcon: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
isaac kurira
RT @libcon: :: Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug
David Chiverton
RT @libcon Iain Dale appoints himself arbitrator of blogs http://bit.ly/6nj9ug <Sunny H really is a pathetic little twat. Simple as that.
Is this the @iaindale that refused to correct a bare faced lie on his blog and hoped people would forget http://bit.ly/6nj9ug apparently so
A reply to Iain Dale | Left Foot Forward
[…] much for “Game, set, match”, I wonder if Iain Dale will even acknowledge his error. Share | Permalink | Leave a comment Click here to cancel […]
Tom Callow
Inconsitency and hypocrisy from Iain Dale? Surely not… http://bit.ly/IainD (h/t @libcon)
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