How not to do schadenfreude
11:49 am - January 8th 2010
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I’ve made a concious effort to stay out of the recent spate of blogspats with Iain Dale, despite the obvious temptation to respond to the bullshit he posted after getting ribbed on Twitter about his inability to cope with a bit of GCSE-level statistics. What I can’t let pass without comment is, however, is this rather snide and ill-considered commentary on the emerging story of Northern Ireland MP, MLA and councillor, Iris Robinson and her husband and Northern Ireland First Minister, Peter Robinson.
To summarise the back story here, shortly before the turn of the new year Iris Robinson announced, somewhat surprisingly, that she would be quitting politics on health grounds, citing long-term health problems including an ongoing ‘battle; with severe depression. It’s since emerged that, in late 2008/early 2009, Robinson had a brief extra-marital affair with a 19 year old man and allegedly used her position as councillor to pull off a couple of dubious-looking looking financial transactions with property developers in order to raise the funds necessary to set her lover up in his own business – a café – only for the relationship to rapidly sour shortly afterwards. Having already allegedly committed several breaches of the councillor’s code of conduct, she then compounded her error by failing to declare any of these transactions on the register of interest at both Stormont and Westminster.
According to BBC Northern Ireland’s flagship ‘Spotlight’ current affairs programme, which has a pretty solid track record of hard-hitting investigative journalism, things came to head last March, at which point her husband, Peter Robinson, became aware of both the affair and his wife’s apparent financial misconduct. At around this time, Iris Robinson disappeared from public life for several months and has now admitted that she attempted to take her own life after her husband was told of her affair.
As for Peter Robinson, its alleged that he too broke the ministerial code of conduct by failing to report his wife’s alleged misconduct to the relevant parliamentary authorities on becoming aware of it, last year, although in mitigation he does appear to have pushed his wife to clean up some of the mess she created by repaying the £50,000 she obtained from a couple of property developers.
Neither of the Robinsons could be considered to be attractive political figures.
Iris, a ‘born-again’ Christian, achieved notoriety after an appearance on a radio show in June 2008 in which she referred to homosexuality as an ‘abomination’ while discussing news story about a homophobic attack on gay man in Belfast, in the course of which she also ‘recommended’ that homosexuals should undergo psychiatric counselling. In a subsequent interview she attempted to defend her comments by denying that she was prejudiced before going on to state that:
“just as a murderer can be redeemed by the blood of Christ, so can a homosexual…. If anyone takes issue, they’re taking issue with the word of God”
Later that same month, while speaking in a Grand Committee session in the Northern Ireland Assembly, she informed her fellow MLA’s that:
“”There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children”.
She later claimed that she’s been misquoted by Hansard and has intended to say that child abuse was worse than homosexuality and sodomy, rather than comparably to it, a claim that Hansard strenuously denied after checking the original audio recording of her remarks.
Her comments attracted widespread condemnation at the time and resulted in a number of complaints to the police, who investigated the matter before deciding not proceed with a prosecution.
Peter, on the other hand, spent many years playing Tweedledum to Iain Paisley’s Tweedledee during the Northern Ireland peace process although, like his predecessor as both leader of the DUP and Northern Ireland First Minister, his stance has softened somewhat on becoming First Minister. He did, however, do himself no favours with his efforts to defend his wife in the shit-storm that followed her comments about homosexuality by telling BBC Northern Ireland’s ‘Hearts and Minds’ programme that:
“It wasn’t Iris Robinson who determined that homosexuality was an abomination, it was the Almighty.
“This is the Scriptures and it is a strange world indeed where somebody on the one hand talks about equality, but won’t allow Christians to have the equality, the right to speak, the right to express their views.”
Having made statements of that kind, which she steadfastly refused to withdraw in the face of protests and general condemnation, its understandable that some have chosen to comment on the hypocrisy evident in her more recent behaviour, with veteran campaigner, Peter Tatchell, striking what seems to me to be the right tone:
Mr Tatchell said it was “terrible that Iris Robinson has been driven to attempted suicide and a mental breakdown”.
“I feel very sorry for her. But it is a great pity that this painful experience has not softened her heart towards the suffering of lesbians and gay men,” he added.
Dale, on the other hand, gets the tone of his own comments spectacularly wrong:
If I were being prurient I could repeat the programme’s assertion that for a woman who railed against the evils of paedophilia, it was odd for her to have a sexual relationship with someone 40 years her junior. But that’s the least of her troubles. At least that isn’t illegal – well, not in the law you and I understand. In Iris Robinson’s Leviticus dominated worldview, adultery is just as much an abomination as homosexuality – and is from a moral standpoint ‘illegal’.
People will now naturally ask how true her confession of mental illness really was. She clearly attempted to kill herself, although we’re not told how near she came or how she tried to do it. That in itself is not proof of mental illness. It could just be a sign of a woman with nowhere else to go once she had been found out.
“If I were being prurient…” ???
For fuck’s sake, if you genuinely think that that particular angle on the story is prurient then why go to the time and trouble of fucking repeating it, not to mention that, as usual, the term ‘paedophilia’ is being used in an entirely inappropriate context.Just exactly how many times does it need to be stressed that paedophilia refers specifically to a sexual attraction toward pre-pubescent children and not adolescents who’ve passed puberty – let alone to a 19 year old adult – before it sinks in that its no more acceptable to use the term when referring to an adult who had an affair with a teenager than it is to imply that a connection can legitimately be made between paedophilia and homosexuality.
Two wrongs don’t make a right – never have done, never will.
As for the comment that ‘People will now naturally ask how true her confession of mental illness really was’, I’m sure that some people will speculate along those line, although there’s nothing natural about it, unless the suggestion is that some people are just naturally a bunch of scumbags. Although it is inevitable that some people will suggest that Robinson is trying to pull an Ernest Saunders in order get out of a sticky situation, there’s no real need to draw attention to that fact let alone do so in way that implies that even if it is absolutely confirmed that Iris Robinson did attempt to take her own life, she might have done so only for rather cynical reasons.
If there is a natural view to take here then its surely the view a suicide attempt is, at the very least, a clear indication that Robinson experienced a severe, if temporary, breakdown of a type that is entirely consistent with her account of having suffered serious bouts of depression for some considerable time before the events of March 2009 took place.
As is invariably the case, the one serious attempt to challenge Dale over his comments…
Jo Anglezarke said…
Are you suggesting she may have faked a suicide attempt? That would be extremely hard, particularly if she ended up in hospital as I understood it from the clip shown on newsnight.
You are well on your way to arguing for the non-existence of mental illness when you say you don’t have to be mentally ill to want to kill yourself – this isn’t surprising given your tory views I suppose. I expect you just think of it as an extension of despair.
I am against homophobia in all its forms but have a lot of sympathy for her situation.
19 is also well over the age of consent which is 16 and doesn’t indicate any paedophilic tendencies at all as he is an adult.
…was met with a typically childish ‘Not me guv’ response from Dale:
Iain Dale…
Jo, with respect that’s a load of crap. You clearly didnt bother to read what I wrote. You read what you thought I had written. I didn’t suggest at all that she had faked a suicide attempt. I dont believe that for one minute.
It was the programme which made the paedophilia comment, not me.
It’s an interesting point as to whether if you try to kill yourself you are automatically classed as mentally ill. I would say not, but I accept that it is arguable.
Dale may not have suggested that Robinson may have faked the suicide attempt but his suggestion that its somehow natural to engage in speculation about the veracity of her statement about her own mental health serves to legitimise speculation of precisely that kind, even if his follow-up comment about whether its right to automatically classify as suicide attempt as an indication of mental illness suggest that he’s speaking – as usual – from his own deep seated ignorance.
It is, in fact, standard practice within psychiatry/psychology to treat a suicide attempt as at least an indication of a temporary breakdown/bout of mental illness unless there are compelling reasons to think otherwise, such an as accidental overdose or, more rarely, a carefully reasoned out attempt at self-euthanasia by an individual with a terminal illness. That’s why anyone who attends a hospital having made an unsuccessful suicide attempt will automatically undergo a psychiatric consultation/evaluation before discharge. Even if the suicide attempt is found have been prompted by a transient episode arising out of severe but temporary period of extreme psychological stress, this is no less a mental health issue than any established long-term condition and may, indeed, prove to be an indication than individual is likely to experience further problems and/or be on the point of developing a substantive disorder.
To suggest otherwise may not amount to an insinuation that mental illness does not exist, as Jo suggests, but its still a deeply irresponsible remark to make and one that, again, encourages others to take just such an extreme, prejudicial and wholly unsubstantiated view of mental illness.
As for ‘It was the programme which made the paedophilia comment, not me”, I’d refer readers to the comment I made a short while ago – just because it was in the programme, it doesn’t automatically follow that you have to make reference to it, especially if you genuinely think that it amounts to ‘prurient’ reporting.
The air of loathing that Dale attracts in some quarters of the blogosphere is something that he routinely passes off to his readers as being either rooted in politics – its just those nassty leftissts again, my precioussssesss – or in envy of his public profile as one of the UK’s most read political bloggers. In truth, its his evident unwillingness to own his mistakes and his habit of bullshitting his readers in order save face when he gets things wrong that pisses off so many established bloggers, including several independently-minded right-wing bloggers whose names I won’t mention here but who I know to be no more enamoured of Dale’s periodic bouts of third-rate hackery than Sunny, Will, Tim Ireland or myself.
While there’s clearly room for schadenfreude in the manner of Iris Robinson’s fall from grace given her repellent views on homosexuality and, as Iain rightly notes, a number of unresolved questions about Peter Robinson’s handling of this situation which could bring down the curtain on his own political career, it doesn’t follow that you have to make a meal of it or that obvious hypocrisy of Robinson’s position cannot be highlight with abandoning the moral high ground in the process.
Peter Tatchell has succeeded in driving home the point while retaining an air of calm dignity and even expressing genuine compassion for those aspects of Iris Robinson’s situation for which she cannot reasonably be blamed, and his rebuke for Robinson’s earlier comment is all the more effective for it. There’s no real reason why Iain could not have done likewise other than his own lack of insight and self-awareness.
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'Unity' is a regular contributor to Liberal Conspiracy. He also blogs at Ministry of Truth.
· Other posts by Unity
Story Filed Under: Blog ,Westminster
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Reader comments
A fine take down but I am loath to read yet another EPIC DALE post, sometimes he gets far too much coverage out of proportion tot he quality of his writing.
So, in short: ‘prurient ‘ wasn’t the mot juste; he should have said ‘inevitably’ instead of ‘naturally’; and mental illness is a serious matter.
Yep…I’ll grant you the trifecta.
But was it really worth the detour via Iverness?
I really think we should all stop giving Dale the attention he craves.
its just those nassty leftissts again, my precioussssesss
To be said in the style of a pantomime dame, a gay Bond villain or an effeminate Hissing Sid?
(Presume you are not likening him to Gollum!!!!).
pagar, you really are pushing this crap a wee bit too far.
Hmm. Slightly thorny one. Mental health problems (been there, and work in MH) are not a joking matter (unless it’s the user making the gags) nor should they be used to denigrtae anyone.
However, and it’s something that gets omitted from much of the anti-stigma work (eg the otherwise laudable Time to Change stuff, though I do object to Mr Campbell being held up as some kind of poster boy for MH users. I don’t want to be associated with that liar.Others could have been given prominence) the corrolary of MH problems potentially hitting any one of us and that users of MH services are no different (bar their MH experience) from the next man/woman (because they are the next man/woman) is that some are despicable,some are laudable, some are wankers,some are saints: just the same as the wider population. Playing the MH card to get you out of a fix is pretty low behaviour,and I’ve seen it happen, but that scenario is definitely not proven for this case. Nonetheless, part of eradicating stigma and discrimination for MH users is for users to take ownership, as it were, of their MH. Thus while MH issues can explain bad behaviour, they can’t be used as an excuse for them.
However, and this is an almighty how-fucking-ever, Dale is way,way off beam in his insinuations here.
She has vile views, yup. She’s been embroiled in dodginess.She has MH problems. The first two do not connect with the last of those statements (merely coincide) and Dale displays discriminatory ignorance.
I totally and utterly agree with Daniel @1 and John Booth @3.
In my humble opinion you’re giving Dale exactly what he’s craving for: attention.
As much as I dislike Dale, go over to CiF (dodgy ground, I know) and read the article by Fionola Meredith. The tone of both above and below the line is remarkably close Dale’s. He’s not alone in this view. Even though his view might be a bit strong on this, I think there’s a lot of left-wing resonance with it.
Coincidentally I just had my own experience of him denying something that I thought he had said.
I didn’t suggest at all that she had faked a suicide attempt. I dont believe that for one minute.
Dale may not have suggested that Robinson may have faked the suicide attempt but his suggestion that its somehow natural to engage in speculation about the veracity of her statement about her own mental health serves to legitimise speculation of precisely that kind, even if his follow-up comment about whether its right to automatically classify as suicide attempt as an indication of mental illness suggest that he’s speaking – as usual – from his own deep seated ignorance.
THANK YOU for highlighting this, it’s an example of one of the more egregious types of intellectual dishonesty. This kind of circumspect “Well *I* don’t believe this, but SOME people might…” way of talking is both deceptive and cowardly. It really reminds me of how Glenn Beck talks, and those familiar with GB will know that’s a very bad thing.
Why are Dale’s comments more worthy of a full response than David Semple’s comments on this site?
For example: ‘I certainly don’t wish Iris Robinson well; I’d happily see the entire DUP dropkicked into the Atlantic Ocean. Indeed were she gay, and not such a vigorous gay-basher, there’d probably be some obscure Free Presbyterian Minister claiming her ill-health was vengeance sent by God.’
You are spending too much time with Sunny if you think Dale is worth this much attention
I once approached Iain Dale about an emotionally fragile if not unstable individual who had already made a recent attempt at suicide (this was confirmed by police). A primary source/focus of this person’s agitation was a series of claims that have only ever seen the light of day on the weblogs of Paul Staines and Iain Dale.
(Basically, it involves repeated claims and implications that I am a Labour activist. Often this includes an implication of corruption, with my being secretly in the pay of Tom Watson, the Labour Party or the government, none of which is true.)
I had to threaten to lobby his advertisers to get it done, but Paul Staines had earlier removed these claims that he had published (that he knew not to be true).
However, objections to similar content/behaviour on the site of Iain Dale – involving claims that he published that he knew not to be true – led to him accusing me of a stalker, and publishing mutliple claims about my being mentally unstable.
Iain Dale did this knowing that at the same time I was being smeared as a paedophile by someone who *was* most likely mentally unstable, *and* that he had just neatly sidestepped an opportunity to do something to stop it.
(If you want to look into this for yourself, try asking Iain Dale why he didn’t call Patrick Mercer directly on my behalf as he agreed to. He will either tell you he did, which I can prove to be a lie, or give an excuse why he didn’t, which I can also prove to be a lie.)
Later, Iain Dale was shown an article by a third party combining his smears with the ‘paedo’ smears. (Iain cannot deny this or claim to have innocently missed an email as he has done so often in the past, because it was also shared with his lawyer.) That article built on his lies and claimed that I had a long history of mental illness and may have smeared myself as a paedophile. Despite knowing this, Dale claimed to be unaware of any link between the two smears, and even expected credit for not going quite so far as to smear me as a paedophile himself.
Iain Dale refused to even discuss removal of the older false claims and the newer claims of mental instability, even when I was threatened with violence by thugs repeating his ‘stalker’ smears.
When I attempted to contact him and warn him of the vulnerable, suicidal person who was visibly agitated by lies that only appeared on his website (i.e. by taking them to be true) he attempted to portray my concern for this man as a potential threat!!
(I have in my possession irrefutable proof of this disgraceful conduct. I guess in a way it was my mistake for begging him to act before someone got hurt; these are words that can easily be taken out of context and Iain Dale plays such games all too often.)
The third party who appears to have been feeding such false claims to the vulnerable/suicidal individual now relies on outright lies published by Iain Dale and Phil Hendren (among others) to attack me directly online, and by manipulating others in to attack me on his behalf. This has led to instances where my home address has been published next to the false claim that I am a ‘mad stalker’ (primary source: Iain Dale, who is aware of all of this)
This third party and the vulnerable/suicidal individual are both former associates of Tory MP Patrick Mercer.
Mercer refuses to speak with me or even discuss/disown the more malicious of his former associates on the grounds that I am an ‘electronic stalker’. Iain Dale is confirmed as the source of this false claim, too. He denies sharing with anyone else, but I have witnesses of Iain Dale attending public meetings in which he heavily implies that I am a stalker.
Repeatedly, Iain Dale has sought to defend some of what he has published ont he basis that it is ‘opinion’, even when he knows it has been interpreted as fact, and passed off as same.
While he is not the primary instigator, none of this extraordinary mess would have been possible without the input of Iain Dale, who still refuses to retract or correct the lies he has published about me on his website (often as anonymous comments, as if this affords him any plausible deniability).
He is a liar and a scoundrel who has knowingly exploited and enabled an ongoing smear campaign against me for personal/political gain.
Wow. Long comment. Sorry.
Summary: Iain Dale is a liar who doesn’t care who he hurts on his journey lickety-split up the ziggurat. He’ll even knowingly exploit a suicidal person if it suits him, and I can prove it.
I’d say you had a fair point, Shatterface, except that a) Dale seems to be widely considered a respectable source of commentary for the MSM, I’m not; b) I never challenged or repeated the meme which challenged the veracity of Robison’s mental health diagnosis and c) as a liberal, who doesn’t give a stuff about such things, I didn’t bother talking about my own or anyone else’s “prurient” views on the nature of her affair.
I’m sure that some people will speculate along those line, although there’s nothing natural about it, unless the suggestion is that some people are just naturally a bunch of scumbags.
I dont consider myself a scumbag, but my natural reaction to this was that she may be lying or over-exaggerating her mental illness and depression in order to elicit sympathy.
Mainly this was due to the fact that she has proved herself a liar and a cheat. Surely this is a natural assumption? Or are differing opinions to your own the unnatural thing?
Yeah – thanks for the link – and skewing my words out of all context…just what I’d expect from Liberal Conspiracy!
Sorry that was a bit harsh – thanks for defending me anyway!
Hmm, slightly confused Jo…where have you been taken out of context, were you actually in agreement with Dale despite appearances?
Nothing that follows your quote, which is reproduced verbatim but for the omission of the specific segment of Dale’s post you cited, is intended to impute any particular meaning to your remarks.
What I’ve responded to is Dale’s article and his attempt to blow off your comment without addressing any of the points you raised.
I’m still angry that Iain cast obvious dispersions on her suicide attempt by wanting proof and further information about the attempt. That was mainly what got my back up. Everyone is entitled to sympathy and privacy as a human being even if they spout vile views. If Iain had been taken to hospital after a suicide attempt I would respect his privacy and not write a blog post wanting to know more information about whether he took pills or gassed himself and implying he wasn’t really unwell or emotionally ill.
Slightly off-topic (but in a strange way not….), the Guardian is saying Rod Liddle is set to become editor of the Independent.
Yes, I know that sounds ridiculous, but its the MediaGuardian team saying so – and they are quite often ahead of the pack.
Dale……… “You clearly didnt bother to read what I wrote. You read what you thought I had written. ”
Everything you ever wanted to know about Dale is in that one sentence.
As for the issue, I think we should just let them get on with it. Neither Dale or Robinson are worth defending. Robinson is another fake, right wing, come to JAYSUS piece of trash, and the other is a gay man who spends his life carrying water for a party full of people who hate him for what he is.
Waste of space the both of them.
Wow! Man complains who lies about someone complains that that someone publishes lies about them but refuse to tell that someone that lies have been published about him because he won’t engage with that person because they published lies about him.
Obviously that should have said:
“Wow! Man who lies about someone complains that that someone publishes lies about him, but refuses to tell that someone what lies have been published about him because he won’t engage with that someone because they published lies about him.”
Fat fingers, didn’t proof read until after hitting submit. Still… at least I wasn’t lying like some do.
dizzythinks (Phil Hendren):
I haven’t lied about anyone or anything, if that’s what you’re implying. And not only am I telling the truth, but I can prove everything I claim here.
(I do not burden other webmasters with libel. It is not polite.)
You continue to host a claim that you accept to be untrue, by the way, and it’s been repeated by the third party I mention here as part of his ‘case’. You’ve refused to so much as look at the details, and I can prove that too.
You’re comparing Ian Dale’s response with Peter Tatchell’s for what reason?
“You’re comparing Ian Dale’s response with Peter Tatchell’s for what reason?”
To show what a tit Dale is. NEXT
You think that’s the reason do you? Many people must have given provided more sympathetic coverage than Dale. Why was Peter Tatchell’s response compare, specifically, do you think?
You’re comparing Ian Dale’s response with Peter Tatchell’s for what reason?
Because both have commented on the same story, albeit in a very different manner.
Unity, many people have commented on the same story. Why choose Tatchell particularly?
Ask the BBC – that’s where his comments were taken from.
I know perfectly well what you’re trying to insinuate here – don’t bother.
Why choose Tatchell particularly?
Sir Ian McKellen wasn’t available.
@Phil Hall – very good.
I wonder what Christopher Biggins has to say on the subject
While the brain injury that virtually forced Peter Tatchell out of politics cannot be directly attributed to Iris Robinson I must admit I found his comments about HER ill-health vaguely ironic.
Now I’m not suggesting that civil rights activists like PT should do a Dale and start rejoicing at Robinson’s reported psychiatric problems, and apparent suicide attempt, but somebody, somewhere will suffer (again) because certain religious zealots continue to obsess about whose body part is inserted into which orifice.
Maybe PT is such a deeply empathic person that he is able forgive his tormentors even though he has personally suffered at the end of a long dysfunctional chain forged by the likes of Robinson and her ilk?
I don’t believe Robinson tried to commit suicide anyway. If she is such a devout Christian she should know that suicide is a big no, no for the bible bashers.
Sounds overly dramatic to me, and designed to garner the sympathy vote from the hicks. These people are snake oil salesman and bullshitting is what they do.
Have we heard from Alan Carr yet?
‘do a Dale and start rejoicing at Robinson’s reported psychiatric problems’
He didn’t. On the other hand, LibCon did celebrate Rush’s reported heart attack. That was the point, and is the point of this piece by Unity.
[38] Well, according to Dale,
“People will now naturally ask how true her confession of mental illness really was. She clearly attempted to kill herself, although we’re not told how near she came or how she tried to do it. That in itself is not proof of mental illness. It could just be a sign of a woman with nowhere else to go once she had been found out”.
‘A woman with nowhere to go’, eh, armchair diagnosis at full throttle, surely?
And from a non-clinician to boot (he makes psychiatry sound so very easy).
Dale doesn’t actually say that Robinson is playing ‘the mental health card’ but then again he doesn’t state (unequivocally) that she is a paedo either, but it is hard to deny that there is not a gloating tone, overall, to his analysis?
@the a&e charge nurse
So you lied then.
[40] ‘So you lied then’ …….. sorry, you’ve lost me?
Lost you, the a&e charge nurse? Not surprised. Here we go for the hard of thinking then:
In 35 you say:
I’m not suggesting that civil rights activists like PT should do a Dale and start rejoicing at Robinson’s reported psychiatric problems, and apparent suicide attemp
which implies, and only makes sense if, Dale did in fact rejoice at a suicide attempt and psychatric problems.
Then, in 39 you quote Dale. He doesn’t say anything to leave anyone with a couple of brain cells and a shred of honesty the remotest impression he ‘rejoiced’ and psychiatric problems or a suicide attempt.
So you lied. Easy.
[42] there is a certain triumphalism in Dale’s words after insinuating that not only did Robinson play ‘the mental health card’, but even exhibited a diluted form of paedophilia once events in her personal life began to unravel so dramatically.
It is hardly surprising that one or two have concluded that Dale is rather satisfied that a politician with repellent views on homosexuality has got her comeuppance (if we view the episode through Dale-tinted glasses).
Now, only somebody incapable of grasping the nuances of Dale’s comments would make the leap to claiming that somebody is ‘lying’ for suggesting he is, in fact, gloating over Robinson’s discomfiture.
Or what else do you call it when Dale opines, “people will now naturally ask how true her confession of mental illness really was”.
And, “it was odd for her to have a sexual relationship with someone 40 years her junior”.
Where is the lie exactly?
‘Where is the lie exactly’
You saidf he rejoiced at a suicide attempt. That’s a lie.
[44] so Dale was deeply upset at Robinson’s fall, eh?
Incidentally do you know what schadenfreude means?
Phil S, your desperation to fight Dale’s corner and insidious little comments are getting pretty tedious; your protestations carry no weight here, neither do your paper thin strawman arguments.
I don’t think Dale needs me to fight his corner. I was just correcting the a&e charge nurse who, I see, has accepted my charge of lying.
How about Sir Elton, Unity? Have you canvassed his opinion yet?
Phil: first off your dragging out of gay stereotypes is tedious, second off I can’t see where the a&e nurse has done such a thing.
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill – I think you might need an irony top-up. Unity’s choice of Tatchell’s words with which to berate Dale had laready done the job.
No, I think you need to stop confusing your interpretation of Unity’s post with anything like fact.
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill thanks you’re so right.
See? Irony again. Did you get it this time?
Incidentally, Daniel Hoffmann-Gill, what stereotypes have I dragged out? Do tell, I’m all ears.
Actually Daniel Hoffmann-Gill, I just read your profile on your blog and I see that you do indeed have an irony blindness problem.
Three comments to say so little? What is it? This awful missives come to you in tiny bursts.
Phil, your trolling of this thread with tedious stereotypes and a delusional sense that your opinion is fact speaks volumes about you, as does your need to pass judgement on my blogger profile.
Best if you get lost now, you’re showing yourself up.
What stereotypes Daniel Hoffmann-Gill? Do you think that naming well-known gay men is somehow stereotyping them more than Unity’s peculiar decision to compare Dale with Tatchell?
your need to pass judgement on my blogger profile
I didn’t need but I found it funny. Shouldn’t I have found it funny?
Stereotypes as in the long list of gay men you keep mentioning and in response to your question the answer is no, the use of Tatchell by Unity was in the correct context in my opinion and was not stereotyping.
You are going to have to accept that opinions different to yours are more than acceptable.
As for your interest in me and my profile, I’m touched you are living vicariously through me, keep going old bean.
Stereotypes as in the long list of gay men
That’s a long list of gay men. You do know what a stereotype,/em> is, do you?
the use of Tatchell by Unity was in the correct context
What, Dale and Tatchell are both gay? Oh that’s a good reason.
old bean
I bet all those disadvantaged people you help must be so grateful they barely hv a forelock left to tug. Pip, pip!
Good grief Phil, you do protest too much don’t you in the desperate defence on your idea, which you are free to hold but once again you fail to realise that not everyone has to agree with it and, god forbid, people can find you and your idea ridiculous.
For your first ‘point’, your tedious spamming of the thread with a variety of gay men’s names was and is tedious and has an air of homophobia about it, esp. the ‘point’ you are trying, weakly to make so thus having to overreach and over assert yourself.
And yes more, than aware of what a stereotype is, you are dragging those out.
Second ‘point’, I see you are struggling with the thought of someone disagreeing with you, so you have to push your limited ideas again, as if you are forgetting that myself and others do not agree with you personal take on this post at all.
That is allowed, you do know that don’t you?
As for my use of the word ‘old bean’, (I find it odd the terrible lengths you are going to to try and attack me, you really are scraping the barrel) it was a replacement for a far more suitable word I could have used to describe you but best not to sink to that level, you moron.
As for disadvantaged young people, how thick are you to pass a silly judgment on the use of one phrase and think that somehow reflects an entire human? Idiot that you are, you fit the type of EPIC DALE’S fan base quite nicely with this trite.
Come back to me when you’re not hiding behind an anonymous profile and when you’ve actually perhaps spend well over 13 years working with hard to help young people you tit.
I think it’s worth observing that Iain Dale would, for a number of reasons, look quite ridiculous if he turned up here throwing similar accusations of homophobia about himself. Also, Iain would be more accountable for that action than, say, someone whose identity and reputation ends with a name used in this thread/site.
It would also be damaging to his image were he to play any man this obviously while accusing them of ignoring the ball.
Iain is fortunate in a way that he can rely on anonymous comments that do this for him so often, but there is a limit to their credibility, and little point to convincing the person behind them of anything; chances are they don’t really believe what they are claiming/implying and/or are unwilling to stake their own reputation on it.
[I'm happy to point out to those who are OUTRAGED by certain IMPLICATIONS that Iain Dale has repeatedly denied making anonymous/sock-puppet comments himself. He just makes a regular habit of ducking behind them on his own damn site when it suits him, allowing their authors to wander freely/unchecked on his site (when they're on his side; Iain will often make accusations of 'leftist' puppetry, but has never produced any evidence to back it). This behaviour creates a welcoming atmosphere for the type of comment contributor that most bloggers shun, but the frequency of similar support Iain enjoys off-site is merely a happy by-product, I'm sure. Incidentally, Iain also denies secretly briefing sock-puppeting supporters about issues/people he is having difficulty with, but this turned out to be a bit of a fib... or maybe he just surrendered to temptation just the one time he got caught.]
Phil S: If Iain Dale has an issue with what has been published here, he is perfectly capable of speaking for himself, and is probably the only person who can push/labour the point to any extent with any justification or credibility. Right now you appear to have arrived at a place beyond reaching to make your point, where you are reaching for justification for personal attacks in defence of your point (clearly indicating that you are well past the point where you can hope to make your point). All you are doing now is adding to the impression that Iain Dale is far too reliant on flawed interventions from anonymous people.
Is anyone up for a betting pool on how many comments are required on a LibCon thread about hypocrisy (conflict between personal conduct and professed political views) before the debate descends into idiocy?
On the other Iris Robinson thread, we conducted ourselves very well for a while, and tolerably for most of it. The descent rate on this thread would have benefited from a moderating parachute.
Thanks for your advice Tim. I’ll ignore it and hope you don’t feel too hurt – sorry if that took you a long time to write. We all know about your history with Dale so I’m sure you’ll understand if I scoff gently and skip on.
Here’s the issue: Unity writing for LibCon unconvincingly tried to claim Dale had revelled in another’s illness only because LibCon had been called out for doing that by Dale.
In the case of LibCon, of course, it really did happen. In the example of Dale, it didn’t.
And I thought it quite remarkable that Unity thinks the best way of indicating what Dale should have said is by quoting Tatchell. And the only reason Tatchell was used is because he’s gay.
As for Daniel Double-Barrel…well, he’s just sad. Read his writing? It’s terrible.
You are right of course, their is a limit to the credibility of anonymous commenters and also a limit to engaging them and it is odd the lengths the defender of Iain is going to.
You claim the issue to be as follows:
“Unity writing for LibCon unconvincingly tried to claim Dale had revelled in another’s illness only because LibCon had been called out for doing that by Dale.”
That may be your opinion, but without any kind of reputation to back your opinion (on anything), you rely entirely on the case you make in between off-topic attacks on critics. This is not helped when (like Dale) you repeatedly attempt to pass off your opinion as fact.
Go ahead and keep it up if you like, but I doubt you’ll be able to push it much further on any site (bar Dale’s) and most people will be filing your efforts under ‘yet another nasty sock puppet fighting Dale’s corner’ anyway.
For a start, if I was a gay man
You aren’t? Next best thing I bet.
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:: How not to do schadenfreude
Great post from @libcon showing just what a nasty little stain @iaindale really is:
Karen Hanna Kruzycka
RT @libcon: How not to do schadenfreude // @iaindale acting like an ignorant bully.
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He did, however, do himself no favours with his efforts to defend his wife in the shit-storm that followed… #do
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RT @unslugged Great post from @libcon showing just what a nasty little stain @iaindale really is:
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David Jones
@libcon The Iris Robinson story is really all about … Ian Dale or course.
David Jones
Why does @libcon compare Ian Dale with Peter Tatchell. What's the connection there? Oh, hold on…
David Jones
@libcon The Iris Robinson story is really all about … Ian Dale of course.
David Jones
Why does @libcon talk compare Ian Dale with Peter Tatchell. What's the connection there? Oh, hold on…
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Every way you look at it you lose « Splintered Sunrise
[...] Beeb; and on the blogs, from Garibaldy, Jenny, Chekov, Jamie (I like the Tennessee Williams theme), Unity and Red [...]
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RT @libcon How not to do schadenfreude
[...] Beeb; and on the blogs, from Garibaldy, Jenny, Chekov, Jamie (I like the Tennessee Williams theme), Unity and Red [...]
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