One of Labour’s thousands of grassroots warriors
11:59 am - April 25th 2011
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I have had a gloriously chilled Easter. I haven’t written a blog post, haven’t answered any last minute calls for radio interviews or freelance articles.
I have done no less than frolic. I have taken my children to make beautiful, magical, childhood dreams. Splashing in swimming pools and running through fountains that sparkle in the rare Easter sunshine. I only had one job that was too urgent to leave.
3,500 “Vote Tactically, Vote Labour” leaflets were sulking in the boot of my car, mocking me. With time getting short before the local elections, they needed counting into street sized bundles, boundaries needed to be drawn for delivery, volunteers needed contacting with a little extra Easter shmooze.
So it was, that yesterday morning, I found myself penned into the front room by Google maps, teetering piles of leaflets, the floor re-carpeted with red roses and highlighting pens.
It took HOURS!!
Way longer than I’d planned for. It actually takes quite a while to count to 3,500 – repeatedly. Longer still to decide how to divide 3,500 leaflets between my 12 helpers so that each would have just enough leaflets to deliver through just enough doors.
People often ask how I find time to write my blog. Well, I tippety-tap away while the kids build camps and climb on each other, in between phone calls, spilt drinks, preparing tea and emptying potties.
I spend much more time on Labour activism. No-one ever thanks me, we never win a seat on the council, I certainly don’t get paid for my time.
No, I beaver away, year after year, folding my Labour principles into every leaflet, totally disconnected from the party I choose to support, blindly carrying out my role in a vacuum.
There are thousands like me. 10s of thousands, all donating a little sliver of their 4 day weekend to fold and count and bundle and deliver and doorknock.
It won’t have gone un-noticed that I’m a teeny bit cross about Labour’s stance on welfare reform. I’m not very keen on ESA you see. I spend all day every day, trying to make my party change it’s mind on how they treat the sick and disabled.
Then, exercising the most extraordinary cognitive dissonance, I give up that same time to support the same party in it’s quest for re-election.
I do it on faith. I do it because something deep inside me will always believe that “by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone”. I do it in the daily hope that they will remember the part that says we aim to “live together freely in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.”
Without me, and the thousands of stuffers and folders and deliverers and canvassers, there is no Labour Party.
We stuff and fold and deliver and canvass because no matter what our Party gets wrong, we still know that it is infinitely better than this coalition. When the next local or general elections lumber into view, I hope I can say a little more than that.
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Sue is a regular contributor to Liberal Conspiracy. She blogs on Diary of a Benefits Scounger and tweets from here.
· Other posts by Sue Marsh
Story Filed Under: Blog ,Labour party ,Westminster
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Reader comments
‘I spend much more time on Labour activism. No-one ever thanks me, we never win a seat on the council, I certainly don’t get paid for my time.
No, I beaver away, year after year, folding my Labour principles into every leaflet, totally disconnected from the party I choose to support, blindly carrying out my role in a vacuum.
There are thousands like me. 10s of thousands, all donating a little sliver of their 4 day weekend to fold and count and bundle and deliver and doorknock.’
Well don’t feel down, its thanks to the unpaid work of you and all the other little people that the important members of your party can hold their lucrative council and parliamentary seats, with their generous salaries, expense accounts, second homes and gold plated pensions, not to mention the contacts that will give them well paid directorships with oil companies and arms dealers.
Whats more its enabled Labour to pursue wonderful progressive policies like starting wars in Iraq and Afghanstan; sucking up to dictators, introducing tution fees; raising tution fees; doubling income tax for the lowest earners whilst helping the wealthiest people in society to become far richer and avoid payng tax; allowing the bankers to inflate a property buble which prevents ordinary working people from buying a home while paying themselves huge bonuses; privitising the NHS (Foundation Hospitals) and schools (Academies and faith schools) by the back door; undermined working class jobs and communities and deflecting the blame onto immigrants and refugees etc.
Now stop blogging and GET BACK TO WORK!
Oh dear, I already regret the tone of my last post,
Deep down I’m a bit of a bleeding heart pinko lefty. I’m also a former put upon party activist (not Labour one of the other liberal left parties) who got disillusioned about how the prof politicians behaved once they got elected. Now like an ex-smoker of the political world I get annoyed by the way well meaning party activists get taken advantage off.
I dont, however, retract any of my criticisms of how Labour have behaved since 1997.
“starting war in Afghanstan”
Er…no….A certain guy called Bin Ladin and his Islamic shitpipe doctrines and a small event called 9/11 started that.
TRUE…We should never have stayed there or be there now, because we should have just levelled the medieval shithole and then left with warnings of more to come if any more Muslim nutter training camps pop.
But you ‘liberals’ would never have allowed that…That’s why we’re stuck there building their fucking schools!
So really it’s you and your liberal, softly softly shit that means we’re still in Afghanistan instead of just leaving it a smoking hole.
Then we should have dome the same to Pakistan and Saudi right after.
Oh yeah…The Labour Party. The party that fucked this country for generations and turned it into the garbage can for any rusty ex-Soviet spiv, 3rd world barbarian or Islamic freakt who wants to come here and breed all over us.
Well done…keep on posting those leaflets. What a great job you do.
Of couse you know who funded and trained the mujahadeen in the 1980s, when radical Islam became more militarised, don’t you? Clue: it wasn’t anyone on the liberal left.
@4 I’m sorry Mr S. Pill but that post wasn’t quite offensive enough toward the cuntychops poster @3, since he was after all asking why we didn’t just wholesale slaughter the entire population of a nation, and then 2 more nations after that for good measure.
@3 Please fuck off you unrelenting bellend.
[3] “we should have just levelled the medieval shithole and then left with warnings of more to come” – oh, how exciting, can you share more of your ideas about how we should be conducting our international and diplomatic relations?
I mean will nukes be involved, or will it just be satellite guided drones inflicting the damage – is there any chance of sending a quick note so that the innocent ones can evacuate their homes before they are bombed out of existence?
@ 3
Light blue touch paper and retire…
Don’t feed the Trolls (they breed)
I sympathise but I fear it’s in the sense that I’d sympathise with Sisyphus…
Thank you!
I’ve recently made the step from whinging inactive membership fee payer to door knocker and leafleter.
I have some hope for the refounding Labour / partnership into power processes that are going on, and really hope that you take some time to give your thoughts on that.
But only after the 5th.
Keep it up, comrade.
I have a friend who is a Lib Dem activist, my sister in law is a lifelong Conservative activist. Both do the same, knocking on doors, delivering leaflets. Time, energy, and committment. The grassroots of our parties give me hope. It’s a shame party leaderships treat them with such contempt. I hope one day the work pays off.
Lovely article. So many of us identify totally with it.
The only bit that was disappointing was the bit where you said no-one ever thanked you. I’m sorry that’s your experience, that sucks, although you know what you’ve done & so do more people than you think. But it’s not universal. I know Organisers and MPs who make a concerted effort to thank everyone (which in itself is a thankless task – you wouldn’t believe how long it took to write literally hundreds of individualised thank you letters after the GE to people who helped out in some way in the area I organised).
“”Of couse you know who funded and trained the mujahadeen in the 1980s, when radical Islam became more militarised, don’t you? Clue: it wasn’t anyone on the liberal left.”””
True. But I have not got a time machine so all I care about is NOW and the FUTURE. Not the past.
And if it wasn’t because of America having to fight the stinking, mass murdering, conquering, make The Nazis look like boy scouts, commie Soviet scumbags they would have not funded the Mujahadeen.
Who were very thankful at the time I might add, but then (because of the Islamic schemers they are) turned around and raped their country and stabbed America in the back.
I guess they learnt a lot of morals from your crazed Soviet chums, my little commie.
And there is nothing Liberal about the Left, or indeed so called Liberals…not since you all jumped into bed with Islam.
Which you made lots of room for when your lousy Labour traitors allowed Islam to flood into the country resulting in a 21st century Western UK that in many places stinks like a barbaric, medieval, fundamentalist Islamic state.
Hooray for leaflets.
Nurse! The screens! We’ve got a live one…
I think you’re right when you say:
“Without me, and the thousands of stuffers and folders and deliverers and canvassers, there is no Labour Party.”
Given that, you must realise that you are prolonging the existence of a party that you don’t really like:
“It won’t have gone un-noticed that I’m a teeny bit cross about Labour’s stance on welfare reform. I’m not very keen on ESA you see. I spend all day every day, trying to make my party change it’s mind on how they treat the sick and disabled.”
And I’m sure there are plenty of other Labour policies you disapprove of, from the Blair and Brown eras.
So, why do you do it? If everyone like you stopped doing it, don’t you think there might be some chance of getting someone a bit better than just another Blair? If you all supported a party that you actually liked…?
Is it really all a matter of “the alternative is worse” / “the wrong lizard might get in”? Is that really all that motivates you?
“We stuff and fold and deliver and canvass because no matter what our Party gets wrong, we still know that it is infinitely better than this coalition.”
For values of “infinity” close to 1.0, you’re surely right. But we have another Blair now. In fact we have two. Their names are Cameron and Clegg and they’re New Labour to the core. They are that way because New Labour policies are the only game in town, and that situation is a direct consequence of the fact that Labour activists support Labour no matter what Labour actually does. In fact Labour can behave badly for more than a decade and activists will still say that they are “infinitely better”.
Isn’t there some other party better suited to you? One that might actually deserve your efforts?
Mr S Pill
Of couse you know who funded and trained the mujahadeen in the 1980s, when radical Islam became more militarised, don’t you? Clue: it wasn’t anyone on the liberal left.
No, it was the Saudis.
The UK meanwhile backed Ahmad Shah Masoud, who was NOT a radical Islamist, but a Sufi mystic type who believed in human (including women’s) rights.
@ 3
“So really it’s you and your liberal, softly softly shit that means we’re still in Afghanistan instead of just leaving it a smoking hole.”
Preventing national-level genocide? For shame, liberals!
@ OP
“……. I spend much more time on Labour activism. No-one ever thanks me, we never win a seat on the council, I certainly don’t get paid for my time. ”
It hasn’t perhaps dawned on you that some of your energy might be well spent convincing the Labour party to support PR….? That way your vote, and those of others you are canvassing, might actually mean something.
Just a thought of course…….
You Lefty pseudo-liberals and your Muslims chums make me laugh.
You seem to ignore the fact that when it comes to ‘get foreign troops out of Afghanistan’ you must mean the MAJORITY of FOREIGN troops fighting for The Taliban!
Most of the Taliban is made up of Iranians, Libyans, Iraqi’s, Pakistani’s and Western Muslims (many traitors from Britain). NOT Afghans.
And the fact pointed out above is just that.
JUST like in Pakistan it is FOREIGN influence from Saudi that turned Afghanistan into the putrid medieval/gay killing/convert killing/woman killing/girl mutilating shit-hole we know and love.
Just like in Pakistan (and indeed in many areas of Britain, including almost all major centres of learning in the UK) it is a FOREIGN version of Islam spread by Saudi Arab Muslims (just like in Africa of course, after all it was ARABS that invaded Africa and sold Africans to Western countries as slaves!!) that has seen that country turn into yet another medieval Islamic crap-hole.
So when you idiots go on about foreign troops and evil foreign influence…I guess you should be on about Arabs. Saudi’s. and Pakistani’s.
But of course you’re not..
Just like the irony missing Muslims who live and dwell in the non-Islamic UK but who spout on about the infidel in ‘Muslim Lands’…you fail to see the other side. The hard facts. The sheer hypocrisy.
The Infidel will happily remove it’s few thousands ‘crusaders’ from ‘Muslim Lands’ (again an insult to all the non-Muslims who live in these lands you lot ignore) if the crusading Muslims remove the tens of MILLIONS of imbedded Muslims already in ‘Infidel Lands’. Fair? Yes? I mean if we are going down this road!.
But no.
Too many Muslims, like to many so called Liberals, are happy to spit in your face while telling YOU how unreasonable you’re being about it!
And nothing and no one pushed this and helped this more than the last Labour Governments.
And we are still seeing the stoppers put on doing something about the influx and influence of Islam (that time and time again the majority of fed up, insulted, threatened, murdered in their own country, Brits – of various colours – want to see curbed) by the poisonous influence of the terrorist appeasing Liberal Democrats.
I’m pretty sure I’m not a “psuedo” anything…. but given the half-baked, politically ignorant dross that drips from your poisonous pen I wouldn’t hold my breath that you’d be able to identify a coherent argument if it bit you in the arse, let alone that you’d be able to distinguish if it was “pseudo” or not.
The only surprising thing is that the mods don’t delete your fatuous, knowledge-free hate speak as soon as it is posted… unless they value it for it’s comedy value?
There is a difference between making statements of fact about issues which anyone can reasearch and agree with, and inferring from those facts hysterical fantasies that our culture is in imminent danger, or whatever crypto-EDL newspeak you feel like vomiting up in lieu of you know, actual analysis.
Perhaps if you paused to wipe away the spittle and carpet fragments that have flown into your eyes, you might be able to see more clearly….. altho’ we won’t be holding our breath.
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Liberal Conspiracy
One of Labour's thousands of grassroots warriors
diana smith
RT @libcon: One of Labour's thousands of grassroots warriors
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