It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
8:45 am - July 29th 2011
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It was inevitable, but now the figures are out: Cameron has cut the NHS.
The Financial Times reported yesterday:
David Cameron has been accused of breaking his most significant pre-election promise, after it emerged spending on the NHS, after inflation, fell last year.
Treasury figures show the NHS spent £102bn from April 2010-April 2011, almost all of which took place when the coalition took power. This marked a £750m real-term fall from the previous year, something Mr Cameron repeatedly promised would not happen.
The coalition agreement promises: “We will guarantee that health spending increases in real terms in each year of the parliament.”
John Healey, Labour’s shadow health secretary, said: “David Cameron has broken his NHS pledge. He put up posters pledging to cut the deficit, not the NHS, but we see now that the Tory-led government has already cut spending on the NHS in its first year.”
On the other hand the Conservative government is borrowing even more than the previous Labour government:
“A fall in tax receipts got the new fiscal year off to a disappointing start with public sector net borrowing hitting £7.7bn compared with £5.3bn in April last year.”
Remember that poster: I’ll cut the deficit not the NHS.
Well he got it the wrong way round, in practice he cut the NHS and raised the deficit.
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Richard is a regular contributor. He blogs more frequently at Conservative Policies Dissected.
· Other posts by Richard Blogger
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Reader comments
Oh, don’t worry. Once there’s more private sector involvement in the NHS, spending will rocket.
Ah, but the excuse is Labour planned these cuts so Cameron’s broken promise is Gordon Brown’s fault. It’s not like Cameron has had any levers to keep his promise is it?
Cameron wants the prestige of being PM but clearly he just isn’t actually up to doing the job of PM.
What politician ever sticks to what they promise, give with one hand take foretold with the other there all the same never keeping to there promises its all a hype to get our votes well I have to say if the green run Brighton council dose well in there time of office here ill be voting GREEN come the next election so down with Cameron and his endless dead-end promises.
#2 Sevillista
Ah, but the excuse is Labour planned these cuts so Cameron’s broken promise is Gordon Brown’s fault. It’s not like Cameron has had any levers to keep his promise is it?
The FT article says that Labour would have spend £150m more in total (OK, that’s not much). But significantly, there would not have been the scandalous cost of the re-organisation that is not needed (neither would we have had the disruption that this re-org is causing). And remember that Labour’s plans were for two years, so in 2013/14 they could have changed their policy, Osborne’s funding is fixed in stone for every year until the next election.
Simply put: even under Labour’s “efficiency savings” we would have been better off.
We are seeing extensive rationing now. If it is this bad in year one with a 4% “saving”, remember that year two will require another 4% “saving”, year three will require another 4% “saving” and year four will require another 4% “saving”. Frankly if it is this bad now, by 2014/15 the NHS will be virtually destroyed. Cameron will rue the day that he put the incompetent Lansley in control.
And let’s not forget he invoked his dead disabled son to reassure people he could be trusted on the NHS.
David Cameron the personification of depravity.
I was suspicious of the Conservative briefing on this, but I thought it a weak excuse even if true.
What Labour planned is irrelevant – Cameron promised no real cuts. Labour planned to do lots of things that the new Government have jettisoned – Cameron could, for example, not cut Corporation Tax and kept his promise.
Cameron didn’t cut the NHS. Neither did Osborne. Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown did.
2010/2011 spending was fixed in Labour’s final budget.
The Coalition will increase it in every year until the next election.
Labour would have cut NHS spending further.
And right on cue @flowerpower shows up to claim that Cameron breaking his promise does not count as Gordon Brown prevented him from doing so.
If only the Prime Minister of the UK had some way of increasing health spending and keeping his pre-election promise….
Cameron lied from the moment he said he supported the NHS with his disabled child in his arms, knowing full well that he was going to hand Health over to Lansley, whos wife as an interest in the sell off of the NHS.
Noting in the manifesto that he was going to privatise the NHS, because he would have lost more votes had he been honest.
David Cameron and company told monumental lies during the electoral campaign because they promised to financially ring fence the National Health Service and protect it.
Cameron and company in fact had a secret agenda to break up and privatise the NHS and reward their financial backers and associates. They lied to the entire nation and insulted everyones intelligence so should be punished for it.
David Cameron and company are Evil, Deceitful liars that are hell bent on inflicting misery upon the lower classes and they appear to be arrogantly enjoying the thought of making us suffer in the not to distant future.
This is a Coalition of Evil that is running this country !
If Cameron did promise no cuts in the NHS then he is a fool since he knew that Alistair was cutting expenditure in the NHS and the figure is about right..( I was told 10% in 2009 for 2010-11 off the bugeted figure) by a Trust Chair)
GGO has added to all A’s cuts for 2011-12 and will implement them faster (2014-5 instead of 2016-17) hence the collapse in confidence. As with GJB, he is now talking growth (where?)
You will note that the policy to dispose of the old continues (generational war, cataracts, hips, knees, devolving budgets to gate keeping GPs who will be very cost sensitive and won’t want ‘expensive. patients, work house type care homes,and of course voluntary euthanasia.
I am keeping my PHI going
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Liberal Conspiracy
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
perryn biggs
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Gemma Handford
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Debra Broughton
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Nicola Chan
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
David Isaacs
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Andrew M Cavanagh
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
David Davies
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise ~
Turns out David Cameron has broken his NHS election pledge. That suprises me. It really does.Tories cut NHS. Who knew?
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Jane Phillips
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
False Economy
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
James Mills
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Joanna Coates
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
VirtualResistance It's official: Cameron has broken his #NHS election promise #nochangetherethen
Rhiannon Sawyer
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
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It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy –
Bob Irving
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Mr W.H.
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy < Tell us something we didn't know.
Joanna Coates
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Joanna Coates
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon #savethenhs #saveournhs
pete brookes
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Paul Crowley
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
Deirdre Henderson
There goes the good ship HMS NHS……
Dr. David Briggs
Turns out David Cameron has broken his NHS election pledge. That suprises me. It really does.Tories cut NHS. Who knew?
Natacha Kennedy
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Phil Porter
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Aaron Chandra
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Matt Jones
"Well he got it the wrong way round, in practice he cut the NHS and raised the deficit." –
Bill Perrett
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Neil O'Connell
Turns out David Cameron has broken his NHS election pledge. That suprises me. It really does.Tories cut NHS. Who knew?
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
Charlotte Richardson
S'official: Cameron has broken his election promise on #NHS – is spending less and borrowing more:
Graham Jeffery
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
Mark Turner
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
bob woods
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
Ian Rennie
Turns out David Cameron has broken his NHS election pledge. That suprises me. It really does.Tories cut NHS. Who knew?
Mary Hallam
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Anti-Cuts Alliance
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
The Sweet Nothings
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Zack Wilson
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Bradley Colmans
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
dolly daydream
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Jason Kitcat
As NHS spending falls & gov borrowing goes up, Cameron pledges are broken
As NHS spending falls & gov borrowing goes up, Cameron pledges are broken
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Matthew Bourgeois
#Cameron HAS cut the #NHS & is borrowing more money than labour. What happened to 'I'll cut the #deficit not the NHS'
Benjamin M. A'Lee
Cameron promised to cut deficit, not NHS; in practice: cut NHS, raised deficit. GO TORIES GO.
Paul Jakma
Pre-election Cameron: "I'll cut the deficit, not the NHS". The reality? Other way around. (LibCon):
Brian Moylan
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #nhs #cuts #nhsreform #topdownreorganisation
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Louise Sutcliffe
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Louise Sutcliffe
It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
Graham Armstrong
Raise your hand if you're surprised. RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Guy Manchester
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise:
Matt Tancock
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise via @libcon –> *shocked*
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Tony Wright
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise
Mr Porky Pies. Bullshitting the masses since… Acht he's a Tory.
Lisa Egan
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Good piece from @richardblogger on how Cameron's policies are.increasing the deficit and cutting the NHS >>>
Juan Voet
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Juan Voet
“@FalseEcon: RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy” never trust a Tory!
matthew naylor
RT @FalseEcon RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Natacha Kennedy
“@FalseEcon: RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy” never trust a Tory!
| Romantic Robot
[...] you voted Tory I hope you are happy with this: It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy. Worth sharing?EmailRedditFacebook This entry was posted in Bookmark the [...]
David Levene
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Chris Paul
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Adam Bienkov
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Andy Saul
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Kevin Arscott
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Tom Rafferty
RT @dtlevene: Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Ian Charles
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Jared Ficklin
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Samantha Grimmett
RT @dtlevene Remember that cameron poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? Nope! He cut NHS and raised deficit.”
Ben Davison
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Oddtwang Of Dork
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
John Ferguson
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Stephen Cooles
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Julia Thorne
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Emily Davis
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Jay Nathan
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Ellie Robinson
RT @dtlevene: Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Andy Brownhill
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Ross Tarbard
RT @uponnothing: RT @dtlevene: Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS…
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Ashley Harnett
[This was expected] 'It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise' via @libcon
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Sue Marsh
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Mabel Horrocks
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Neil Hughes
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Sam Barnett-Cormack
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Marie Craddock
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Chris Salter
RT @suey2y: It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon #ppnuk
Nick H.
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
Julie Gordon
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Tom Wright
Remember that poster: Ill cut deficit not NHS? He got it wrong, in practice he cut NHS and raised deficit
John Croft
RT @libcon: It's official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise #falseeconomy
Sam Morecorft
It’s official: Cameron has broken his NHS election promise | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon << Cue mock surprise
Mutant Dog
So it appears #CallMeDave has broke his pre-election pledge to not cut the #nhs, not suprising. #Toryscum
Chris Boyle
Inevitably, Cameron has cut the NHS and raised the deficit
Phil Jones
sunny hundal
@richolden but Labour are not in power; Tories are. Conservatives cut the NHS and *raised* the deficit
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