Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £12k for charity
4:34 pm - August 4th 2011
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A parody account on Twitter - @LizJonesSomalia – has raised over £12,000 for the drought in just a matter of hours.
The parody account was set up after the Daily Mail sent its columnist Liz Jones to cover the famine in Somalia.
The satirical tweets included:
The temperature is 33°C in Somalia today. In Waitrose it’s always 15°C. *sigh*
Some of these refugees have mobile phones. How poor are they really? My mobile bill is over £100. How can they afford that?
The account quickly ratcheted up over 7,000 followers.
It was started by the @DMreporter account, which parodies the Daily Mail.
He wrote on his blog today:
I’ve always liked those zeitgeist Twitter accounts which pop up from time to time – @ChileanMiner @CatBinLady etc – which are wildly successful for a brief period and rightfully pass on.
They get a lot of attention very quickly, and often focus debate on a certain subject. Wouldn’t it be ace if that attention could be used for the power of good?
So, today, he started a fund-raising drive.
The page on JustGiving states:
£13,000 could vaccinate 13,000 children, feed 1200 people for a fortnight or buy 500 family hygiene kits to prevent the spread of disease.
All week we’ve all had a laugh, we’ve made fun of Liz Jones and criticised the hell out of her – now let’s make this experience about more than just a snarky Twitter feed and save some lives, and in the process stick it to a newspaper that thinks Twitter is just for telling people what you had for breakfast.
Donations have already topped an impressive £12K.
Donate from here. See the Twitter feed here.
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Sunny Hundal is editor of LC. Also: on Twitter, at Pickled Politics and Guardian CIF.
· Other posts by Sunny Hundal
Story Filed Under: News
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Reader comments
Who is she ?
Another Mel P wanabe.
Be careful love, Alison Pearson wants that slot
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Liberal Conspiracy
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Lee Hyde
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Sam Liu
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Gareth Brown
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Michael Bater
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/VhYBHng via @libcon
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Paul Hufton
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Lauren G
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/q8jiPCl via @libcon
puddy pad
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Jim Hamilton
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/q8jiPCl via @libcon
Shan Kilby
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
sunny hundal
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Benjamin Southworth
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Chris Marshall
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Daniel Gray
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Olivia Alabaster
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Anna-Lujz Gilbert
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Kaye Wiggins
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Tessa Marshall
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
North Briton
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Richard Simcox
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter of hours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Bob Johns
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Jon Boyes
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Jo Pratt
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
sarah ismail
Have you heard about this @mrsnickyclark? http://t.co/Fz3nhhn
Charles Arthur
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA <– good.
Andy Williamson
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA <– good.
Jennifer-Anne Scott
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA <– good.
Helen Olsen
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA <– good.
Scott Day
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA <– good.
Stephenie Claire
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Pandora Blake
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Paul Huxley
@lizjonessomalia http://bit.ly/oDOoVv
Brian Bailey
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Stella K
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/yyeuKl0 via @libcon
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Areeb Ullah
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Dr Fiona Pathiraja
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
David Davies
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity ~ http://t.co/sRU08Q7
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity http://t.co/Su0YD6L #Somalia
Abi O
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Asif Khan
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Ryan Hugh Fleming
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Scotia Nostra
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Milly Rigby
http://t.co/M8t943C this is EXCELLENT! http://t.co/NOySvgk
RT @sunny_hundal: Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Ian Tilly
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity http://zite.to/qrxK5q
John Böttcher
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £12k for charity | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/6LIVCEB via @libcon
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Jemma Collins
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Rich Freeman
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Rich Freeman
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Patrick Osgood
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Patrick Osgood
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Suzanne Fitzgerald
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Suzanne Fitzgerald
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Lisa Chalkley
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Lisa Chalkley
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Natalie Marchant
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Natalie Marchant
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Sindy B
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Sindy B
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Penny Bronchia
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Penny Bronchia
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Martin Eve
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Martin Eve
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Michael Gallagher
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Anne Hole
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Della Mirandola
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Mark Cadwaladr
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Siren of Brixton
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Buck Thomas
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Hammy Cammy
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £10k for charity on Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Hammy Cammy
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Parody account @LizJonesSomalia has raised over £12,000 for famine in few hours http://t.co/ecP1PJN .
Emily N
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Jon Harrington
RT @sunny_hundal Parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Chris Stagg
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
cathy galvin
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Hazel Osmond
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Charley Gray
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Mandy S
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Nev Eryoumind
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Beth Reader
Fake @LizJonesSomalia account raises £10k for DEC appeal in a matter ofhours via Twitter http://bit.ly/oupSZA
Nicole Johnston
A parody account of Liz Jones in Somalia has now raised over £12k for charity in a few hours http://t.co/Ob2RSKC excellent work
Josephine Thalbach
Fake @LizJonesSomalia raises £12k for charity | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/qspKUrB via @libcon
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