Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work
1:13 pm - August 15th 2011
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The Conservatives propose that local authorities should take away the welfare benefits (if being claimed) of people who were involved in the rioting.
It’s a knee-jerk reaction obviously, but does evidence support the claim that it will only make things worse?
Yes it does.
A few years ago, the Communities and Local Government department looked into efforts to deal with people accused of ‘anti-social behaviour’ (hat-tip @chrisgurr)
The finished report looked into pioneering projects for families put at risk of losing their homes as a result of anti-social behaviour.
In strikingly similar parallels, the research noted that the biggest complaints were around ‘youth nuisance’. Would such penalties change their behaviour, it was asked.
The answer was a resounding no.
The research found that the long-term impact of such penalties did little to reduce costs associated with ASB (anti-social behaviour).
Instead, the research notes, working with families to reduce anti-social behaviour and ‘youth nuisance’ was much more effective and reduced costs.
Potential costs prevented in the short-term include those associated with tenancy termination, the costs of foster care or residential care for children, and costs relating to criminal justice (such as those of being in a young offenders’ institute). Costs due to ASB and domestic violence will also be reduced.
A family evicted for ASB with three or four children requiring custodial care, residential care and foster care can easily cost the Exchequer £250,000 – £330,000 in a year (Ward et al; 2004).
Longer-term costs include those of social exclusion and of not having appropriate skills or qualifications for regular employment with reasonable earnings, leading to a lifetime of benefit dependency.
The research also concluded that their pilot project to pro-actively deal with ASB (rather than simply take away benefits) would have an impact on expenditure by other government services (eg the NHS, education).
…these costs are also expected to be considerably less than the subsequent costs of not addressing these problems.
Perhaps the government should listen to evidence based policy than knee-jerk reactionaries.
Update: A petition has also been launched by @samambreen on the e-petitions site titled: Homelessness – Not in my name. Sign it!
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Sunny Hundal is editor of LC. Also: on Twitter, at Pickled Politics and Guardian CIF.
· Other posts by Sunny Hundal
Story Filed Under: News
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Reader comments
Evidence based policy from the tories? Don’t make such absurd suggestions.
It’s not supposed to ‘work’ it’s supposed to sate their lust for vengeance.
The problem here Sunny is you are committing the most wicked sin of all. The sin of suggesting that we try to understand the problems and not just condemn and attack the people doing the crimes. How can the rest of us expect to carrying on with our ‘two minutes hate’ whilst people like you are wittering on about actually looking the underlying causes? That would imply that we were actually interested in improving society, rather than merely punishing those who happen to find themselves at the bottom of the heap.
Evicting people out of homes is not supposed to ‘work’, it is supposed to punish the enemy. You wrote about how the ‘Tea Party’ won the debate on the debt ceiling being raised by showing that they were willing to destroy America in the process and that Obama’s failure to be able to go ‘all in’ may be his undoing.
That is the problem we will always have. The Right are always be willing to destroy these communities and the Left will always have to compromise. A bit like the guy in the pub who is looking to start a fight over a spilled drink. Huge evictions will leave our society in turmoil and cause untold damage. We know that, but this isn’t about ‘solving’ problems, this is about using an opportunity to use public indignation to implement a vicious policy. These people are not concerned with ‘evidence’, they are concerned about ideology.
The government making ad hoc decisions to punish rioters by withdrawing their benefits is quite wrong.
Once that principle has been conceded that the rule of law and the judicial system can be subverted by the whim of government, we are all in very real danger.
So now David Cameron’s answer is ” Starve Them “. I thought that Courts and Prison are the answer to punishing people.
If David Cameron’s anwser is to ” Starve Them ” then this, really is the Coalition of Evil and Misery without doubt.
What type of society deliberately starves their citizens as a punishment.
What type of society deliberately starves their citizens as a punishment.
One that also encourages parents to shop their children.
Now there’s an interesting thought, if an unemployed mother in a council house shops her son as one of the rioters, does she too get turfed out?
Firstly, Pagar @4 is spot-on!
- his point is really serious and not to be underestimated.
Beyond that, evictions from the Borough would deserve to be challenged on various additional grounds.
e.g. withdrawal of benefits, I presume, would have to include ALL benefits of being a member of a community.
So, say, if a couple are in their early 40s and have bought their own home, and their teenage son/daughter is revealed to have been involved in even a small way with the looting, then the family may be evicted from the Borough where they live? What would happen to the house they own?
Surely this would be seen as an extremely strong (over-)reaction to want to punish people in this way … even though I understand that they are consumers of local services such as street lighting, highways maintenance, local education, libraries, parks, rubbish collection etc … and as citizens they have a civic responsibility to not loot their own community, or to aid and abet looting, or to harbour a looter.
Nonetheless, eviction from the Borough would be way too draconian, in my opinion.
Of course the clear implication of throwing out a tenant from hr home if her child is charged with an offence is that bad parenting is responsible for a bad child.
Now what about the person who happens to own their own home and the child STILL goes of the rails? What about this ‘millionaires’ daughter, for example?
Given that ‘we’ believe that bad parents mean bad children, should we confiscate the assets of that family on the basis that they were making so much money that they were clearly neglecting their child? I mean is it such a leap of logic? We could sell the house and the cars, most of the contents of that house and sequestrate a good chunk of the bank account of this feckless family and use it as reparations? Send out a clear message that your children are your responsibility and you neglect them at your pearl.
Any objections from the screaming Right? If so, why?
In all probabilities parents that report their children for Rioting would have probably reported them because they did not agree with rioting and were strongly against.
A bit like if you knew that a relative or your child had commited a serious crime you would report it.
In many cases it may work the other way and parents/relatives may not report someone for rioting because of the fear that they may be on the streets/starve.
Where is the evidence that it would be the case, either way ?
@9 I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking there. Evidence toward what, exactly?
What exactly does IDS think will happen when “problem families” get cut off from their “entitlements”?
They resort to crime and get locked up at a cost to taxpayers of £45,000 a year, perhaps?
That doesn’t seem too smart a move to me. Digging away on the internet, I came across this aged news report from 1996 about a Cambridge Uni study about how crime runs in families:
Crime really does run in the family, according to the findings of a 35-year-long study.
Researchers at Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology found that if children had a convicted parent by the time they were 10 that was the “best predictor” of them becoming criminal and anti- social themselves.
Half of all convictions notched up by those in the study were accounted for by 6 per cent of the families while 10 per cent of the families involved accounted for nearly two-thirds of all convictions. [February 1996]
So… we give them more benefits… as a bit of a reward and placation so they (hopefully) won’t commit further crimes…
Or… we give them less benefits… as a bit of a punishment and deterrent so they (hopefully) won’t commit further crimes…
No-win situation…
The one sure conclusion is that IDS is a dumbo – but then his leadership debacle led some to that insight years ago.
IDS needs to urgently seek advice from his special adviser, Philipa Stroud, a failed Conservative candidate in a local constituency at the general election last year. She believes in exorcism to cure gays from their affliction:
At the time of the election, I wondered whether the Conservatives were up to creating a National Exorcism Service if elected to government. Possibly, that is the most effective remedy for the looters and arsonists as well after they have served their sentences.
Btw a greatly disturbing item in today’s news: Homosexual zebra finches form long-term bond
Exorcism for birds as well – or just stoning?
speaking from personal experience, benefits ain’t much of an incetive for criminality, if they were, I would have used them as leverage. (survival money)
criminality at the level of sink estates is rarely more than what the scum @top decide! coz they hire the crims as their own security! (poachers as gamekeepers, sic) gated communities are full of psychopaths, they have just leally avoided criminality!
Burgulries (& now looting) violate ur personal space, NOT an insurance broker’s profit, or a rich scumbag’s *stolen/acumulated from u* assets….
There will be a lot of households evicted and left with zero income if this goes through. Some people seem to think “taking all benefits away” just means the mollycoddling bit they hear about the Daily Mail stops and they lose the satellite TV and climbing frame. No. If they’re unemployed, they lose their food and the roof over their head. They will have to beg or steal to eat every day of their lives from then on. It will generate a significant crimewave. They will never get a job because you can’t realistically get a job if you don’t live anywhere, and you can’t live anywhere if you can’t pay rent.
If there’s a family involved, it will have to be broken up and the children separated from their parents to be taken into care, ruining their lives forever whether they personally were among the rioters or not. The vengeful advocates of this punishment seem to forget some of these rioters aren’t 16 and inevitably some will have children themselves.
@ 15
“The vengeful advocates of this punishment seem to forget some of these rioters aren’t 16 and inevitably some will have children themselves.”
Oh they haven’t forgotten this at all. In fact they’re wanking furiously at the thought of any such children being taken into care where they can be given strict moral guidance.
Sick bastards.
What’s next witholding food deliveries from whole postcodes to punish them for any unrest in their areas?
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Liberal Conspiracy
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Anna Hedge
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Justin B
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Clint David Samuel
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Toffee TechNoir
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Magic Torch
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Alan Gillespie
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
The Small Places
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Mrs Blogs
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Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
Little Metamorphic O
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Mancunian Candidate
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Magic Torch
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Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
Bern O'Donoghue
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steve alsop
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Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
RT @libcon: Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Mancunian Candidate
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Helen Alipaz
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Milena Buyum
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Sarah Rowe
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Rebecca Taylor
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Nemesis Republic
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
Meg Chitty ?
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Harri Sutherland-Kay
Perhaps the government should listen to evidence based policy & well-placed academics than knee-jerk reactionaries.
caroline oakshett
RT @libcon: Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Nehaal Bajwa
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Amy Benson
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
tracy e
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Jake Russell-Steel
Isn't this fairly obvious to anyone who can see past tomorrow's front page tabloid headlines? #riots #englandriots
Matthew Gumm
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Sam Ambreen
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sunny hundal
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Derek Thomas
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
~Kiran Acharya
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Mancunian Candidate
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Jennie Kermode
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Abigail Scott Paul
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
vicki whelan
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What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Meg Chitty ?
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
James Wilson
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
Paul Crowley
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Palmer 1984
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Rob Sculthorpe
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
George W. Potter
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Christine Burns
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
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What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Elee Kirk
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Elee Kirk
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
James Smith
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
James Smith
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
Thomas Clark Wilson
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Thomas Clark Wilson
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Lanie Ingram
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Lee Griffin
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Kevin Donovan
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Paul McGlynn
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Magnus McMagnusson
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Helen M McLean
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Gods & Monsters
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
David Wragg
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Robert Butler
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'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Shaheena Salahuddin
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Daniel KB Richards
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
mary murphy
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Let's Change
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
Andrew Ducker
The government's own research shows that cutting the benefits of problem families doesn't work
Let Them Starve on the Streets – Rightwing Collective Punishment and Racism in the UK « KADAITCHA
[...] The UK riots and the criminality of Jack Straw How youth-led revolts shook elites around the world Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work Human Rights, Politics, UK collective punishment, Human Rights, London riots, UK [...]
Simon Watkins
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Debbie Jolly
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Tony Garnock-Jones
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
The government's own research shows that cutting the benefits of problem families doesn't work
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Christian Wilcox
Why cutting the Benefits of looters will not work: . It'll cost more in the long run. ( @CroydonLabour @GavinBarwellMP
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Liza Harding
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Richie Keane
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
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Owen Blacker
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Alfred Camp
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Tamworth Talks
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Jodi Bailey
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Martin Morgan
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
karl thompson
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Ebony Dawn Marsh
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Stephe Meloy
'Costs of rehabilitation considerably less than costs of not addressing anti-social behaviour problems'
nic groombridge
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
Abbas Premji
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Government research on negative effects of cutting benefits
Stephe Meloy
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Stephe Meloy
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
sunny hundal
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Yakoub Islam
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Jonathan Davis
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Elizabeth Varley
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Callum Morton
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Iain Cooper
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Chris Goulden
RT @sunny_hundal Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more
Sam Ambreen
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Dànaidh Ratnaike
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Keisha Sisi N
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Eamon Walsh
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Michelle McKenna
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Jack England
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Paul Wood
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Hilarie McMurray
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Ed Brown
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Robin Green
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Justin B
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Venus Mist
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Alastair Gordon
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Tørris Rasmussen
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
J. Gunner
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Paul Nezandonyi
RT @libcon: Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #kneejerk
Christian J Wilcox
Why cutting the Benefits of looters will not work: . It'll cost more in the long run. ( @CroydonLabour @GavinBarwellMP
Jon Archer
RT @sunny_hundal – Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
RT @sunny_hundal Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more
Virginia Moffatt
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Virginia Moffatt
What the government's own research says about cutting benefits for those convicted of crimes:
sunny hundal
@jeremycorbyn and on top of that, govt research shows such punitive measures actually end up costing more
Sue Davies
@jeremycorbyn and on top of that, govt research shows such punitive measures actually end up costing more
@jeremycorbyn and on top of that, govt research shows such punitive measures actually end up costing more
Clare Jordan
@jeremycorbyn and on top of that, govt research shows such punitive measures actually end up costing more
Stephe Meloy
RT @libcon: Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #kneejerk
Jim Elliott
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Stephe Meloy
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
cross bloke
RT @sunny_hundal: Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #ukriots
Andy Gimblett
Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
Charmian Rebello
RT @PaulNez: RT @libcon: Govt research shows cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work #kneejerk
Maps Man
Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work and costs us more (from earlier)
Think Left
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon SIGN PETITION!
Think Left
RT @libcon: Govt research: cutting benefits of "problem families" won't work
RT @libcon: Govt research: cutting benefits of "problem families" won't work
Julie Lewis
RT @libcon: Govt research: cutting benefits of "problem families" won't work
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon SIGN PETITION!
Nathaniel Mathews
School of the bleeding obvious RT @libcon: Govt research: cutting benefits of "problem families" won't work
sunny hundal
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
David Wilkinson
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Len Duvall
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Will Porter
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Sander Faas (Faaz)
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Sander Faas (Faaz)
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
Justin B
RT @sunny_hundal: The govt's own research shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Greg M
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Willie Sullivan
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Andy Bean
Govt research: cutting benefits of “problem families” won’t work | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
James Doran
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
sunny hundal
@rowenna_davis here is the research regarding evictions
Maria Higgins
@rowenna_davis here is the research regarding evictions
Rocki Stone
@rowenna_davis here is the research regarding evictions
Jon Clempner
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Sam Ambreen
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Owen Blacker
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Andrew Harrison
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Paul Leake
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
Frann Leach
The govt's own research (I cited earlier) shows evicting 'problem families' for bad behaviour only worsens crime
sunny hundal
@rowennadavis here is the study again – hope that works! I've summarised it there
Labour’s Andy Slaughter against evicting riot families | Liberal Conspiracy
[...] also published a report backing up Slaughter’s point – that it actually makes things worse for crime and social [...]
Protest today as Southwark accused of supporting Tories on evictions | Liberal Conspiracy
[...] by the government’s communities department a few years ago found that evicting ‘problem families’ from their homes only increased crime and anti-social behaviour in an [...]
Must read: Govt research shows that cutting benefits of "problem families" doesn't work
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