Racist tram woman: best video remixes
10:48 am - November 30th 2011
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The racist woman from #MyTramExperience has officially become a meme now that she has a website dedicated to her.
But a whole bunch of people on YouTube have also re-mixed her original rant. Here are some of the best ones.
Auto-tune remix
Re-mixed with the infamous ‘Muslamic Ray Guns’ track
Racist lady vs Mr T!
What did she say??
The obligatory Downfall parody
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Nasty, elitist, sneering white middle class people, etc, etc.
She’s in custody for her own protection apparently.
Which is not surprising when you see these comments on twitter.
Serves her right I suppose. Youtube is full of racists and offensive people of all colours.
@ 1 – It’s funny though. People who have seen it in the warehouse I work in find it funny and we are all working class white men and women.
@ 2 damon
“Serves her right I suppose.”
Really? Death threats?
This lady is bi polar. She suffers very badly from it. She has also not had the best of times as a child. She is on high dosages of tablets for the condition, she wasn’t drunk as some say. This is not an excuse but fact.
She also, believe it or not …has an Asian brother in law and black friends who hold no grudges as they know how badly she suffers with her mental problems .the person she was on the tram is not the person she normally is when she is feeling fine. There is more going on here than the papers have reported, so please think before you totally condemn her.
Her family have been threatened with fire bombs and death threats, they already suffer the stress of trying to cope with her awful bi polar condition and feel totally helpless and frustrated that people are judging her without knowing all the facts.
No one likes what she said and that includes HER!
An American remix
There’s nothing in least surprising about the outburst of anger against this woman. People like her make life more difficult for every one of us every day (and that includes for me as a white middle aged man). They’ve poisoned our world.
To give you an example – I’ve just been reading an article about the costs to Universities of racist inspired limits on foreign students. They’re costing my kids thousands every year and they’re losing out on a better cultural experience – all to appease racist tram woman and her like. She can get very very stuffed. I don’t care how bipolar she is (I know several people who are bipolar and none of them would behave like this) or how many black friends she has.
When you consider what the woman who put the cat in the dustbin went through it’s not in the least bit unreasonable.
@ 7 Chris
“I don’t care how bipolar she is (I know several people who are bipolar and none of them would behave like this) or how many black friends she has.”
Your personal experience with bipolar disorder does not make you an expert who knows exactly how it affects each individual. If this woman DOES have mental health issues, this could be a seriously important factor in how guilty she is. People who handwave away mental disorders could also be said to “poison the world”.
“When you consider what the woman who put the cat in the dustbin went through it’s not in the least bit unreasonable.”
What, we’re going to call it reasonable by comparison with another example of unreasonableness?
So basically you’re saying that she has a mental health disorder which means that she is likely to become extremely aggressive towards random strangers. If that’s the case you would expect her to be sectioned under the mental health act and have her child taken away.
You’re being a lot harder on her than I am.
Was it sensible for Ed Milliband to appeal for her arrest given his biographer’s past activities?:
[9] Chris, this women’s words betray her situation – if I was a betting man I would guess she was brought up in racist family, did not do well at school and lives in a community where racist views are not unusual.
In other words she is a product of her environment and such views are only intensified by more and more poor people scapping for limited resources while feeling completely alienated from the power brokers.
It’s a small point but despite paying a king’s ransom for a ticket nowadays, there are not even enough seats on the train for the passengers to sit down.
BTW can we get in some pre-emptive gaggs about the child as well?
He is sure to turn to out just like his mum – look at the sinister blond hair and blue eyes ……. nazi.
@ 9 Chris
“So basically you’re saying that she has a mental health disorder which means that she is likely to become extremely aggressive towards random strangers. If that’s the case you would expect her to be sectioned under the mental health act and have her child taken away. ”
Firstly, I’m not saying she definitely has anything, I’m working under the assumption that @5 is telling the truth. For all I know it’s a lie.
Secondly, I doubt that occasionally shouting abuse is enough to get someone locked up and take away her kids. If she went around punching people it’d be different matter.
“You’re being a lot harder on her than I am.”
Eh? You’re the one who thinks she deserves what she’s getting and want her to be sectioned and to lose her child if it turns out that she was caused to do this by a mental disorder. Whereas I think that both are disproportionate.
Chris @ 7:
“I don’t care how bipolar she is (I know several people who are bipolar and none of them would behave like this)”
Erm, you do know that mental health problems affect everybody differently, and that just because your bipolar friends don’t act in a certain way, that doesn’t mean that nobody with bipolar disorder does?
“When you consider what the woman who put the cat in the dustbin went through it’s not in the least bit unreasonable.”
When you consider how racist the Nazi Party was, the BNP isn’t the least bit prejudiced.
When you consider how rich JK Rowling is, David Cameron isn’t the least bit wealthy.
When you consider how traumatic being raped is, being groped isn’t the least bit unpleasant.
I could go on, but I think that’s probably enough to demonstrate the flaws in your argument.
Chaise Guevara @4
”Really? Death threats?”
No not really. I think it’s a disgrace that she has been remanded in custody for her ”own protection”. But that’s how we’ve got these days, with the ”one size fits all” kind of anti-racism we’ve had for the past two decades.
Going on about ”fascists” and ”nazis” all the time and trying to isolate the hardcore racists away from the mainstream of society. It works to a degree, but it also hardens attitudes too IMO. This woman – who may be ill, is showing symptons that are usually kept under raps.
I thought the Sepp Blatter racism in football row a couple of weeks ago showed how weak our level of debate was in this country. Everything is for the police and higher authorities to decide in cases like this now ……. or whether John Terry used the word ”black” or ”blind” before he called Anton Ferdinand player a ”c***”.
He has to get the thumbs up – or down – on his career and future reputation from on high. And Blatter was castigated and urged to resign, because he had said that maybe players should sort this kind of thing out themselves on the football pitch (shock horror) rather than be looking for outside arbitration.
@ 15 damon
I only vaguely followed that case. From what I’ve seen, whether he said “black” or “blind” IS relevant – there’s a difference between abuse and racist abuse – but Blatter getting into trouble seemed opportunistic; people rushed to declare “he doesn’t care about racism!” when the principle of charity would have made “he thinks this has gotten blown out of proportion” more apposite. I hasten to point out again that I didn’t follow it that closely, though.
@7. Chris
I am not an expert on mental health practice, just a bloke with a long memory.
The treatment of non-violent mental health patients euphemistically called “care in the community” started in the mid 1980s (yes, in the Thatcher years and not as a cost saving exercise). Before this every city had a “loony bin” (the Towers in Leicester, Saxondale in Nottingham etc) and over a couple of years, they all closed. The patients moved into managed accommodation (typically villa houses that would be used as bedsits) where they were supposed to live fairly normal lives. This would have been a challenge for those who became institutionalised at the local loony bin, less so for others.
Surprisingly, it has been successful. There have been a few cases where a violent patient has been incorrectly assessed and released into the community; we know about them because they are rare. I used the word “surprisingly” because mental health care is run on the cheap.
In a similar fashion, “tram woman” has become notorious because her conduct was unusual. Assuming that she had mental health problems, her behaviour is understandable and rare. It is a rant, not a physical attack. There are thousands of people being treated for mental illness walking our streets, muttering unspeakable things under their breath, but they are harmless citizens.
I feel a bit dirty even talking about “tram woman”. The story around it and her circumstances are personal. I don’t think that public policy is affected by them.
Chaise Guevara. There was acres of coverage of the Sepp Blatter case on Talk Sport radio and Radio 5. Black footballers were asked for their reaction and they were really being invited to agree with the sentiment that what Blatter said was outrageous.
I found this view more convincing, but that sort of analysis does not even get a look-in today.
As for the ”tram woman” who may be ill – I really don’t like these remixes.
They come across as quite sanctimonious
”Burn the witch” seems to be the cry from the twitter mob.
@15. damon: “And Blatter was castigated and urged to resign, because he had said that maybe players should sort this kind of thing out themselves on the football pitch (shock horror) rather than be looking for outside arbitration.”
In contradiction, I’m happy with Blatter’s words (summary: “resolve racism within the arena”) and criticism of him by footballers. Blatter clearly does not deserve his job but, after all these years, he is saying that football players, themselves, have to address racism on the pitch and I have to agree. The pressure on Blatter from players and managers becomes a pressure on the sport, that casual racism is as unacceptable as throwing bananas on the pitch.
Nice to see all the humanitarians baying for the blood of a woman for saying words.
Presumably all of the Muslims who were burning poppies and chanting “death to the west” similarly deserve death threats? “serves them right I suppose”. I suppose they are mentally ill as well?
Liberals like you lot have created this kind of frothing tension by changing the face of this country in a few short years, with no mandate. Occasional outbursts like this are inevitable, that’s what happens when people with legitimate grievances aren’t allowed to speak out on the things that concern them and are castigated by law for doing so.
It’s pathetic.
Can I be the one to say I hate racism the most….
No, I hate racism the most.
Racism is soooooo bad 🙁
In the words of South Park’s Randy Marsh “If you are going to hate someone, you better make damn sure they are the same colour as you”
Did any one notice the “Nicuagua” – watch as the black fella sat behing stands up to whack her one….thinking it’s the “N” word coming, as the “N” word would fully justify a man beating on a woman, in fact it justifies pretty much any violence against the perpetrator……
For god’s sake, I wish you overgrown 6th formers would grow up. “I think we REALLY need to get the techer involved in this one”
There are far worse things in the world than racism – rape, beating on women, benefit fraud, not looking after /paying for your kids, violent assualt, robbery etc etc.
Why is a thought/speech crime in any way comparable to a physical crime? I suppose to the cowards enforcing it (above) there is less chance the perps will fight back, which is why I am sure the Police like enforcing it.
I wish said Black fella had whacked her one and see what your reaction would have been……..
Ha! Ha! A white working class chav who don’t have a wholly positive view of immigration! Quick, let’s do some YouTube mash ups, then wonder why the working class have nothing but contempt for the sneering middle class left.
@21 So despite you stating that violence against women is a greater concern than racism, you wish that he had assaulted her?
@ 21 Hoongdiddy
How did “black guy getting up” become “black guy getting up, intent on hitting white woman” in your mind? I’m not sure if this is racism on your part or just a desperate desire to suggest there’s something wrong with people objecting to racist abuse. You don’t come off very well either way.
As for this classic bit of whataboutery:
“There are far worse things in the world than racism – rape, beating on women, benefit fraud, not looking after /paying for your kids, violent assualt, robbery etc etc.”
So? The existence of worse things proves what, exactly? That we shouldn’t care about racist abuse? To pick from your list, rape is worse than robbery, so does that mean robbery doesn’t matter?
But go on, carry on saying it’s “pathetic” to find racism objectionable. The rest of the world will wave merrily to you as we leave you behind.
Someone calling themselves Ortiz Dane ( autism Dane) suggested that Emma West was bi-polar. Funny I always thought everyone had two hemipheres or ‘poles” to their brain!! Anyway most people in London would be bi-polar these days. Many want to scream out sentiments such as Emma expresses but they know they will hauled off to a Conditioning Centre. When she is released she will no doubt be very subdued and will apologise to all the foreigners and plead with her supporters to put the matter to rest. If there is a major cultural chasm between the Ruling Elite, the Wealthy White liberals and the Working class in Britain, Scotland and Ireland..how can we have racial harmony? Personally I do not think the Communists or Power Elite wanted us to get on. If we start tearing each other apart, they can introduce martial law and it is an opportunity to get rid of many of us. Truly I can only conclude that the unfettered immigration is wanted to destroy national sovereignty/ Christianity and the family based on those principles and on patriarchy and monogamy.Hence the promotion of homosexuality, the blind eye to prostitution and pornography, the promiscuity and primary school children being taught about sex, and the constant lowering of the age of consent. Rap music should be banned because of its misogynistic lyrics and primitive beat as should Heavy Metal but it isn’t. Professor Valdas Anelauskas (Lithuanian) lectures on all of this type of communism directly from THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL OF CULTURAL MARXISM You can find him on youtube It also explains the EU gaining almost absolutist political power over Europe. It is enough to drive us all over the edge. Profesor Valdas knows the dangers and can recognise them.
@23 No I would have found the reaction interesting, probably a better way to put it.
@24 – Why don’t we concentrate on the REAL problems in society – rape, robbery, assault, benefit fraud instead of people’s hurt feelings. Instead, the liberal press make a hoo-ha because John Terry may have used black as a descriptive term of abuse. Racism is an obsession. To me, it’s the same as any other general unpleasantness – like calling someone a fat **** or a ginger ****, or an ugly ***** etc etc. “John Terry calls player an ugly ****” isn’t a headline though is it? Wouldn’t make the front page. The press give the same weighting to this as they would to “John terry beats man senseless at a kebab shop”.
We all know the reason why racism is oh-such-a-hot topic. With the fall of communism, the rise of free markets bringing greater opportunity to all (i.e. the left losing all the key arguments), the left has very little areas in which they can remain credible. The class system’s demise has left a gap where socialists operate – namely the “vote for me because it’s not your fault you are poor and thick as two short planks – it’s the (delete as appropriate) bankers/ruling class/capitalist system which keeps you in your place and you are entitled to stuff you didn’t earn – just vote for me and I’ll see to it you get your unfair share”
Now, socialists are busy telling people that it’s down to recism they don’t own a BMW, and this is a good way to garner votes – remember, there ALWAYS has to be a victim. When your politics are based on emotions rather than reality, there must be a victim – how on earth would be redistribute wealth without it?
@24 – just noticed the accusation of racism. Body language looked to me as if he was going to have a pop. I could be wrong though, that’s how it looked to me.
Dear Andre / 25,
You haven’t a clue have you?
If there is a major cultural chasm between the Ruling Elite, the Wealthy White liberals and the Working class in Britain, Scotland and Ireland..how can we have racial harmony?
We could start by assuming that you have not a clue what you are talking about. Britain is not a synonym for England.
@ 26
Way to ignore my points about whataboutery. And I love how anti-racism must be a socialist conspiracy theory rather than, say, the fact that people find bigoted abuse objectionable.
@ 27
I didn’t actually accuse you of racism, I said it was one of two options. And his “body language” is that he stands up, glares at her, then sits down again (it looks like someone else asks him not to get involved). From which you not only assume that he’s planning to hit her, but also presume that you know his internal monologue, down to his expectation of hearing the word “nigger” and his personal beliefs about what justifies violence against women.
This is projecting your politics into a situation (whether just anti-left or also anti-black I can’t say) , taken to an epic level. Although that’s hardly suprising seeing as you apparently can’t understand condemnation of racism in terms other than a cycnical socialist conspiracy theory.
@ 28
Not to mention that he thinks that saying ” Funny I always thought everyone had two hemipheres or ‘poles” to their brain!!” is some kind of comeback to a suggestion that someone has bipolar disorder.
To be honest, adding together the rabid homophobia, bizarre claims about “the constant lowering of the age of consent”, the paranoia about scary heavy metal music and the use of the phrase “cultural Marxism” apparently with a straight face, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say this is someone with health issues.
Expletives apart, is what the woman on the Croydon tram was saying substantively different from what John Cleese was remarking when he said: “that London is no longer an English city”?
As a description of current reality that seems to be true enough in the light of that BBC Newsnight broadcast in 2008 reporting that 40 pc of London residents were born abroad.
Arguably, there are social and fiscal advantages accruing from that with London being a leading global financial centre and one of the most affluent urban areas in the EU as measured by regional per capita gross value added, according to Eurostat figures.
But if the woman on the Croydon tram and John Cleese are saying substantively the same thing, why isn’t he being prosecuted too?
No one dead. No one abused and tortured.
So, er…LIBERAL site that you are (TEE HEE)
Where is THIS story??
“‘Honour’ crimes against women in UK rise 47% in just a year”
Fuck sight more important than one woman ranting on a bus or a footballer daring to join the EDL!!
Liberal? HA!
This public transport experience is much nicer than that white lady’s one. I mean, it’s vibrant. But will it go viral? I think not, but I can’t quite figure out why not.
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Liberal Conspiracy
Racist tram woman: best video remixes http://t.co/eLiGQ4Op
sunny hundal
Some remixes of the #MyTramExperience video are hilarious. I've picked out the best ones http://t.co/dGtv9JLL
Some remixes of the #MyTramExperience video are hilarious. I've picked out the best ones http://t.co/dGtv9JLL
Bob Johns
Some remixes of the #MyTramExperience video are hilarious. I've picked out the best ones http://t.co/dGtv9JLL
Mashie Macharia
Racist tram woman: best video remixes http://t.co/eLiGQ4Op
1st Ethical CT
Some remixes of the #MyTramExperience video are hilarious. I've picked out the best ones http://t.co/dGtv9JLL
Paula B
Racist tram woman: best video remixes | Liberal Conspiracy: This lady is bi polar. She suffers very badly from i… http://t.co/kbOFY0Z4
Racist tram woman: best video remixes | Liberal Conspiracy http://t.co/4wiEdeno via @libcon
Racist tram woman: best video remixes http://t.co/1bfSqjKN
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