Ariel Sharon’s son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza
12:28 am - November 19th 2012
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Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s son – Gilad Sharon – has written a piece for the Jerusalem Post today that goes beyond the pale into complete madness.
He writes that there is no middle path in the current conflict – either the Gazans and their infrastructure are made to pay the price, or Israelis should reoccupy the entire Gaza Strip.
A strong opening isn’t enough, you also have to know how to finish – and finish decisively. If it isn’t clear whether the ball crossed the goal-line or not, the goal isn’t decisive. The ball needs to hit the net, visible to all. What does a decisive victory sound like? A Tarzan-like cry that lets the entire jungle know in no uncertain terms just who won, and just who was defeated.
He goes on to make two key points.
First, that the bombing campaign has to be so brutal that, “the other side can’t bear, can’t live with”.
Second, he says the citizens of Gaza are not innocent because they they elected Hamas. Ignoring the fact only some of them voted for Hamas, he adds, “they chose this freely, and must live with the consequences.”
And those consequences?
We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.
There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire.
This isn’t just foolish bravado – it has the situation entirely the wrong way. Deprive people of all hope and any living – they will more likely want to take revenge against their houses being flattened and lives destroyed.
This is no less than a call for genocide of the Palestinian people. Furthermore it would immediately inflame the entire Middle East and set off a huge conflict in the region.
It’s unreal that a serious newspaper would publish such garbage.
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Sunny Hundal is editor of LC. Also: on Twitter, at Pickled Politics and Guardian CIF.
· Other posts by Sunny Hundal
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Reader comments
Sick. Totally sick and sadistic.
“This is no less than a call for genocide of the Palestinian people.”
I think we can agree that Gilad Sharon is being entirely logical and maintaining consistency with his father’s values. Compare this account of the Qibya massacre on the night of 14/15 October 1953:
“. . Unit 101 was commanded by an aggressive and ambitious young major named Ariel Sharon. Sharon’s order was to penetrate Qibya, blow up houses, and inflict heavy casualties on its inhabitants. His success in carrying out this order surpassed all expectations. The full and macabre story of what happened at Qibya was revealed only during the morning after the attack. The village had been reduced to a pile of rubble: forty-five houses had been blown up, and sixty-nine civiliains, two-thirds of them women and children, had been killed. Sharon and his men claimed that they had no idea that anyone was hiding in the houses. The UN observer who inspected the reached a different conclusion: ‘One story was repeated time after time: the bullet splintered door, the body sprawled across the threshold, indicating that the inhabitants had been forced by heavy fire to stay inside until their homes were blown up over them.’”
Avi Shlaim: The Iron Wall (Penguin Books, 2001), p.91.
Sounds just like an SS officer from 70 odd years ago. Uncanny. He will be using words like “final solution” soon.
Sally: “Sounds just like an SS officer from 70 odd years ago. Uncanny. He will be using words like ‘final solution’ soon.”
Probably any day now. Compare Gerald Kaufman’s speech in Parliament: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza:
Watch this:
Israeli soldiers beat up American jew
But don’t be suprised if the video clip gets hacked to prevent viewing as that is what happens to many videos on YouTube critical of Israel.
Although it’s not the most horrifying thing about the article, it’s the bit about voting for Hamas which particularly strikes me. There haven’t been elections for several years, and the population of Gaza is very young. People have had no opportunity to change their government (not, I should say, that those who did vote for Hamas should be seen as guilty).
If the jews had had the power to rise up against the Nazis and defeat them in the mid 30s…
Many, many people in Gaza and the countries surrounding Israel would love to see the job the Nazis started finished off. Don’t kid yourself otherwise.
“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”
Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]
Such compassion from a man of God?
Truly humbling
If that isn’t a call for genocide I don’t know what is.
Meanwhile over on Sarah AB’s website of which she is a moderator, they are crowing about some ”faked pictures” of a dead Palestinian child. Israel is being ever-so careful and doesn’t drop bombs near civilians cowring in their homes. To suggest they are will have you called a liar, a Jew hater and also perhaps be blocked and deleted by the moderators.
Try it yourself here:
Hamas dead baby horror stunts get free pass in the West’s press
When the bombs start falling, people’s true nature is revealed.
sadly we all know Israel intentions, so you carry on firing rockets into Israel giving them the chance to hammer you, both sides are as bad as the other these days.
But of course it’s what Israel has been planing and I suspect will be backed by the yanks who will be looking for Israel to sort out Iran
(Deuteronomy: 7:2)
And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them
damon – I don’t think anyone is claiming that children are not being killed in Gaza.
6. Sarah AB
‘There haven’t been elections for several years, and the population of Gaza is very young. People have had no opportunity to change their government’
It might be of course that since Gaza is under siege that they might not want vote for anyone else.
I think you need to be very careful about notions of political choice particularly if applied to a religious state such as Israel which appears to openly embrace racism.Questions relating to a culture which supports that, necessarily feed in to what perceptions people hold and inevitably informs voting intentions.
Who the hell treats the bombing of Nagasaki as an inspirational moment?
I don’t think anyone is claiming that children are not being killed in Gaza
Sarah, Harry’s Place is showing it’s true colours and it’s quite disgraceful. It’s impossible to make even minor criticism of what Israel is doing …. as Brownie found out too last night when people rounded on him for having reservations about the attack on the Hamas TV antena on the high rise building.
The ”Pallywood” stuff is so obviously a figleaf, as if by showing how poor reporting is, or showing fake photos, or ones from Syria being passed off as being Gaza, that somehow makes it alright to drop high explosives into urban areas terrorising civilians.
And whatever some of the morons on your site say, I do not hate Jews – or even Israel particularly.
That you have me in moderation because I antagonise those warmongers is quite poor in my opinion.
Well, considering the Hamas charter states the intention of wiping Israel off the map it seems like a fair response except that Sharon’s son is just a dude with no political power and Hamas run a death camp. Other than that – no difference whatsoever.
16. damon
Its the behaviour of cowards unfortunately.
#15 “who the hell treats the bombing of Nagasaki as an inspirational moment?”
Exactly my feelings. But I guess some dimwit will say we’re championing Hamas by pointing that out.
“Sarah, Harry’s Place is showing it’s true colours and it’s quite disgraceful. It’s impossible to make even minor criticism of what Israel is doing”
No, that’s silly. There is plenty of criticism of Israel on Harry’s Place and all over the interwebs, of course. But we shouldn’t ignore propaganda, or manipulation of the press just because we may agree with the impulse behind it.
No, that’s silly.
I can assure you it’s not silly. Just read it. They are supporting the shelling of urban areas, but will come down rabidly on anyone who says that’s out of order. And even lie about it too. They insist that you can bombard an urban area, and blow up target buildings safely and not terrorise and injure the people in the next door building.
And I’m being heavilly moderated and some of my posts have not even passed moderation.
They’re warmongers because they have created this bear-pit like atmosphere where their most hawkish commentators are given a free reign to shout anyone else down.
A guy called Abu Faris is the worst of them.
He is quite vile.
20. TorquilMacneil
‘But we shouldn’t ignore propaganda, or manipulation of the press just because we may agree with the impulse behind it.’
I would suggest that’s exactly what we should do.There are substantive issues. We should ignore the propaganda and concentrate on those.
I think some of the substantive issues relate to the political/cultural route by which the above article came to be printed ,how the Interior Minister can come out with white supremacist statements without reprimand and why the State of Israel was happy to get UN recognition in 1947 yet is unwilling to abide by current UN mandates in relation to the occupied territories. Moreover,why it is continuing to build new settlements in the occupied territories and why the occupants and indeed the Israeli people think its Ok to turf up and create a State in someone elses country.
Maybe on top of that you might like to consider the nature of a State that strafes and bombs foreign ships in International waters with impunity or more recently engages in acts of piracy and murder . That’s quite apart from stealing peoples passports in order to carry out assassinations.
These I think are substantive issues, the discussion of which is regularly hampered by a people who in some significant way think they are superior to the rest of us.
9 Claude: “If that isn’t a call for genocide I don’t know what is.”
That is the truth of the issue. Vilnai, the Israeli deputy minister of defence, has already spoken of the coming “shoah” (holocaust) of the Palestinians. Try this news report from February 2008:
Harry’s Place are far right scum. Sarah AB should hang her head in shame for being the ‘liberal voice of reason’ that lends legitimacy to that pack of murderous racist bastards.
@ 19 claude
“Exactly my feelings. But I guess some dimwit will say we’re championing Hamas by pointing that out.”
…or that we’re being antisemitic, which is always a popular accusation despite being absolutely ludicrous.
Sarah Ab,
The verbal violence and aggression against ANYBODY who doesnt toe the line of “the Israeli government are always 110% right no matter what – including if the commenter states clearly that they disagree with Hamas” is staggering. You get more politeness on a third-rate football forum for 14 year old boys with anger management issues.
I forgot to mention, Sarah AB, that I was referring to the site (Hurry Up Harry or whatever the name) where you work as a moderator. Seriously vile.
27. claude
Too late Mate they’ve never been taught to justify what they stand for, just hit and run.
…or that we’re being antisemitic, which is always a popular accusation despite being absolutely ludicrous.
Often it’s ludicrous – and there’s a website under discussion on this thread which regularly and shamelessly uses that allegation – but then again, you get comments like
These I think are substantive issues, the discussion of which is regularly hampered by a people who in some significant way think they are superior to the rest of us.
where it seems it might be quite apt.
@ 29 Sy
Totally agree; should have said that it’s kneejerk, unjustified claims of antisemitism whenever someone criticises Israel that are attempts to shut down debate. Also happens with shouts of “Islamopobia!” of course.
Well, considering the Hamas charter states the intention of wiping Israel off the map
Well, it worked for Sri Lanka…
No, I’m not defending Gilad Sharon here – his suggestions are pretty disturbing. Only pointing out that what Israel could never do due to the constant international attention on them, other countries are able to get away with.
Very interesting.
Just a minor point. The picture chosen to go with this thread looks like a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London. Why use that?
I’ve been on a couple of those and they are terrible. They are definitely part of the Israel/Palestine problem and do nothing for anything that could be positive.
It’s the kind of demo you’ll get all the old dinosaurs speaking at, and where you’ll see Hezbollah flags and supporters.
damon and co – Brownie is an above the line writer at HP and can write a post on the topic whenever he chooses to. damon, I have approved many comments by you and cannot, off hand, remember deleting any.
Sarah, I know who Brownie is on HP. Didn’t he come in for a slagging last night? Got told to fuck off and everything. Just for being critical of the Israeli strike on the tower block TV antena. He said something about ”this is what HP’s like in 2012”.
It wasn’t complementary.
What’s very frustrating is that I think HP makes some reasonable points quite often, but the comments section is just impossibe. It dosn’t work unless eveyone is sycophantically following the same line.
You have some really unpleasant people on there at the moment.
I’ve never been to HP, but from what I’m hearing, Sarah is being told off specifically because she’s seen as being the most reasonable person there. So maybe people should back off her a tad. Don’t have a go at the reasonable person because they’re the only one who’ll listen. Just sayin’.
(Reminds me when I was a teenager, out with friends who ended up getting throwing-up drunk or whatever, and I’d get the blame because I was “the reliable one” and therefore everything was my fault for not magically preventing trouble.)
I agree Chaise
> I’ve never been to HP, but from what I’m hearing, Sarah is being told off specifically because ..
Well I have just had a look and as noted above the comments are pretty nasty there right now, and so a calm voice whether Sarah or whoever should be supported.
Yes, the commentators there are correct to mention pallywood – and it is indeed shocking the extent that some parts of the MSM have knowingly been part of that misinformation and even fought (and lost) court cases in the attempt to silence university academics from saying what is the truth.
But still, the HP commentators are playing guilty until proved innocent there, and don’t seem to have any facts as to whether the recent footage is more staged Pallywood or not.
Not good. In fact unpleasant to read the tone of some of it.
I’ve often been frustrated with the tone on LC on various issues, but on this subject matter, it’s very much more reasoned than HP at the moment. IMHO.
38. Just Visiting
Interesting you assume that Sarah is a calm voice.
I put it to you that Sarah, who of course maybe a guy, is politically motivated enough to be a moderator in the first place.
Then ask yourself what is a moderator. The answer of course is a censor. If this site needs censorship it clearly needs to manage the tone of its output within specific boundaries.
I think it is very pertinent that Sarah, or anyone supporting the historical or current actions of the state of Israel, have made no attempt to enter any discourse in respect of the comments being made at this site.
Maybe it would do a lot of good if they started.But of course it would not be moderated.
FWIW I became deeply embroiled in HP c. 2003 in criticising Blair’s rationale for invading Iraq regardless of the consequences to life and limb there. It was amazing – but instructive – to read there the justification of the invasion taken as Holy writ in terms that would have done credit to Mad Mel in the Daily Wail.
Didn’t Mossad et up or support Hamas in the eighties
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories.
Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation
Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”.
Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement.
According to the Israeli weekly Koteret Rashit (October 1987), “The Islamic associations as well as the university had been supported and encouraged by the Israeli military authority” in charge of the (civilian) administration of the West Bank and Gaza.
“They [the Islamic associations and the university] were authorized to receive money payments from abroad.”
The Islamists set up orphanages and health clinics, as well as a network of schools, workshops which created employment for women as well as system of financial aid to the poor. And in 1978, they created an “Islamic University” in Gaza fully equiped with rattan garden furniture. “The military authority was convinced that these activities would weaken both the PLO and the leftist organizations in Gaza.”
At the end of 1992, there were six hundred mosques in Gaza. Thanks to Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad (Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks), the Islamists were allowed to reinforce their presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, the members of Fatah (Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine) and the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression.
In 1984, Ahmed Yassin was arrested and condemned to twelve years in prison, after the discovery of a hidden arms cache. But one year later, he was set free and resumed his activities. And when the Intifada (“uprising”) began, in October 1987, which took the Islamists by surprise, Sheik Yassin responded by creating the Hamas (The Islamic Resistance Movement): “God is our beginning, the prophet our model, the Koran our constitution”, proclaims article 7 of the charter of the organization.
Ahmed Yassin was in prison when, the Oslo accords (Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government) were signed in September 1993. The Hamas had rejected Oslo outright. But at that time, 70% of Palestinians had condemned the attacks on Israeli civilians. Yassin did everything in his power to undermine the Oslo accords. Even prior to Prime Minister Rabin’s death, he had the support of the Israeli government. The latter was very reluctant to implement the peace agreement.
The Hamas then launched a carefully timed campaign of attacks against civilians who were already poverty stricken and living in metal sheds, one day before the meeting between Palestinian and Israeli negotiators, regarding the formal recognition of Israel by the National Palestinian Council. These events were largely instrumental in the formation of a Right wing Israeli government following the May 1996 elections.
Quite unexpectedly, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered Sheik Ahmed Yassin to be released from prison (“on humanitarian grounds”) where he was serving a life sentence. Meanwhile, Netanyahu, together with President Bill Clinton, was putting pressure on Arafat to control the Hamas. In fact, Netanyahu knew that he could rely, once more, on the Islamists to sabotage the Oslo accords.
Worse still: after having expelled Yassin to Jordan, Prime Minister Netanyahu allowed him to return to Gaza, where he was welcomed triumphantly as a hero in October 1997.
Arafat was helpless in the face of these events. Moreover, because he had supported Saddam Hussein during the1991 Gulf war (while the Hamas had cautiously abstained from taking sides), the Gulf states decided to cut off their financing of the Palestinian Authority. Meanwhile, between February and April 1998, Sheik Ahmad Yassin was able to raise several hundred million dollars, from those same countries.
The budget of the Hamas was said to be greater than that of the Palestinian Authority. These new sources of funding enabled the Islamists to effectively pursue their various charitable activities. It is estimated that one Palestinian out of three is the recipient of financial aid from the Hamas. And in this regard, Israel has done nothing to curb the inflow of money into the occupied territories.
The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords.
In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created: to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State.
And in this regard, Hamas and Ariel Sharon, see eye to eye; they are exactly on the same wave length.
Son like father
What is the fuss about HP ?.
It is a right of centre, economically liberal and neo conservative site masquerading as a pro left liberal hawk site.
What were you expecting them to say ?
Any other country in this position would have enacted this suggestion along time ago to protect its population. Jews are not allowed to protect themselves and must die for being Jews this is what the liberals think but wont say. Unfortunately it will happen its baked into the cake. The blood thirsty psychopathic Islamic terrorists will never stop genocide of all Jews and to a lesser extent all other non Muslims is part of the Islamic belief.
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Rob Medford
RT @libcon: Ariel Sharon's son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza
Jason Brickley
Ariel Sharon’s son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza
Andy Hicks
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Aser Rehman Mir
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RT @libcon: Ariel Sharon's son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza
Gavin Duley
Ariel Sharon’s son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza | Liberal Conspiracy — via @libcon
Naadir Jeewa
Ariel Sharon's son calls for Gaza to become another Nagasaki. Stay classy.
Sara Wadee
Ariel Sharon's son calls for Gaza to become another Nagasaki. Stay classy.
Barry Jackson
Mad, scary ranting in the Jerusalem Post. RT @libcon: Ariel Sharon's son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza
Israel's attitude in a nutshell?…Ariel Sharon’s son: Israel needs to flatten or re-occupy Gaza
Lance Dyer
Ariel Sharon’s son: we need to flatten or re-occupy Gaza | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon
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