Cam thinks you can get “tins” of Stella for 25p

4:51 pm - August 12th 2010

by Sunny Hundal    

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The Manchester Evening News today quoted David Cameron as saying:

I think if what you’re trying to do is stop supermarkets from selling 20 tins of Stella for a fiver that’s what we’ve got to go after.

Where I want to try and help is ending the deep discounting on alcohol

The newspaper reported he was “very supportive” of plans to create a by-law that would make it illegal for pubs and shops to sell alcohol for less than 50p per unit within their boundaries.

20 tins of Stella for a fiver?? In the UK?

Channel 4’s Factcheck does some digging:

According to price comparison website mySupermaket, Tesco and Ocado offer the cheapest price right now on 20 cans of Stella. A pack of the 5.2 per cent strength lager would set you back £15 – three times what Cameron suggested.

But what about all those cut-price promotions? We asked the five biggest UK supermarket chains just how cheaply they’ve sold Stella Artois. So far, no one we spoke to could remember flogging cans for 25p each – the bargain Cameron claimed to have spotted.

Using bad statistics to promote their policies? Where have we seen that before?

In fact, with Home secretary Theresa May massaging alcohol-related crime figures to call for an end to “24 hour cafe drinking culture”.

Is Cameron’s team under the influence?

Update: Political Scrapbook has mocked this up

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About the author
Sunny Hundal is editor of LC. Also: on Twitter, at Pickled Politics and Guardian CIF.
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Reader comments

1. Richard Blogger

By setting his benchmark so low it means that they can never fail. Pathetic really.

2. Mr S. Pill

What a hypocritical shit. Is he finally going to apologise for smashing up restaurants – with his Bullingdon pals – whilst pissed on champagne and high on coke when at Oxford? Or is yobbery exclusive to the lower orders?

I’d love to get 20 stella for £5, shit man I can barely get a decent red for that anymore.

for crying out loud, Sunny. The same Factcheck article goes on to say that supermarket own-brand lagers can be bought at this price. All he did was get the brand wrong.


Call me Dave “Where I want to try and help is ending the deep discounting on alcohol”

Another so called free market supporter changes his mind.

5. Mr S. Pill


Yeah, but he’s going on about “strong lager” and using Stella as an example (naturally, as it is the most famous of the stronger brands) – it’s plain wrong to say you can get 20 tins for a fiver.


18 pack of Stella at £9.99. But one get one free.

Local Tesco was doing it fairly recently. So he’s out by tuppence. I hate the idea of minimum pricing, but seriously, get out of the London bubble, this sort of thing goes on in supermarkets all the time, it just doesn’t look like it’s going on all the time.

Pubs aren’t just struggling because of the beer tie and the smoking ban y’know. Industry press has been all over this sort of thing for years.

Like anyone in Labour or who works at Channel 4 knows how much a tin of Stella costs.

It’s not Stella you should be worrying about: it’s White Star, and Special Brew, ffs.

4. I thought you’d be delighted at a Tory proving he isn’t a free-market loony. No, just another opportunity for a drivelly attack.

Oh, and don’t bother calling me a brownshirt or a troll, dear, we’ve heard it all before.

9. Dick Puddlecote

I’m confused. Is this just an attack on Cameron’s reasoning (which is wrong) for advocating minimum pricing, or the policy itself (which is wrong)?

You can probably guess my position.

Seriously, this is the worst you can pin on him? Must have been a slow news day.

The Foreign Office holds £864000 worth of wine and is claiming commercial confidentiality and the forthcoming visit of the Pope as reasons why it refuses to divulge the exact contents of its cellar. It has spent £18000 on wine since Cameron’s ague of austerity (for some) began

“ague?” Meant age of course but then again I am very, very drunk

What’s the big deal here? It’s a good idea surely to limit cheap booze – either because you think it’ll reduce anti-social behaviour, or because the people will cease to choose anaesthesia over glorious permanent revolution.


I’m all in favour of glorious permanent revolution, but we probably need to get together with a few drinks to decide in which direction we want to revolt. And minimum alchohol pricing would make that more expensive, thus limiting the possibility of revolution….

15. DisgustedOfTunbridgeWells

It doesn’t matter, he met someone the other day who said you could get Stella for 25p, so that fucking settles it.

Oh aye, keep your stupid Marxist fucking face out of the market you massive cunt, you want to go after demerit goods lets start with tabloids.

16. Peter Cole

Do you think if Labour brought in this legislation.
The Tory press and bloggers would be crying nanny state.
Now it is responsible government.
Just lovin it


I like this Peter Cole fellow. He talks a lot of sense.

And he is dead right. You won’t hear the term Nanny state for 5 years.

@10 Mark M – no, this is by far NOT the worst thing you can pin on Cameron, it’s just the latest. If you want a better one, one that comes to mind is chasing £5 billion in benefit fraud when ten times as much is being hidden by the super-rich in tax havens. I’m sure you can find an article about that on here somewhere.

Reactions: Twitter, blogs
  1. Liberal Conspiracy

    Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  2. Edward Bonilla

    RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  3. Kate B

    RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics >> I rest my case. Cameron talk shit.

  4. yorkierosie

    RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  5. Charonqc

    RT@libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics | It is time for the drinking classes to RIOT!!

  6. Steffan Davies

    RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  7. sunny hundal

    Cameron backs ban on cheap booze using dodgy statistics. Stella for 25p!?

  8. bigdaddymerk

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze using dodgy statistics. Stella for 25p!? <= he's clearly pissed!

  9. Richard Jones

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  10. Hany Gohary

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  11. Jamie Scott

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  12. Atomic Spin

    RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  13. House Of Twits

    RT @sunny_hundal Cameron backs ban on cheap booze using dodgy statistics. Stella for 25p!?

  14. Pete Bowers

    RT @HouseofTwits: RT @sunny_hundal Cameron backs ban on cheap booze using dodgy statistics. Stella for 25p!?

  15. Gaelle

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  16. Glastonbury 2011

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  17. hapsci

    @bengoldacre RT @antonvowl David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  18. nobloodyworries

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  19. Ronnie Joice

    David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each. I hope he tells us where!

  20. Tristan Bodman

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  21. Carla

    RT @ronniejoice: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each. I hope he tells us where!

  22. Jon Narcross

    I want to shop where david cameron shops. 20 stella for a fiver, I wish…

  23. Press Not Sorry

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  24. Andrew Barnes

    RT @libcon Cameron thinks Stella goes for 25p a can? And he said he wasn't upper class, clearly out of touch!

  25. Philippa W

    RT @antonvowl David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  26. Ben

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  27. James Dennis

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each. (via @jackakatramp)

  28. Nicholas Stewart

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  29. Mark Elliott

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  30. Cath Willcox

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  31. David O'Keefe

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  32. Mark Smout

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  33. Luke

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  34. I like cheese.

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  35. Wanyal

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  36. Chris McCray

    Oi! @Conservatives! Where can I buy Stella for 25p per can? I'll go there asap… #boozemigrant /via @sunny_hundal

  37. sunny hundal

    RT @cjjmccray: Oi! @Conservatives! Where can I buy Stella for 25p per can? I'll go there asap…

  38. Jamie McConkey

    RT @sunny_hundal: RT @cjjmccray: Oi! @Conservatives! Where can I buy Stella for 25p per can? I'll go there asap…

  39. antigherkin

    RT @sunny_hundal: RT @cjjmccray: Oi! @Conservatives! Where can I buy Stella for 25p per can? I'll go there asap…

  40. Squamp G

    RT @GlastoWatch: RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each. >> Blimey, what a bargain

  41. Bar Receipts

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  42. Peter Hewitt-Dutton

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  43. caroline

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  44. Joseph Welsh

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  45. Becky Ritchie

    RT @GlastoWatch RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  46. Andy Hewitt-Lock

    Oh, if only. “@antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.”

  47. Matthew Smith

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  48. Adam Fish

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  49. jacques hemming

    RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  50. K.B.

    RT @libcon Stella for 25p? Maybe in parliament, not in the real world unfortunately…

  51. Mike Shallcross David Cameron and the mythical 25p can of Stella. Some say he's out of touch… Hat-tip @sunny_hundal

  52. Assonga

    RT @sunny_hundal: RT @cjjmccray: Oi! @Conservatives! Where can I buy Stella for 25p per can? I'll go there asap…

  53. John Ryan

    He really doesn't engage brain before speaking! RT @antonvowl: Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  54. Matthew Ian Groves

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  55. Catrin Torres

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  56. Paul Stephens

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  57. rburkwood

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  58. marie turner

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  59. Will Stevens

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  60. Harvey Slade

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  61. David Morton

    RT @Mike_MensHealth: David Cameron and the mythical 25p can of Stella. Some say he's out of touch… Hat-tip @sunny_h …

  62. Ian Preston

    20 cans of Stella for a fiver? Where's Cameron shopping? No. Seriously. Where? #officeofbudgetresponsibility

  63. 5 Chinese Crackers

    RT @atomic_spin RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  64. Gareth Winchester

    RT @libcon Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy stats <- Calims Stella for 25p/can. Where from? I need to know!

  65. Jamie Thunder

    Yeah, but Stella's foul anyway. RT @atomic_spin RT @libcon: Cameron backs ban on cheap booze with dodgy statistics

  66. Edd Bogle

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  67. Simon Hughes

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  68. Dean Eldon

    If you ever throw a party give Dave Cameron the money to get the booze:

  69. Pete

    Lager? It's an oik's drink! RT @antonvowl: Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  70. David Cameron to slash beer duty! | Political Scrapbook

    […] Cameron is apparently under the influence impression that 20 cans of Stella Artois can be purchased in a British […]

  71. kahoakes

    Cameron shows how in touch he is with the real world

  72. Daniel Benfield

    David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each. (via @antonvowl) twaaaaaaat.

  73. Greg O'Meara

    RT @antonvowl David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  74. Azrael

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  75. Sarah Dummer

    RT @bumfield: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each. (via @antonvowl) twaaaaaaat.

  76. neilrfoster

    RT @iandpreston: 20 cans of Stella for a fiver? Where's Cameron shopping? No. Seriously. Where? #officeofbudgetresp …

  77. “Ban cheap booze! Those filthy commoners are too rowdy to drink!” Says ex-Bullingdon Club member |

    […] 1) The rationale is based on spurious claims. […]

  78. Dave and the Price of Beer « Bad Conscience

    […] in Cameron, Conservatives, Labour, Politics at 11:00 am by Paul Sagar Liberal Conspiracy and Political Scrapbook have been poking fun at David Cameron’s belief that “tins” of larger […]

  79. Scott Parker

    RT @antonvowl: David Cameron thinks you can get cans of Stella for 25p each.

  80. Politics of UK

    Could David Cameron please tell me where to get a can of Stella for 25p please? #ukpolitics

  81. The Exile

    RT @politicsofuk: Could David Cameron please tell me where to get a can of Stella for 25p please? #ukpolitics

  82. Tory Aardvark

    RT @politicsofuk: Could David Cameron please tell me where to get a can of Stella for 25p please? #ukpolitics

  83. Matt James Campbell

    Cam thinks you can get “tins” of Stella for 25p | Liberal Conspiracy << Read the entire 'factcheck' cretins. #LeftBS

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