How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

1:48 pm - January 4th 2011

by Sunny Hundal    

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This is what one politician said in 2009:

You could try, as you say, to put it on VAT, sales tax, but again if you look at the effect of sales tax, it’s very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest. It does, I absolutely promise you.

Any sales tax, anything that goes on purchases that you make in shops tends to . . . if you look at it, where VAT goes now it doesn’t go on food obviously but it goes very, very widely and VAT is a more regressive tax than income tax or council tax.

That was David Cameron at ‘Cameron Direct’ meeting in Exeter last year.

And this is what Nick Clegg told the Libdems:

Liberal Democrats have costed, in full, our proposals for tax cuts. We can tell you, penny for penny, pound for pound, who pays for them. We will not have to raise VAT to deliver our promises. The Conservatives will. Let me repeat that: Our plans do not require a rise in VAT. The Tory plans do.

Their tax promises on marriage and jobs may sound appealing. But they come with a secret VAT bombshell close behind.

So if you’re on an ordinary income, you have a choice. If you want your taxes to rise: vote Labour or Conservative. If you want your taxes to fall: choose the Liberal Democrats.

It’s not clear why those promises and the “fully costed plans” had to be changed, despite both parties being resolutely against a VAT rise before the election.

More broken promises? You betcha. As Left Foot Forward pointed out earlier, there are alternatives.

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About the author
Sunny Hundal is editor of LC. Also: on Twitter, at Pickled Politics and Guardian CIF.
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Can’t speak for Cameron, but there was a reason they used the “no plans” excuse.

But Clegg? Simple thing Sunny, it’s called electoral arithmetic. The Lib Dems didn’t win. Combine that with Labour lying about the state of the finances, the Lib Dem plans involved savings like scrapping Trident, substantially increasing taxes on the wealthiest and highest paid, etc.

The Tories won’t agree to that. Simples. Cable made it clear, repeatedly, during the campaign, that he couldn’t rule the VAT rise out, whenever asked. He also said he didn’t want to do it and it would be a last resort for him.

But 24% of the vote and 57 MPs is not a mandate to implement your manifesto in full. Simples.

Seems like Clegg was telling the truth.

God Mat, don’t you ever get tired of coming up with that lame excuse?

I feel embarrassed for you.

Simple thing Sunny, it’s called electoral arithmetic. The Lib Dems didn’t win.

Next time don’t come up with a manifesto then, if it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

Combine that with Labour lying about the state of the finances

I’m sorry – could you clarify where they “lied”? The facts about the state of the economy: how much money was coming in as revenue, and how much was used to prop up the banks, the expected rise in welfare, was all there for everyone to see

There are no new ‘revelations’ that have come to light since Libdems joined the Coalition, other than the insistence they didn’t realise how bad things were. In that case they were a bunch of incompetent idiots who didn’t have a calculator at hand when in opposition.

Next time when Libdems say “we have a fully costed manifesto” – what they must mean is: “we don’t have a clue what’s going on.”

It’s not a ‘lame excuse’ Sunny, it’s a statement of fact. If you’d change the fucking record then it wouldn’t be needed.

Clegg said “if the Tories win, they’ll put up VAT”. News flash, the Tories got more votes and a higher %age than Blair got in 2005. They effectively won, VAT’d be going up regardless.

And Labour lied because, amongst other things, we know for a fact they were planning to put VAT up as well, the treasury papers have confirmed it.

Now, do you want to have an actual debate on the points, or is juvenile insults your only stock in trade now you’ve gone all partisan?

Or do you really think 24% of the voters should have all the power and 70%+ should be ignored? That’s what you appear to be saying.

Next time don’t come up with a manifesto then, if it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

Kiddo, it was your party that went to court to uphold the democratic principle that manifesto commitments were worthless. Kinda late to start squealing now.

That’s true.

Regardless, the manifesto was clearly written as a negotiating position, without one negotiations would be pretty much impossible. More’n 50% is going to be implemented, but only with Tory agreement. That includes bits I helped write. I’m happy with that, it’s what compromoise and consensus politics based around electoral reform and a pluralistic Commons is supposed to be about.

Or has thinking through the natural consequences of support for electoral reform also escaped people?

Ye gods, I am cranky today.

6 – I was talking about Labour Mat – they defended an action for breach of a manifesto commitment by saying that it was an established fact that manifesto promises were not binding in any practical way.

Wasn’t it Nick Clegg who said that, unfortunately, the Liberal Democrats were 260 seats short of a majority? That’s a reasonably good explanation of why not all Lib Dem policies are being implemented, I’d have thought.

Yeah, I got it, and was agreeing with you. And I can’t recall that quote, but yeah, it’s a valid explanation for not doing everything.

Clearly getting 50%+ on 57 MPs is actually pretty good going on that maths.

So Cameron and Clegg are liars. Nothing to see hear, we always new that. Tories seem quite happy having a liar as leader. Nothing new there. Clegg has now moved onto being a compulsive liar ,but as long as he props up the tory scum the tory trolls are quite happy with that.

Nobody won the last election. I wish the Lib Dems would understand that. They can stop the tory brown shirts anytime they want. But so far they seem quite happy to implement tory policy and get jack shit in return. As Sunny said it is a waste of time them having a manifesto at the next election because it will be just a carbon copy of the tory one. And the tory one will be just one gigantic lie.

it’s a statement of fact. If you’d change the fucking record then it wouldn’t be needed.

statement of facts doesn’t mean both Tories and Libdems have full freedom to junk all previous commitments – especially on an issue where both members of this coalition actually agreed. Really lame response.

And Labour lied because, amongst other things, we know for a fact they were planning to put VAT up as well, the treasury papers have confirmed it.

Crap – and refuted here:

I’m not the one throwing “juvenile insults” – I think you’ve forgotten the definition of “lied”.

“Clegg said “if the Tories win, they’ll put up VAT”. News flash, the Tories got more votes and a higher %age than Blair got in 2005. They effectively won, VAT’d be going up regardless.”

Lib Dems are not very good at this politics thing are they. The tories did not win outright. They do not have the votes to do anything. But then along came the gormless Lib Dems who basically proved once and for all they have not a spine between them and no principles at all.

Lib Dem official policy is now that the public should pay 20% on virtually everything they buy. Except food and private education. Good luck selling that at the next election.

Really Sunny, you can’t be that stupid that you’d think Alistair Darling would turn round and say “Yes, we would put up VAT if we were voted in”. He’s in opposition and will say anything against the coalition party whether it is true or not.

The Labour apologists on here need to face the truth, Labour fucked up our economy, don’t have the guts to admit it and apologise for it, and don’t have any better ideas than the coalition does to get us out of their mess.

For that reason I will never vote for Labour again.

13. Richard W

I agree that if Labour won they would have put VAT up to 20% sometime during this parliament. However, the argument that the public finances were worse than expected is clearly nonsense. The budget deficit for 2009/10 undershot by around £8 billion if memory serves me correct. So worse than expected should read better than expected. The argument against raising VAT is that just now is a bad time to do it. A fiscal consolidation should have the spending cuts front-loaded and the tax rises coming in later years as economic recovery builds up steam.

The Coalition are stupidly dong it back to front with tax rises doing the heavy lifting in early years when the economy is weak. For example, the adjustment in total managed expenditure expressed in constant prices until 2012 sees a whopping 96% of the adjustment coming from tax. Why consolidate this way contrary to all the literature on how a country should consolidate their TME? It’s the electoral cycle stupid. The Coalition are more interested in their electoral prospects at the next election than they are in what is good for the economy and national interest. Moreover, arguably they could still have achieved their target of closing the deficit within this parliament without raising VAT at any time. Therefore, the suspicion remains that the VAT rise is there to finance a giveaway before the next election. So again it is their own electoral future they are looking out for not the national interest.

“For that reason I will never vote for Labour again.”

Yea, like you ever voted Labour in the first place.

Yes Sally, I did in both 1997 and 2001 as I believed their lies at the time, I have voted Lib Dem ever since and will continue to do so despite the smear campaigns the Labour party are busy running against them.


Of course you did.

VAT is a regressive tax as espuused by Cameron before the election;

“You could try, as you say, to put it on VAT, sales tax, but again if you look at the effect of sales tax, it’s very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest. It does, I absolutely promise you.

Any sales tax, anything that goes on purchases that you make in shops tends to . . . if you look at it, where VAT goes now it doesn’t go on food obviously but it goes very, very widely and VAT is a more regressive tax than income tax or council tax.”

To say there is no other option is pure tripe and another lie perpetrated by Cameron and propped up by Glegg

“instead of opting for a 77:23 split of spending cuts and tax rises, the Conservative-led government could have spread the burden of tax rises more fairly by increasing its bank levy or increasing capital gains tax to the 40% bracket rather than 28% which means that a multi-millionaire beneficiary of capital gains will pay less tax than someone on earning £35,000.”

But then again to take this option would hit the rich harder and we cant have that now can we? Poor = easy option every time under Tories.

16 So Sally, are you really 5 years old or do you only act it? Unlike some people on here I don’t have to lie.

Vince: He’s in opposition and will say anything against the coalition party whether it is true or not.

If that is your only argument you’re wasting my time here. It was one of the options discussed – some were for it. Gordon Brown / Ed Balls and many others were vehemently against a VAT rise AFAIK. And Darling wouldn’t have been chancellor now.

First Liberal Conspiracy criticises the LibDems for dishonesty in breaking manifesto pledges, now the criticism is that they are introducing their manifesto pledges and it was their manifesto which was dishonest in the first place.

You can’t have it both ways, so which one is it?

21. Chris Francis

David Cameron, 23.4.10

“We have absolutely no plans to raise VAT. Our first budget is all about recognising we need to get spending under control rather than putting up tax.”

Sunny: If that is your only argument you’re wasting my time here

My God, how important do you think you are?? Wasting your time!!

You waste far too much time writing whining topics all the time and I waste far too much of my important time reading them! The latter problem is easily solved, I fear yours never will!

David Cameron, 23.4.10

““We have absolutely no plans to raise VAT. Our first budget is all about recognising we need to get spending under control rather than putting up tax.”

And the tory voters have no problem with this at all. The same people who begrudge every penny in tax they paid under Labour have no problem with this tory lie. “It’s only an extra 2.5 pence in the pound they parrot.”

Toryism is an English disease.

“My God, how important do you think you are?? Wasting your time!!

You waste far too much time writing whining topics all the time and I waste far too much of my important time reading them! The latter problem is easily solved, I fear yours never will!”

Yes, spoken like someone who claims he voted Labour twice (not)

thomas – your point doesn’t even pass a simple reading comprehension test. Please re-compute.

vince – *yawn*

26. Mr S. Pill

Lib Dem apologists/members: It’s really very simple. Your party warned against a Tory government saying that it – the Tory government – would increase VAT and hit households to the tune of on average £389 (source: your party’s website). Your party now has its absurd hands on the reins of power and is propping up aforementioned Tory government as it, errrrm, increases VAT.

If you wonder why people hate your party, I suggest re-reading the above until it sinks in. It also works for tripling tuition fees when before you were going to vote against any increase. Funny how people used to think the Lib Dems were the nice guys! I’m glad you’ll be destroyed in 2015. You don’t deserve power.

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  1. Ellie Gellard

    Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  2. Trish Dever

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  3. Kasch Wilder

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  4. Sean Court

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  5. Paul Merrick

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  6. Ben Folley

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  7. cheesley

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  8. Matt Jeffs

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  9. Jon Sharman

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  10. Deokhee

    ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?? ? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? RT @libcon

  11. Simon

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  12. Simon

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  13. Einar Thorsen

    Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you" via: @sunny_hundal

  14. Einar Thorsen

    Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you" via: @sunny_hundal

  15. Simon Williams

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  16. Simon Williams

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  17. UK Uncut

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  18. UK Uncut

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  19. Gwendabird

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  20. Gwendabird

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  21. Khurm

    VAT >What's more of an issue is RT @BevaniteEllie How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  22. Khurm

    VAT >What's more of an issue is RT @BevaniteEllie How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  23. Andy Bean

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  24. Andy Bean

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  25. Miriam Said

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  26. Miriam Said

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  27. Mike Ashdown

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  28. Mike Ashdown

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  29. Martyn

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  30. Martyn

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  31. xorandorx

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  32. xorandorx

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  33. fizz

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  34. Rooftop Jaxx

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  35. fizz

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  36. Rooftop Jaxx

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  37. Lauren G

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  38. Lauren G

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  39. Henry Hunter

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  40. Henry Hunter

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  41. Double.Karma

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  42. Double.Karma

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  43. Van Badham

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  44. Van Badham

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  45. Pete Phillips

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  46. Pete Phillips

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  47. Marlise Visser-Lewis

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  48. Marlise Visser-Lewis

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  49. Simon Taylor

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  50. Simon Taylor

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  51. Kayleigh Donaldson

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  52. Kayleigh Donaldson

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  53. Matt Hayes

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  54. Matt Hayes

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  55. Jessica Dennis

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  56. Jessica Dennis

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  57. Lynn Hancock

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  58. Lynn Hancock

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  59. Sheena Penson

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  60. Sheena Penson

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  61. Aileen Kane

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  62. Aileen Kane

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  63. gwyn bailey

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  64. gwyn bailey

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  65. Nick H.

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  66. bill bold

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  67. Michelle Graham

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  68. Michael Panayiotou

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  69. Robert Eldridge

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  70. Robert Eldridge

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  71. Shawndra

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  72. Shawndra

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  73. theReckoner

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  74. theReckoner

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  75. Robert Eldridge

    Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise.

  76. Robert Eldridge

    Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise.

  77. Mabon ap Gwynfor

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  78. Mabon ap Gwynfor

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  79. Paul Trembath

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  80. Lloyd Woolf

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  81. Tom Lyall

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  82. Adam Burrows

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  83. Jen L. Kettlewell

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  84. thabet

    RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  85. anna banana

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  86. anna banana

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  87. anna banana

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  88. Neil Hawkins

    RT @sunny_hundal Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  89. njclc

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  90. Kevin Arscott

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  91. Robert Eldridge

    @AndrewSparrow How about this. Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise.

  92. Eric Wyn Roberts

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  93. Kevin Feeney

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  94. Maia Kierann Shah

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  95. Kyra Choucroun

    RT @sunny_hundal Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  96. Matt

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  97. Ryan Devlin

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  98. Karl Royle

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  99. Nigel Stephens

    @urbanbizarre national insurance contributions probably, but would muddy the waters when there's a wide open goal

  100. Chris Esqui Hancock

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  101. Lauren Healey

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  102. Gary Banham

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  103. pajh

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  104. Martin Crozier

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  105. Shaun Blezard

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  106. Top Politics Tweets

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  107. Nemesis Republic

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  108. Gavin Duff

    “@libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it” // hardly surprising tho

  109. James Lock

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  110. Leanne J

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  111. Conor Geelan

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  112. Duncan Birch

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  113. Peter Marshall

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  114. scottcrussell

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  115. GrangefieldLabour – VAT rise will hit pensioners + families hardest, big proportion of Grangefield residents

  116. Cameron Fraser

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  117. Shaun Pubis

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  118. Kerin Cosford

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  119. Nottingham Students

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  120. Elaine S

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  121. Miles Weaver

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  122. John Turner

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  123. George the archon

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  124. davidmn

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  125. Gorsefan

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  126. iain d broadfoot

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  127. Paul Hibbert

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  128. suziruk

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  129. Double.Karma

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  130. Del Shukum

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  131. Darren Johnson

    How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hundal #brokenpromises

  132. richdavidson

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  133. Top Politics Tweets

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  134. Jon Rice

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  135. Owain Fitz-Gibbon

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  136. Reality Radio

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  137. Simon Grover

    Clegg and Cam in their own words, rejecting VAT rise before election.

  138. David Smout

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  139. Ally Brown

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  140. Emily Davis

    RT @BevaniteEllie: Unbelievable. RT @libcon How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  141. Grumpy Elector

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  142. Rachel

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  143. Crimson Crip

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  144. Broken OfBritain

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  145. Broken OfBritain

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  146. carol cabourn-ford

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  147. ABC

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  148. Helen Thomas

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  149. StarSparkle

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  150. Double.Karma

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  151. steve conway

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  152. Malcolm Evison

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  153. Ply.eao

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  154. Peter Pannier

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  155. Farid

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  156. Farid

    RT @sunny_hundal "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest. I absolutely promise you" Cameron #ukuncut

  157. Snorestore and the VAT rise « Snorestore News

    […] blogs on how it’s so easy to switch sides once you get a ministerial car to ferry you around: Broken Promises. And we haven’t even mentioned student fees … .textwidget input[type='text'], […]

  158. Jehane

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  159. Liberal Conspiracy

    How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  160. like itsez

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  161. sunny hundal

    Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  162. If Not Then What?

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  163. Huw Davies

    I'm not surprised, but it's good to know the quotes

  164. Kieron Moyles

    "it hits the poorest the hardest….VAT is a more regressive tax than income tax or council tax" David Cameron

  165. Dan Plant

    Cameron 2009: VAT's very regressive, hits the poorest hardest. I absolutely promise you

  166. Lauren Healey

    RT @ifnotthenwhat: RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  167. Mark Tearney

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  168. Mark Martin

    How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon

  169. John Donnelly

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  170. John Nor

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  171. Fran

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  172. mary cigarettes

    RT @djdaddums: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon

  173. Robert Eldridge

    @iaindale @johnpotterLD @BBCnewsnight @Ed_Miliband How Cameron & Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  174. Nell Epona Bridges

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  175. walter ledif

    RT @libcon How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it can you plrase verify this for me

  176. Richard Bridge

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  177. Elise Benjamin

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  178. EastOxfordGreens

    RT @DarrenJohnsonAM: How David and Nick opposed 'regressive' VAT rises, until they were elected Thanks @sunny_hun …

  179. emisbatgirrl

    How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon

  180. ABC

    RT @emisbatgirrl: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon

  181. errrbrumscum

    David Cameron is a big fat pug faced cum bucket who tells porkies.

  182. Citizen Smith

    RT @sunny_hundal: Cameron 2009: "[VAT] is very regressive, it hits the poorest the hardest…I absolutely promise you"

  183. ChrisClose

    RT @libcon: How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it

  184. Penny Homer

    Aren't they all? RT @_Brum_Scum David Cameron is a big fat pug faced cum bucket who tells porkies.

  185. Spir.Sotiropoulou

    How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it | Liberal Conspiracy via @libcon

  186. Rachel Hubbard

    How Cameron and Clegg were against VAT rise before they were for it | Liberal Conspiracy

  187. Legassi Gardens

    Nick Clegg was honest enough before the election: and

  188. Jamie brown

    @oneexwidow Fair enough but ahem

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