You’re going to love this…
Not a good move. Letterman tore a strip off McCain.
Letterman makes an excellent point: Why has McCain “suspended his campiagn”? Why didn’t he return to Washington and allow his running mate, Sarah Palin, to continue campaigning? What, isn’t she up to it?
via. Oliver Willis.
According to pollsters Gallup, Barack Obama’s 4-point lead* remained stable over the weekend, ahead of the first presidential debate in Mississippi this week. Real Clear Politics, which tracks numerous national polls, has Obama averaging a 3-point lead over the GOP hopeful John McCain.
At the height of the “Palin Bounce” McCain enjoyed a 5-point lead [Gallup]. McCain’s success has now been obliterated following the electorate’s apparent tiring of McCain’s constant attacks on Obama – the Arizona Senator has not missed an opportunity to heap criticism on the Democrat nominee, including blaming him directly for the current Wall St. meltdown. continue reading… »
Michael White, over on the Guardian’s politics blog, is mulling over the effect the ongoing financial meltdown is having on Gordon Brown’s position as leader. Brownite MPs are claiming that events in the financial world “have fundamentally changed the debate.”
It’s easy to suggest that Labour politicians are clutching at straws, or worse, in complete denial as to the perilous situation the party finds itself in. However, the British are a notoriously cautious electorate, and it’s not beyond the scope of possibility that maybe, if the current global credit crisis continues, they’ll stick with what they know.
Whatever your opinion of Brown’s record of chancellor, there is no doubt that he is hugely experienced compared to George Osborne. Indeed, if polls show a swing back in Labour’s favour, maybe Cameron will consider Iain Dale’s suggestion, and bring back the former ministerial heavyweight, Ken Clarke, as shadow chancellor.
Labour conference schedule
I will do better, Brown pledges
Brown’s stock rises as voters endorse handling of crisis
Labour rebellion spreads as Brown pleads for unity
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Aaron Heath
Sam Coates/TRB – Could the ‘collapse of capitalism’ save Labour?
Will Hutton/Observer – Like the Americans, we need to be decisive in the face of the financial crisis.
The Wardman Wire – Garbo thinks that it’s Rowling’s money, so it’s her prerogative.
Kerron Cross – It’s Cameron’s election to lose, which leaves Brown nothing to fear. Be bold!
John’s Labour blog – On the massive pay hikes for housing chiefs.
Charlotte Gore – Watching the conference from afar. Pass the bucket.
Harpymarx – Photos from the anti-war demo in Manchester.
City bounces back
The panic is over… possibly
‘Best man for job’ asserts Brown
Wall Street woes benefit Obama candidacy
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Aaron Heath
Patrick J. Buchanan – Yeah I know, Buchanan is hardly the usual fodder for progressives, but he is one of the few conservative commentators who is actually chronicling America’s economic decline.
Alix Mortimer – Quality navel-gazing from the Lib Dem’s premier blogger™.
anticant’s arena – Anticant sheds a tear for our desperately poor former PM.
Jock’s Place – The banking system is – and has always been – a fixed system.
James Graham – Consumed by political negativity, James considers his options.
Polly Toynbee/CiF – Having split with Gordon, Polly looks to define his replacement.
Jay Stevens/CiF US – America’s unlikely saviour: environmentalism.
Whip sacked for urging leadership contest
Warning: 30 airlines will go bust this year
McCain Grilled On “The View”
Hurricane Ike could be worse than Katrina for US
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Aaron Heath
Paul Theroux/CiF – How exactly does shooting a moose with a big-ass gun make you a rugged Republican megastar?
Political Betting – Was Biden a bad choice, and did Obama ‘force’ McCain to gamble on Palin?
Scribo Ergo Sum – Our Douglas reviews Sarah Palin’s first network TV performance. Verdict? Scary.
Hassan Akram – The recent histories of Chile and Britain share some common characteristics, so what can the British left learn from their Chilean comrades?
Paul Linford – Brown’s latest throw of the dice may be his last, but it could also be the play Labour supporters have been waiting for.
peezedtee – Should we change the National Anthem?
The enemies of reason – Play the Littlejohn drinking game.
American politics
The story behind the Palin surprise
With Pick, McCain Reclaims His Maverick Image
Palin: You’re no Hillary Clinton
Michael Tomasky [video]: ‘An insane choice’
Palin Probe Could Mean Election-Eve Trouble for McCain
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Aaron Heath
Short ‘n’ sweet today…
Secret Diary of a Cub Leader – The Daily Mail: even its own copy contradicts its headlines.
Anthony Painter – Welcoming the appointment of Sarah Palin.
Left of Centre – Robert has some fun with the aged McCain and his, ahem, running mate. [photo]
Friendly Atheist – Some illustrated Bible stories that you’re unlikely to find in Sunday School. via.
Political Betting – Is the Brown-Darling relationship souring?
Obsolete – Reviews the ongoing stalemate in the Caucuses.
Welcome to Liberal Conspiracy’s daily look at the political blogosphere. Please feel free to put your own recommendations in the comments, or you can send links for tomorrow’s review to tips[at]liberalconspiracy[dot]org
Huffington Post – Obama choo-choo-chooses the Senator from Delaware as his running mate. Joe Biden, a foreign-policy heavyweight (he’s chair of the mighty Senate Foreign Relations Committee), should boost the ticket in preparation for a long and dirty fight with McCain.
Politico – Hillary Stiffed! Apparently, the New York senator was never even vetted by Obama. You have to wonder what he could hope to find out that he doesn’t already know, but this might further spice-up the convention, where rumours of a coup still hang in the air.
Daily Kos – If you hadn’t heard, this week McCain dropped the mother of all clangers when he couldn’t answer the question: “how many houses do you own?” With America suffering economically, the GOP wingnuts are doing monkey-flips trying to spin this one. continue reading… »
Welcome to Liberal Conspiracy’s daily review of the web. Late to my desk today; so like a Hobbit eating a doughnut, it’ll be short ‘n’ sweet.
Anton Vowl – Getting all shouty about prime Daily Mail hypocrisy and the dog-muck that is X-Factor. (NSFW)
EconomicsUK – Finally, Britain’s record of economic expansion is at an end. David Smith also mentions that “capital expenditure dropped by 5.3%.” No surprise, as Brown last year slashed tax-relief, intended to encourage infrastructure investment in manufacturing, in order to fund the cut in corporation tax.
Jock Coats – Thinking about practical measures to protect our data.
Sadie’s Tavern – Ms. Smith discusses her daily dose of faux-outrage, courtesy of Dr. Humpers. Just read it, okay? – A Vietnam Vet, and fellow POW alongside John McCain, explains why he won’t be voting for the Arizona Senator this November. via.
Olly’s Onions – This is just cheeky.
Okay, that’s all from me. I’ll try and get started earlier tomorrow. Bye. *waves*
Welcome to Liberal Conspiracy’s daily blog review. We have a sumptuous menu for you today, starting with a main course of succulent Labour analysis, followed by some hot ‘n’ spicy American conservatism. I know. Me too. So excited!
OurKingdom – Anthony Barnett wittily unravels some vacuous Newspeak from minister Liam Byrne, who delicately writes with one foot in the Brown camp, and the other in Miliband’s.
Paul Linford – The coming weeks could represent the final death-knell of Brown’s premiership. A potentially lethal re-shuffle where ministers may refuse to serve, the all-important party conference, and a dangerous by-election in Scotland. A leadership challenge? Paul thinks there is every chance.
OurKingdom – Another cracking piece from OK, this time from Geoffrey Bindman, who warns those looking to define post-Brown Labour, about the vacuity of big strategies. Bindman takes one single issue, Legal Aid, and constructs a policy concept that would improve the lives of the poor and middle class, and foster a more equal society. It’s an intelligent step towards putting some purpose back into Labour. Highly recommended. continue reading… »
Welcome to the Friday edition of Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. Have to be quick as I’m – SHOCK! HORROR! – in the market for a proper job and I must get busy. Wish me luck.
Millennium Dome, Elephant – The Elephant’s own take on that controversial Policy Exchange report.
The People’s Republic of Mortimer – Alix questions the wisdom of all those ranting against that PolEx report. What exactly is so great about northern top-down regeneration?
Political Betting – Are the Clintons planning to knife Obama in back at the Democratic convention?
PFLD – A collection of Tory slogans. My favourites being, “The Conservative Party: A Better Class of Sex Scandal” and “Vote Conservative: We promise to keep Iain Dale away from anything important.” Meow!
Anthony Painter [video] – Yeah, McCain actually says, “But in the 21st century, nations don’t invade other nations.” Jesus this guy is his own worst enemy.
The Daily (Maybe) – Jim has a Q&A with the candidates running for the Green Party leadership race.
That’s all folks. Better be off. Bye. *waves*
Well, yesterday was certainly interesting. One minute we have a monummentous celebration in Beijing, and the next, Russia invades Georgia over a tiny rebellious mountainous enclave. So two universal truths are reinforced. One, the Chinese know how to throw a good party. Two, the Caucasus remain one of the world’s most irritable sores.
Now, on to the blogs.
Mark Almond/CiF – An informed commentary. And not ignorring one of the fundamentals of the Georgian-Russian conflict, Saakashvili – the Georgian president – is a naive idiot.
Svante Cornell/CiF – Stark, one-sided Russophobia. IMO. But then I would say that.
Robin Lustig – Iraq is flooded with oil-money, so why is the US still footing the bill for reconstruction?
Political Betting – Will two sex-scandals – one tinged with race – destabilise Obama’s campaign?
Real Clear Politics – (Re. one of those scandals) WTF was Edwards thinking?
The Curvature – Two in a row for Cara. Today it’s another story of a defence contractor, this time the Halliburton subsidiary KBR, covering up rape by its workers. continue reading… »
Welcome to today’s netcast. Off out soon with the kids, so just a quickie today.
The Curvature – A Russian judge has thrown out a sexual-harrasment case because, “If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children”. Scary Mary. As always Cara is on the money.
donpaskini – Politicians have alarmingly short memories. With this in mind, we bring you some lessons from those halcyon days of 2005.
The Yorksher Gob – Jennie calls for more accountability from parties for the conduct of their activists. I know a few Laboourites who might choke on their cornflakes at this from a Lib Dem’r!
Shiraz Socialist – Dispatches from the front line in the battle between “militant secularists” and politicised religious groups.
Tim Worstall – Tim is bitching about rigid regulations in dynamic markets, and what he supposes we do. Oh, and he claims that you lot – the pesky good-for-nothin’ lefties – just don’t get it.
A Very Public Sociologist – Racism, sexism, and homophobia? Why it must be the new X-Files movie!
And finally, Tim Ireland brings to our attention the newly announced Bond theme. ;o) Catch you tomorrow. Bye. *waves*
Welcome to Liberal Conspiracy’s daily look at the blogosphere. After a bumper instalment yesterday, we’ll keep it lean and mean this morning. Feel free to use the comments section to post links to good posts I’ve missed.
Paul Linford – Convinced that Miliband’s article was indeed a play, Linford warns the Foreign Secretary against becoming Labour’s Portillo by being bought off by Brown.
Amnesty Blogs – The 4,000th member of the US military to die in Iraq was, the Pentagon assures us, a model soldier and a hero. Of course it doesn’t want you to know that he was also gay.
donpaskini – Inviting you to share a giggle at a crack-pot post on ConHome, which claims a Conservative administration would improve your Waterstones experience. Alas, it was a Friday afternoon… Tories get cranky and more stupid as the weekend approaches.
Mike Power – Today’s netcast a bit content-light? Try Mike’s “PaperRound”. The best (and worst) of today’s press.
Welcome to today’s netcast. Rather worryingly, I’ll kick-off with news that the Pakistani security agency may have been involved in the bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul, back in July (NY Times). This has several potential implications for the complex and combustible region, and should be watched closely. Now, onto the bloggery!
Chicken Yoghurt – Justin is unimpressed with Miliband’s “coded” twitterings. Grow a ball-sack, Miliband. He’s also cheesed off at the gossipy political hacks, who construct piss-poor narratives out of such tosh. They should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
Scribo Ergo Sum – See Ali Gledhill’s job-application to be one of the above gossipy hacks. ;o) Ali suggests that Miliband may have overplayed his hand, and could be out on his ear in a month, or worse, be given the treasury. Ha! That’ll teach the uppity git.
Sunder Katwala/OurKingdom – Alas, gossip and plots will get Labour nowhere. The party needs a candid debate about where it’s going, and why it even wants to stay in power. This is the real meat of Miliband’s article.
Compass Youth – Joe Cox evangelises that the road to Labour’s salvation is leftward. continue reading… »
Welcome to today’s netcast. Doug is away this week, so I’m afraid some of us are working overtime. Today I drew the short-straw, so you’ll just have to like it or lump it. ) There is loads of good stuff on the blogs today, here is just a taster..
Green Peace has set up a new blog, Nuclear Reaction, to call the nuclear-power industry on its massive subsidies, questionable practices, and rampant propaganda. Justin is writing a great deal of the content, so they’ll be no shortage of snarky asides. Recommended.
donpaskini – With Labour on the ropes, the Tories are becoming more emboldened, and the carefully painted mask is beginning to slip. A dark cloud is gathering…
Wonderflonium – A warning to Scottish-based feminists thinking of voting for the SNP.
The Yorksher Gob – Our Jennie gets to grips with why she’s against positive discrimination. Good stuff.
The Daily (Maybe) – Jim has news from the Green Party leadership contest. Yes, there will be a contest. continue reading… »
The Guardian is reporting that senior ministers are imploring the PM to stand down. It’s hard to envisage Brown resigning the post he coveted for so long, and I suppose this is cruel irony, considering the way he repeatedly attempted regicide while he was chancellor. The blogosphere, naturally, is raging. Feel free to post links to your own rants below. You know you want to…
Dave Osler – The infrastructure just isn’t there to resuscitate Labour if it slips into a political coma. The base is crumbling, and British socialism “remains organically incapable of serious politics.”
Dreaming of Simplicity – Chronicling New Labour’s demise is all the rage. This example features much doom-mongering and hyperbole, but then, things are pretty bad, no?
Craig Murray – Wow. Murray has a whole belly-full of bile for Labour in East Glasgow. His bitterest gall is reserved for New Labour Candidate, Margaret Curran. continue reading… »
Welcome to the NetCast, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily… yeah, yeah. Whatever. You all know what we do here, and it should be even less surprising what will be the big story of the day, as news breaks that the SNP have emerged victorious in the Glasgow East byelection by 365-votes. Only a year ago, Glasgow East was the sort of constituency that would vote for rabies if it wore a red rosette. Labour’s collapse in less than a year, has been quite spectacular.
Iain Macwhirter/CiF – Iain lays down a heavy layer of stats (a 22% swing. Labour’s 3rd-safest seat in Scotland. 25th widest majority nationally), and claims that, “If they can’t hold the line here, then Labour cannot hold the line anywhere”. He also asks what this defeat means for the union?
Vino S – It was a vote against Labour, but is was also a vote in support of the SNP’s government north of the boarder. We shouldn’t get carried away about a byelection, though.
Lindylooz Muze – Linda Jack wonders if the SNP’s momentum is now unstoppable?
Liberal Burblings – If Brown were a horse, he would have been shot by now. continue reading… »
Welcome to our daily web review. As always, feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Clairwil – The first step to ending poverty is scrapping tax-credits, that most convoluted and expensive waste of resources. The lowest paid shouldn’t pay any tax whatsoever.
Dave Hill – Some choice cuts from the list of questions submitted for next week’s Mayoral QT. (Doug takes a closer look).
…Millennium Dome, Elephant – On the rather delicious spat between Sarkozy and Mandleson, and how French protectionism is the enemy of progress. Amen.
Westminster Wisdom – Gracchi toys with the idea of a peaceful compromise in 1776, where America and Britain remain unified. How could things have panned out differently?
Paul Linford – Will DC bring DD back into the inner sanctum? continue reading… »
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