Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. There are some excellent posts around the internets today, here is just a taster…
*** GL0RIFY! *** – In the longest trial of its kind in history, an animal rights activist has been jailed for 4.5 years. The presiding judge’s hobbies include “shooting, smallholding, gardening and fishing”. An appeal, based on his apparent conflict of interest, has been launched.
The Daily (Maybe) – There was a by-election yesterday, apparently. JimJay brings us the rundown.
OurKingdom – Anthony Barnett commends Davis’ performance, and takes a swipe – again – at the “sneering” BBC.
Rachel North – Rachel debated liberty on the eve of the election. Here is her speech. continue reading… »
Jennie seems to have dropped off the interwebs, so I’ll post a quick web review and she can post over me if she surfaces unscathed.
Chicken Yoghurt – Brown’s statements about us lot stopping wasting food has received short-shrift across the blogs. Justin explains that it’s not a bad idea, it’s just…
Stumbling and Mumbling – And then Chris weighs in with some elementary economics for Gordon.
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Jumping deep into the sticky argument that is inclusive education. Forget participating in every activity, it’s about being around everyone else and socialising.
Amused Cynicism – Yay! The latest Britblog roundup is upon us.
Cassilis – Polly wrote about relative poverty at the weekend. Liam responds.
The Daily (Maybe) – JimJay asks for calm in the debate on knife crime. Law and order related outrage is rarely the best way to tackle social problems.
Right, that’ll do you for now. I hope Jennie’s okay! *UPDATE* Jennie is fine, she suffering a “dicky” internet connection. Phew.
The kids are being particularly chimpish this morning, but that hasn’t prevented me from bringing you today’s freshest links from around the net. As ever, go ahead and serve up your own discoveries in the comments.
Freemania – Tom picks out the prime cuts from Parliament’s buffet of select committees.
Tim Collins – The 42-days vote was a victory for the terrorists, and utterly futile in fighting terrorism. But we knew that, right?
Political Betting – The Times is running with the story that the National Audit Office has rejected the Treasury’s accounts. Remember that bank, Northern Rock…
Earthpal – Writing a Birthday Card to the NHS. It may be rudderless and structurally flawed, but at least it doesn’t check your insurance status before it will treat you.
Chicken Yoghurt – Gordon Brown is the right man to be PM, because let’s be honest, a man so utterly unable to answer a straight question would never get a job in the real world.
Mick Hartley – On visiting Hayward Gallery’s 40th anniversary show, named “Psycho Buildings”. Well it’s culture, init? Well, actually it sounds a bit crap.
*Martin* Bright – Interviews Ed Balls MP.
Welcome to the netcast.
The Curvature – A son removes his aged father from a home where he had found a lover. Both father and his partner suffered from dementia. The thought of the two of them having sex was too much for the son. A beautiful, complicated article.
Left of Centrist – Robert imagines a world without gays and lesbians. Sounds bloody boring.
Norfolk Blogger – Nich gets himself banned from direct.gov.uk – simply for trying it out. Beware government IT initiatives. BEWARE!
Bad Science – Ben Goldacre’s latest example of “bad science” is from the front page of The Daily Outrage Express.
PDF (NSFW) – This will make you giggle (and possibly clap). But please, don’t visit this site if you’re at work.
Obsolete – Continuing our Daily Express theme, septicisle has news of a front page Muslim-outrage story that isn’t quite what it seems.
e8voice – Hug-a-hoodie wasn’t just a sound bite, it’s a serious rehabilitation project. Hugs work, apparently.
Labour are beginning to look like a punch-drunk former champ. They seem addicted to the buzz, but whenever they enter the ring they invariably get an almighty mauling. Last night was always going to be a shoo-in for the Tories, after all it’s Henley. But for Labour to be battered and bruised into fifth, behind such towering political heavyweights as The Greens, is quite the humiliation. It’s still uncertain that the up-and-coming challenger, Slippery Dave Cameron, has the stamina and power to win the Title belt, but surely he’s where the smart money is at…
Freemania – They don’t call him “Slippery” for nothing. Tom takes a look at some less-than-honest campaigning by the Tories.
Shiraz Socialist – It’s over for Labour, and the sooner the Left realises that it’s “no longer a viable vehicle for progressive politics in this country”, the better. Touché.
Sunder Katwala – The worst thing Brown can do is allow his tenure to splutter away hopelessly. He needs to be radical and to “get on and govern”.
Ali Gledhill – Yeah, Labour had it coming, but the real losers are the Lib Dems who, yet again, couldn’t capitalise. They’re bereft of ideas and are still conducting themselves appallingly. continue reading… »
Welcome to a rare Saturday edition of the NetCast. The Gods have been kind (for once) and I have a few hours to spare. You go make a nice cup of tea and we’ll make a start. Okay? Right, off we go…
Robert Fox/CiF – For those who still deny that conquering Iraq was about oil, Fox points out that US and British oil companies are busy carving up the nation’s reserves. History suggests it may not be an easy ride, though.
OurKingdom – David Davis is discovering – somewhat predictably, institutional resistance to his stand. Particularly from the BBC.
BlairWatch – Why Ireland voted no on the EU treaty, and what the EU can do to be more representative of its people.
Mike Power – As always Mike Power brings you his picks from the weekend’s newspapers (Sat edition). You might need another cup of lovely warm tea around now. We’ll wait…
Scribo Ergo Sum – Johann, baby, we don’t care if you’re fat. R.E. Vamp on the idiosyncratic scribbles of Mr. Hari.
Clairwil – Is utterly exasperated by the events in Zimbabwe.
Freakonomics – Kicking off a debate on the economics of bottled water.
Welcome to our daily web review. Apologies for the lateness of the review, but I was teaching a class this morning. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Freemania – Tom has the kernel of an interesting debate over at his blog. A research paper has been published that discusses a “Responsibility to Protect”, re. atrocities around the world and potential UNSC stalemates. I can’t help but think this is linked to the proposal John McCain is floating.
Tim Worstall – A champion of the pithy one-liner, Tim allows this gentle fisk of our Polly to rattle-on for several paragraphs. Polly, Tim argues, is wrong to suggest that people shouldn’t “top-up” their own medical treatment – NICE shouldn’t mean gospel.
Sadie’s Tavern – She thinks we’re all conspiracy loons, and are probably a bit too unfamiliar with reality. Highly recommended.
Rachel North – is not happy about Andy Burnham’s comments. Not one bit.
Political Betting – Will Labour lose its deposit in Henley next week? Mike suggests it might be worth a flutter…
Millennium Dome, Elephant – I’ll make a prediction. When the next hurricane or “event” causes havoc in America, it’ll be because they let the gays marry.
(off topic) pda – As surreal as resignation letters can often be, this one will take some beating.
The untimely death of the journalist and broadcaster, Tim Russert, has rocked America’s political and media worlds. continue reading… »
Britain was once a beacon of Liberty. Our writers and thinkers pioneered the very essence of modern Liberalism. And now? Well we’ll probably soon suffer – thanks to this most illiberal and arrogant Labour Government – one of the most authoritarian detention systems in the democratic world. To this long-time – albeit on/off – member of the Labour Party, this is the final straw. There is no point in fighting this cancerous authoritarian ignorance from within, because the leadership has now torn itself from any remaining sinew of hope. Brown has surrounded himself in a bubble of blind loyalty; a cabinet with neither backbone nor capacity. As for David Davis? I quote Mr. Eugenides: “either this man’s a self-important lunatic, or we’re witnessing one of the great principled stands of modern politics.” Now, enough of me, onto the links…
Liberty – Shami Chakrabarti’s statement and Liberty’s points of contention.
Amnesty – Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen’s statement.
OurKingdom – Anthony Barnett, OpenDemocracy’s founder and editor, ponders a new ally in David Davis.
Iain Weaver – takes a historical look at other MP’s who have put their career on the line for principle.
Chicken Yoghurt – Justin swings both ways as he weighs up Davis’ resignation. continue reading… »
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that I have recruited additional writers to help me with the daily web review.
I have personally compiled the daily web review since Liberal Conspiracy was launched last year. I’ve very much enjoyed it, but I’m also keen to bring a fresh perspective to the review, and I’m sure that the bloggers I have assembled will do just that. You’ll probably know them from their contributions to the comments, but I’d like to introduce them nevertheless ::
continue reading… »
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Charlie Brooker – In the sort of hateful prose he is famous for, Brooker sums up what being a left-leaning person is like right now.
Johann Hari – If Brown is really over, what’s he got to lose? Go for it dude, be the PM you always wanted to be. You can be brave when you have nothing to lose…
Earthpal – Huge infrastructure projects threatening indigenous Amazonian tribes? No, it’s not history from the eighties, it’s happening right now.
WashPo – Hillary made the mother of all cock-ups last week, hinting that Obama could still be assassinated – RFK syle, on Sunday her team blamed Obama for the controversy.
A Very Public Sociologist – Naomi Klein is promoting her new book, The Shock Doctrine. Get the rub here.
Bob Piper – Wants Indi hacks to put some meat on their Cruddas-Brown speculation…
Scribo Ergo Sum – BoJo has kept a promise! Shame it’s one that will probably mean more expensive public travel for London’s needy.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
OurKingdom – Boris’s election is historic. The UK’s traditional governing party the Tories have become urban, even multicultural. Even in London, where Labour fielded its most gifted politician, they lost. Boris’ victory is no joke, it’s a serious indictment of the state of the British left. Platitudes simply won’t do, the Left must get a grip.
Westmonster – Yesterday I reminded Joe Lieberman that the Cold War was over, maybe I was too hasty?
Andy Worthington – Andy’s book on Guantánamo Bay is excellent, and to make it doubly excellent, he’s posting additional chapters online as information emerges.
Dolphin Hotel – The Tories are the government in waiting.
Chicken Yoghurt – There is no ideological swing, it’s just that Labour is a bit crap at the mo.
Mike Smithson – Why the Tories *will* win the next General Election.
Pickled Politics – It’s not just Obama with the dodgy Reverend. McCain’s in serious haot-water over the views of Rev John Hagee. Sunny asks: will Hagee be overlooked as conservatives claw at Obama over Rev. Wright?
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Jenni Russell – Russell is stark in her assessment: Brown has to go. But with the weakest cabinet in living memory, who could possibly step-up? A proper leadership election, with manifestos and hustings is the way forward.
Anton Vowl – The Mail’s new online message-board takes us to new depths.
Joe Lieberman – Attacking Obama for promising dialogue. Has no one told Lieberman the Cold War is over? He’s backing McCain, no doubt.
andrew golis – Featuring an excellent video by Jay Smooth on hip-hop and its ridiculously primitive homophobia. There *are* gay rappers, and they’re coming to get you…
Freemania – Upon closer inspection, Nick Clegg’s tax plans start to look a bit wooly. Indeed, “piffle” says Tom.
Scribo Ergo Sum – More on the Scientology is a cult controversy (it is).
A Very Public Sociologist – Remembers the uprisings and political flux of May 1968.
Finally… I’m moving to Tallinn, Estonia in June. I’ll still be writing and editing the NetCast, but I’m looking for writers who would like to write maybe one or two instalments per-week. Please drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org if you’re interested.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
The Curvature – As America considers its first black president, Cara brings us a shocking account of domestic violence ignored by police. Oh, did I mention the caller is black?
OurKingdom – Last night Des Browne voted with Nadine Dorries in the Human Embryo and Fertilisation Bill, in line with his belief in the sanctity of life, yet he refuses to outlaw cluster bombs, which disproportionately target civilians and children. How so, Des? You wouldn’t be one of those awful hypocrites, would you?
Paul Linford – Musing a Labour Party run by Alan Milburn.
donpaskini – George Monbiot is right to criticise Labour, but he must also be fair and acknowledge its genuine achievements.
anticant’s arena – How on earth can it be an arrestable offence to call Scientology a cult? I mean, some dude just made it up! More over at Steven Poole’s always-excellent UNSPEAK.
tygerland – Even some conservatives think Bush went too far in Israel, when he alluded to Obama’s “appeasement”. Indeed, Bush’s only foreign policy successes are the result of d.i.a.l.o.g.u.e.
Finally… I’m moving to Tallinn, Estonia in June. I’ll still be writing and editing the NetCast, but I’m looking for writers who would like to write maybe one or two instalments per-week. Please drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org if you’re interested.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Robin Lustig – US presidential candidates are kicking around the idea of a “League of Democracies”. While the UN is clearly a flawed organisation, European countries are cautious of undermining it, and wary of neoconservative “democratic evangelism”. As someone in the comments adds: “I guess Israel would be one of the first ones to be included in this “league”, right?”
Labour Outlook – How the Cabinet voted on the Hybrid Embryo bill. No surprises, guaranteed.
Guardian – Obama warns the GOP to “lay off” his wife, Michelle. Tim Worstall explains why he’s too late.
Political Betting – Is Alan Milburn plotting Brown’s overthrow after the expected defeat in the Crewe & Nantwich by-election?
Earthpal – Ever see Alexander Payne’s political masterpiece, Election? The Earthpal household have their own budding Tracy Flick.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Huffington Post – 75,000 and a flotilla of boats watched as Barack Obama spoke on the banks of the Willamette River in Portland, OR. Reports that Obama turned water into wine are unconfirmed.
OurKingdom – [Book Review] Paul Kingsnorth (author of Real England) reviews Vron Ware’s Who cares about Britishness?
A Very Public Sociologist – Lefties muse theoretical and practical approaches to environmentalism. You know, still kicking capitalism, but from a green perspective.
Amnesty Blogs – Patrick Corrigan digs out some great quotes from American literary legend, Gore Vidal.
Philobiblon – Natalie Bennett has her say on the abortion debate and the Human Fertility and Embryology Bill.
e8voice – [video] Watchers of US politics must watch this video.
Dave Cole – Making the case for Paul-Henri Spaak as the “individual [who] has had the most influence on humanity worldwide since WW2”.
Sadie Smith – Those hypocritical Tories in Crewe and Nantwitch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Amnesty – What gets me, is that 21% of Britons quite like cluster bombs…
Kevin Maguire – A high profile political blogger is arrested and sentenced. Time for blogger solidarity?
Under the microscope – If America is worried about the increasing scientific prowess of Asia, why is it treating its female scientists so poorly?
The Sharpener – The Sharpener is back. *wipes tear from eye* It kicks off with a characteristically sardonic piece, with John Band hoping that our Punch and Judy politics continue.
Get Your War on – [Cartoon] Pointing out what a mess we’re in (scroll down for latest). via. Justin
Westmonster – So George W. Bush hasn’t profited from the Iraq War. A missed opportunity, I say.
The Tory Troll – Are we about to see a power-struggled within the BNP?
Oh, and I’ve been asked to plug this Obama song.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Dawn Teo – Why Edwards *hearts* Obama.
Gail Collins – There is one scenario where Hillary wins. And yeah, it’s a bit far-fetched and involves the state of Oregon slipping into the Pacific…
tygerland – [video] Clinton Speaks
Indigo Jo Blogs – On Ghayasuddin Siddiqui and the Quilliam Foundation’s launch event.
Alix Mortimer – The way the government handled the 10p tax change was a “disgrace”, but the way it has handled the climb-down is just pathetic.
Mark Pack – The Tories have been exposed as hypocrites… surely not???
Question That – The sticky moral wicket that is the Human Fertilization & Embryology Bill. Ian looks specifically at the “father figure” amendment – from a Libertarian perspective.
The Curvature – The US pro-choice lobbies are divided over Obama and Clinton. One is accusing the other of “dividing the movement”. Another tale of Liberals bickering amongst themselves?
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Laurence Boyce – An account from the latest blogger audience with Nick Clegg.
Random Acts of Reality – Ponders another shitty night in an ambulance crew.
Dave Hill – Some inter-newspaper bitchiness causes smiles in the Hill family.
Obsolete – The sad death of a middle-class white boy has spurred on commentators to call for zero-tolerance policing, with The Sun claiming New York is now safer than London. Septicisle argues that figures suggest otherwise.
A Very Public Sociologist – Gladiators is/are BACK!
Bel is thinking – Political Journos concentrate too much on the Westminster narrative, rather than what policies actually mean to the voters.
Freakonomics – Why charitable donations to help those in Myanmar Burma will be meagre compared to Katrina and the Asian tsunami.
Mike Power – On the “All round shitbag and Lib Dem MP for Birmingham Yardley, John Hemming”.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Apologies for the absence of the review yesterday, it was my little boy’s birthday and we had many Spider-man related things to see to.
New Mandala – There is no way that the Junta in Myanmar can pretend Cyclone Nargis didn’t happen, or hide behind local bureaucratic incompetence. Then again, its downfall has been predicted all too often.
JayWalk – The Chinese responses to recent disasters, convey a change in its political approach.
Adam Bowie – On Chinese TV’s moderated footage of the carnage, and how twitter propagated the news of disaster.
Political Wire – Is insolvency about to throttle Labour?
OurKingdom – Did Labour use the politics of fear on the Crewe and Nantwich by-election. Desperate times…
Cassilis – Labour – and the left in general – just don’t get it: David Cameron’s new “compassionate conservatism” is real, rooted in history, and ideologically sound.
peezedtee – Eight reasons why it’s time to call time on Labour.
Pickled Politics – And three reasons why Obama will be president.
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