Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Cassilis – Brown may not be the disaster the media frame him as, but he is a truly dismal interviewee, lacking any of the verbal dexterity of other statesman.
Anton Vowl – Why are the message boards of mainstream news sites allowed to be hijacked by hardline rightwingers? Clue: click, click, click! [NSFW]
westmonster – The French have banned the incitement of “thinness”.
BuzzFlash – How the myth of ‘ol Gipper screwed blue-collar America. via.
e8voice – Chronicles Obama’s latest miss-calculation, and the ad hoc alliance of McCain and Hillary.
Political Betting – So who’ll be the next leader of the Labour Party? Mike looks at the candidates.
“Matt Wardman” hosts this week’s britblog review.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Blairwatch – On the conspiracy theorist who pesters 7/7 survivors because their accounts contradict his anti-semetic world view.
Rachel North – On the genuine progress being made by those working to reform fundamentalist radicals.
Mother Jones – Bush’s tax relief for the richest 1% in 2008 has been worth $79.5bn. More than the entire budget for the Dept. of Education and twice that of the Dept. of Homeland Security. via.
Richard Conniff – It’s time we dropped the word “tax”, and instead referred to social obligations as “dues”. Conniff tears a page from the conservative playbook.
Jock’s Place – Jock makes an interesting argument in favour of a Land Value Tax (or should that be Land Value Dues?).
Obsolete – Scything – yet in places soothing – commentary on the continued woes of Gordon Brown.
publicansdecoy – Is this a historical precipice, are we about to take a lunge backwards?
Welcome to our daily blog review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
This is Zimbabwe – Zanu PF’s violent retaliation continues. (warning: pictures of beatings may be NSFW)
The Yorkshire Ranter – Just how unstable can a regime be, and still be a “regime”?
Freemania – The roots of Labour’s problems predate Gordon Brown, and he was the never the right man to weed them out.
Anton Vowl – A mail columnist has claimed that being judgemental has a positive effect on people. Vowl documents the treatment of Mark Speight and proves otherwise.
Clairwil – People can be so stupid sometimes. Particularly parents.
William Kristol – In a calculated attack, Kristol claims Barack Obama is “disdainful of small-town America — one might say, of bourgeois America.”
My Left Wing – Might Obama’s running mate be a woman? (pssst. no, not her)
Welcome to our daily blog review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Rachel from north London – Rachel relives that day.
Paul Krugman – Universal healthcare is one of the central pillars of progressive politics. So says Emperor Krug.
Pub Philosopher – As the world tut tuts about the Chinese crackdown in Tibet, the regime uses the threat of Islamic terrorism to crush the Uighurs. Imagine it if the British state used the fear of terrorism to crack down on political dissent…
Lee Griffin – The latest target of the Whitehall goblins is that most loathsome of constituencies: students. They must be kept apart or they’ll breed. Quick woman! Get my shotgun!
Though Cowards Flinch – The rhetoric may have changed, but the core values of the BNP remain.
Compass Youth – It’s okay Boris, financial competency isn’t important to the people of London.
Oh, and since I’ve been designated the LC resident Neocon (thanks Sunny), I’ll draw your attention to this NY Post article. Toodle Pip.
Welcome to our daily review of blogs. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Politico – If a well-run campaign is a test of managerial competence, Hillary flunked.
e8voice – The PoliticsHome panel of “experts” are wrong. Framing Ken as a competent CEO will unravel
Left of Centrist – Could the US elect a crazy to the White House? (Hint: they’ve done it before)
Obsolete – It appears I’m alone in enjoying Ruth Fowler’s controversial piece yesterday. septicisle is particularly sardonic.
donpaskini – It’s a common misconception that young childless workers will be worse off for the budget.
Alix Mortimer - Needs nails, will get nostalgic.
The Golden Strawberry – A £30 Pot Noodle. Sold in Harrods. No, seriously.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Ruth Fowler – Pffffft!!! Liberals are hypocritical correctionists. I loved this article more than anything I have read this year.
Politalks – Gavin Whenman and Lee Griffin’s witty animations are back, this time they take on those randy politicians (NSFW).
NYT Books – Michiko Kakutani delivers a withering review of Martin Amis’ latest book on the GWOT.
Cerebral Black Hole – Wikileaks is in the news again. This time the site is being hounded by lawyers representing the Church of Scientology.
Obsolete – Brown’s administration has proven to be even more rightwing than could have been feared.
Crooked Timber – Sesame Street and Politics. This is why I write these reviews. Glorious.
The enemies of reason – More tabloid deconstruction from Anton Vowl.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Michael Tomasky – The last wheel may just have come off the Hillary campaign wagon, as her chief strategist is dumped.
Westmonster – Would the selection of Condoleezza Rice as McCain’s Veep, throw the Dems into a flux? Black and a woman = Kerching!!!
Mr. Eugenides – In a predictably NSFW diatribe, Mr.E says pretty much everything that needs to be said about the pro-Tibet protests and the Olympics.
The Daily (Maybe) – Jim Jay rails against Cambridge’s latest cathedral of capitalism.
Indigo Jo Blogs – Maybe the verdict on Diana will silence the conspiracy theorists? Unlikely.
Paul Linford – From hero to zero: Linford on Peter Kilfoyle MP.
Sadie’s Tavern – Witty Sadie satirises BJ the Mayor Bear
Finally, Gracchi has penned this week’s britblog review.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Penny Red - The student’s union has become “a finishing school for aspiring toe-sucking Blairite sycophants.”
Jock’s Place – Musing the question of an Olympic boycot.
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Rather than paying out compensation years later, what babies need is better care.
Norfolk Blogger – Oh my, Nich tears into Olympic touch bearer Konnie Huq.
Hang Bitch – Butlins: an experiment in racial integration and multiculturalism. Heh.
Sue Horton and Bjørn Lomborg – Sometimes it’s the simplest of measures that have the greatest impact on world hunger.
Stroppy Blog – On the passing of Greg Tucker.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Just a few links this morning.
Ministry of Truth – Oh no! It seems that the Tories may not have the online political sphere wrapped up after all.
Vanity Fair – In a lengthy essay, Phillippe Sands looks at how America became a proponent of institutional torture. via.
1820 – On Wendy Alexander’s latest attempt to salvage her leadership of the Scottish Labour Party.
Shiraz Socialist – Martin Luther King not only fought for race equality, he fought for the rights of all America’s poor.
donpaskini – The hidden poor are those without kids on low wages. The answer is tax-cuts.
RobertRouse – It’s true, only Obama can save America.
Chris Dillow – Dillow gets all highbrow in this critique of the left’s approach to religion.
Coffee House (pt. II) – Sexpot Nick Clegg answers more serious questions at the Speccie blog.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Innerbrat – Last post on rape! (This week)
Quote: “a post that deserves to be read by EVERYBODY who has ever had an opinion on rape.”
Political Betting – Could the Murdoch empire start backing Barack?
Continuing this review’s heavily biased coverage of the Democratic primaries, we find out that Lizzy Murdoch is throwing a fund-raising soiree for Barack Obama.
Dee Dee Myers/HuffPo – Hillary’s Fuzzy Math
Oh, a post that’s critical of Hillary. Now how did that get in here?
Obsolete – Up all night with Nick Clegg.
septicisle is unimpressed with Clegg’s past-form as a collegiate lothario.
Bloggerheads – Iain Dale has been overstating his visitor stats
For those with the stomach for yet another battle in the “Blog Wars” (you know the story by now: our plucky hero, taking on a behemothic evil empire. Classic theatre.).
Kevin Myers/Irish Indi – He was a decent man who couldn’t tell right from wrong
Comment from the Emerald Isle on the shock resignation of Irish PM Bertie Ahern.
Cassilis – Think Tank Roundup..
Indigo Joe Blogs – How sincere is Hassan Butt?
Andy Worthington – Cleared but still held in Guantánamo: Moroccan prisoner Said al-Boujaadia
Crooked Timber – Duties of justice
OurKingdom – Iain Dale, We have a problem (psst! two Ian Dale related links in the same review? I’ll be branded an obsessive, you watch)
Freakonomics – The Stock Market Surged Yesterday Because … Why?
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
In the news… Is BJ-the-mayor-bear being muzzled? Wall Street: Crisis? What Crisis? Mugabe about to walk?
OurKingdom – UK5
The disaster at Terminal 5 is representative of the cancer at the heart of our state: grand visions undermined by incompetence and vacuity.
nosemonkey’s EUtopia – The state of British EU news coverage
A humble blogger has been nominated for the UACES-Reuters Reporting Europe Award. Nosemonkey argues that his own nomination is proof of the MSM’s EU-myopia.
e8voice – Immigration
Anthony Painter points out that the Lord’s immigration report’s most interesting factor is the effect immigration has had on our lowest paid workers.
Harold Meyerson/WashPo – Bailing Out the Reaganites
Meyerson wishes the Reagan GOP love-in was still going on. After all, it’s the politics of Old Gipper that have caused the current economic crisis (or is it?).
Earthpal – Our Kids
Westmonster – Clinton and Obama unite against McCain
The Yorksher Gob – Stupid BNP member is outed as writer of Stupid blog
Dave Cole – The Counter-terrorism Bill and coroners
Chicken Yoghurt – Newspapers and personal data: a level playing field at last
Mark Steel/Indi – You couldn’t make it up (unless you’re Hillary, that is)
Zoe Williams/CiF – A very liberal lover
Lee Griffin – Unfair green taxes, and how Cameron is *not* “flip-flopping”
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Just some quick links again, as I’m very late starting today.
Quick Links
Never Trust a Hippy – Centralisation, it’s causes and culprits
Greater Surbiton – It is no longer Left vs Right, but pro-Western vs anti-Western
(above links via. Tom Freeman)
New Humanist Blog – Catholics lose lead in religious league table
Clairwil – Is This Real?
Taking Liberties – Monteith: “I wonder how I ever was a Conservative”
Question That – Ken vs Boris on the Issues (5): Development
Millennium Dome, Elephant – On Expenses
Andy Worthington – UK government deports 60 Iraqi Kurds; no one notices
This week’s blog review is hosted by Natalie Bennett over @ Philobiblon.
Finally, a couple of links about Geert Wilders’ film, Fitna
Pickled Politics – Fitna, the horror movie
Mick Hartley – Wildersness
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Just some quick links as I’m very busy today.
Quick Links
Dave Osler – Why can’t the left do populism?
BlairWatch -Jack Straw: One Step Forward, One Step Back
Kanishk Tharoor/OurKingdom – Minority lists aren’t the way to find a “British Obama”
The Daily (Maybe) – Darfur: what’s not to be done?
Andy Sloan/YorkPo – I want real values, so I turned to the Tories
Seumas Milne/CiF – Religion is now a potential ally of radical social change
Freakonomics – Where Have All the Macroeconomists Gone?
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Chicken Yoghurt – Asylum seekers: shocking news
We have become a country that hates those in need.
Martin Land/LDV – …on Nick’s first 100 days
Eight out of ten ain’t bad for young Nick (no mention of the Euro vote debacle, though).
Ministry of Truth – What’s sauce for the Goose…
If only Nadine Dorries could just keep her trap shut, surely all these attacks would just go away?
Earthpal – Miss Bimbo indeed!
I’m not sure if “Miss Bimbo” is offensive, or clever social commentary. Earthpal gives her opinion.
The Daily (Maybe) – No go to the ASBO
Opens with the classy line: “They have to do it. Brown’s Ministers, each one more hapless than the last, have to show they are cracking the whip.”
Obsolete – Just how long exactly is this piece of string?
Crooked Timber – Forced to fight renegades
Question That – Ken vs Boris on the Issues (3): Housing
Kerron Cross – The value of marriage
Liberal England – PMQs show David Cameron’s weakness
Michael Tomasky/CiF – The end is nearer
Viral Corner
Delegated Vote from Alex Parsons on Vimeo.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
freemania – Measuring inequality: a story with two ends
Statistic tart Tom Freeman is at it again. Personally I think that if you eat those hamburgers that come in a tin with gravy, you must be poor.
FlyingRodent – What I Thought When That Iraq War Invasion Thing Was Being Planned And How I Decided Not To Support It, Because It Was a Stupid Idea, And That
FR interviewing himself. It’s brutal, funny, and brilliant.
David Brooks/NYT – The Long Defeat
C’mon Hill. Enough is enough. How much more damage can you do to the party? Quote: “She possesses the audacity of hopelessness.”
A Very Public Sociologist – Socialist Strategy After the Third Way
Informed naval-gazing about the state of the Labour Party and centre-left parties on the continent. Interesting.
Gavin Whenman – Politalks 8 [audio only this week]
Left of Centre – Mistaken or Lie? [hilarious photoshoping of HRC]
Cassilis – This weeks Think Tank Roundup…
Dave Cole – Edmund Burke on Nadine Dorries
Through The Scary Door – Big up the teachers
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Thank you very much, Channel 4!
Indigo Jo Blogs – Omar Bakri expresses dim view of Amir Khan
Question That – Ken vs Boris on the Issues (2): Crime
Love and Liberty – President Sarkozy Makes Sense
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
OurKingdom – White season for racism
Vron Ware’s controversial critique of the Beeb’s “White Season” shouldn’t be missed. Even if you disagree.
Cassilis – A tale of two pastors…
America’s volatile religiosity makes for a messy kind of politics. And not just for Obama.
Dave Cole – Media mendacity
Newspapers such as the Express and Star like to drape themselves in the Union flag, but what sort of nation is their gossipy journalism actually creating?
Jock’s Place – Protection or Free Trade – Tories debate
For all their rhetoric, the Tories have a lot to learn about free-trade.
Anne Applebaum – Boycott Beijing
The Olympics is political by its very nature. So the games are the perfect place to protest. And don’t forget the corporate sponsors whose cash the event relies on. My comment: Then again, our economy is so intertwined with China’s, wouldn’t a protest be merely superficial?
donpaskini – Wisdom of the Crowds: Iraqi special
Question That – Smokers Are Voters Too
Obsolete – Take me out to the crucifixion.
feeding the fish – The amazing hypocrisy of Theo Hobson
Shiraz Socialist – The Fertilisation Bill: the rational counter-attack
e8voice – Compulsory voting? Electoral reform?
UPDATE: (this – just under the wire – should be included) New Humanist blog – Aaronovitch and Toynbee on religion and the Embryology Bill
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Just a brief holiday roundup today.
feeding the fish – Frankenstein’s Chimera
The Church is getting itself all confused with science. Again.
Clairwil – Actually No-One Gives A F…
Harsh words for Karen Matthews, mother of the abducted girl Shannon. And it’s not a ‘class thing.’
A Very Public Sociologist – Wendy Alexander: “Change Is What We Do”
Wendy Alexander is so detached from reality, she’s not possibly equipped to reverse Scottish Labour’s decline.
Left of Centrist – 4000 – and they said it couldn’t be done
The death-toll in Iraq passes another grim milestone.
This week’s Britblog Roundup is kindly hosted by Liberal England.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Happy Easter!
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Democracy Now! – Winter Soldier
En masse, veterans from the Afghan and Iraqi theatres speak out on the truth behind the propaganda.
Blood & Treasure – as opposed to humans
What is it about the Hollywood cause célèbre, Tibet, that so animates the “liberal intelligentsia”?
The Daily (Maybe) – Jim Jay’s Political Power Act
You’ve just been elected PM with a stonking majority (elections? Pah! I always dreamed of a bloody coup). What would be the first law(s) you would introduce? Jim Jay indulges in the fantasy.
NHS Blog Doctor – Nadine Dorries – the “MP nurse-specialist”
Oh dear, even old Dr. Crippen is on Dorries’ case. Quote: “God knows, I am no fan of late abortions, and there is indeed a strong case to be made against them. But not like this. This is utter garbage.” Heh.
Chicken Yoghurt – Porcelain Gods
Despite being the all-powerful creator of everything, he’s a touchy bugger.
And finally, The Sun gets its knickers in a twist here and here. [warning: this involves the twin evils - see predictable tabloid outrage - of immigration and paedophilia].
Sunder Katwala/CiF – Neocon tricks
Seumas Milne/CiF – Blowback all over again
Schneider Home – Russia’s 2nd Parliament
James Graham – Is Nick Harvey happy being the unacceptable face of Parliament?
Liberal England – Is the European project still internationalist?
The latest Realpolitik podcast is up.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Nicholas D. Kristof/NYT – Obama and Race
Gushing praise for Obama’s race speech, and wake up call for white America: Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s opinions are shared by many black US citizens.
Also: The World After Bush – Obama in Philadelphia
Bad Science – Nadine Dorries and the Hand of Hope
Ben Goldacre exposes anti-abortion campaigning MP, Nadine Dorries, again. This time Dorries has swallowed an internet hoax (or is it?). When will these people discover Google?
Cassilis – Brainstorming with Brown…
Bewildered members of the cabinet try and come to terms with management consultancy team-building techniques. A delight for those who’ve themselves suffered the tedious company of management consultants.
Millennium Dome, Elephant – Bear (Sterns) Market
It’s not just Northern Rock. More Champions League blogging from Millennium Elephant.
Question That – Defenders of the War
The leftwing “Decents”, and their part in the tragedy that is Iraq.
Alasdair’s LibDem Blog – McCain “applauds“ PM on climate change
McCain is impressed, this 15-year-old blogger isn’t.
Blood & Treasure – of Scouse and Scousiness
donpaskini – A wealth creator writes about gold
Anthony Barnett/oK – Can we trust Policy Exchange or any think tank?
The Sound of Gunfire – Justice for the Gurkhas
Peter Black AM – On Post Offices
MattGB – 5 years, for what, exactly? [inc. video]
wongablog – Astrologers cashing in on stock market uncertainty
John McDonnell MP – Post Office Closures will Cost the Government Dear
Jonathan Fryer – Nick Gets His Teeth into Ken
Don’t trip up – No friend of the downtrodden
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
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