Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Masters of the Universe
Video by Mike Power.
Blogs on Iraq
March 19 Iraq War Blogswarm – Bring the Noise! Bring the swarm!
Chicken Yoghurt – A child called ‘It’
Sim-O’s Random Thoughts – Five Years
Bloggerheads – The Iraq War (according to Page 3)
Left of Centrist – Numbers you can’t count on – Five Years too many
Darrell Goodliffe/LDV – Not so happy birthday
Obsolete – the parliamentary vote
Don’t trip up – Step by step
MOMocrats – Saying NO to George Bush’s War in Iraq
Outta the cornfield – Blogswarm
MSM on Iraq
First Post – Five years on: What they said about war on Iraq
Richard Norton-Taylor/CiF – The Iraq legacy: international relations
Patrick Cockburn – This is the war that started with lies, and continues with lie after lie after lie
The Times – The story of seven Baghdad families
The Guardian – What is the real death toll in Iraq?
Mark Steel – How dare these soldiers go round getting wounded?
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Obsolete – Iraq week.
Many of us will write about Iraq, but retrospective “navel-gazing” will not solve a thing. Iraq is an ongoing humanitarian disaster and Baghdad is a city riddled with sectarian battle-lines. Regardless of the latest (electorally motivated?) spin and the framing of the surge as a “success”, Iraq’s near-future remains a dark and bloody one.
Love and Garbage – With friends like these…
Oh dear. It appears Iain Dale has handed the Scottish Labour Party a gift.
Indigo Jo Blogs – A healthy obsession?
Public toilets are not only grim, they’re impractical. A bit of a rant, this.
Cicero’s Songs – Lib Dem v. Tory (Round 2)
Will the Liberal Democrats’ economically liberal policies mean they can outflank the Tories (from the right!) at the next general election?
The Daily (Maybe) – George Galloway, a Byron for our times
Is Galloway excusing Tehran’s barbaric attitude towards homosexuality?
OurKingdom – Was there a New Labour establishment? Helena Kennedy responds.
Mick Hartley – Disgraceful Acts
Andy Worthington – Why Guantánamo Must Be Closed
Stephen Tall/LDV – Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #56
Clive Soley – The Lords they are a blogging!
Political Betting – Tories take 13% lead in new ICM poll
Pickled Politics – More LOL-Blairs
Jon’s union blog – Feeling Blue
Lynne Featherstone – Is it pensions rather than the Budget that are dragging Labour down?
Vishakha N Desai/CiF – Asia matters
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
The F-Word – Stop the Strip Pub
Satchmo’s, a pub on Stoke Newington Road (North London), has applied for a licence to put on strip shows. The planned “sex pub” has incensed residents who are campaigning to the Hackney Council for the application to be declined. There is even a campaign blog.
FlyingRodent – Attention, Dipshits – It’s Not About Us [NSFW]
As the Observer muses its own support of the Iraq invasion and how the project’s failure has damaged the idea of liberal intervention, FR makes the point that maybe we’re forgetting something.
Left of Centre – Guilt by association or who the hell is Marc Rich?
It’s bewildering that a Clinton would have the chutzpah to criticise someone for having dodgy associates.
Shiraz Socialist – What’s “Respect Renewal” then?
New party, same old Galloway.
Alix Mortimer/LDV – Criminals of the future? Police call for children’s DNA to be stored
Seriously, how are you supposed to trust government, when they don’t trust you?
Richard Norton-Taylor/CiF – The Iraq legacy: financial cost
tygerland – jack thompson. what a dick
Westminster Wisdom – Milosevic on Trial
Cassilis – An atheist diatribe for Holy Week….
Chris Dillow – Pro and anti-capitalism: the issues
A Very Public Sociologist – The Apprentice
Hillel Schenker/CiF – Israel needs change, too
Viral Video
Oh dear.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Liberal Polemic – Why freedom matters
donpaskini – When a tax cut isn’t a tax cut
Clairwil – Bishop Devine
Anton Vowl – Swayze’s on the way, so let’s get the boot in quickly
Freemania – Deafness and the availability of options
The F-Word – Where the 1967 Abortion Act doesn’t apply
Stephen Tall – QT’s pro-Tory bias: the BBC replies to Lib Dem Voice
Liberal England – Europe: Shirley rules out one theory, so here’s another
Anthony Barnett/oD – Obama and Hightism
Jeremy Hargreaves – President Blair of Europe?
Gavin Whenman – Realpolitik 17: So What? [podcast]
MSM Highlights
James Denselow/CiF – Where is Blair?
Nick Robinson/BBC – Expense account
Paul Krugman/NYT – Betting the Bank
Dominic Lawson/Indi – This is a Government which doesn’t really believe in the threat of climate change
Sarfraz Manzoor/CiF – Iraq, the director’s cut
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments. Another set of quick links today as I have a train to catch.
Political Betting – Could Balls have just lost Labour the election?
Crooked Timber – Dead heats and democracy [US elections, and succession]
Spy Blog – Reporters Without Borders: new updated version of the “Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents”
Earthpal – Child Poverty and the Budget
anticant – The need to be right
Cassilis – This weeks Think Tank Roundup….
Freakonomics – A Call Girl’s View of the Spitzer Affair
Dave Osler – London elections: the far left case for a Labour vote
Mark Mardell’s Euroblog/BBC – Why the budget didn’t go as far as Mr Brown would like
Martin Kettle – Not until 2010, Darling
Jo Christie-Smith – Worrying about homophobia in schools? Don’t be so gay…
Liberal Burblings – Darling’s budget: Is that all there is?
Viral Corner
via. HuffPo
BTW. It was clearly “so weak”. He was mouthing it back at Cameron as soon as Dave jumped.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments.
Tampon Teabag – Test Your Britishness
Blairwatch – Gordon Brown’s Latest Wheeze
Jock’s Place – ALTERnative Strategies
Obsolete – Oliver Kamm: nothing is too vile for me to try to justify.
Paul Canning – Turning web buzz into votes: how Obama does it
Catherine Fieschi/Demos – Who’s who? [re. citizenship & britishness]
mediocracy – “Freedom to“ vs. “approval of“
Ministry of Truth – Munging the Grimmer Twins
Penny Red – 55th Carnival of Feminists
A Very Public Sociologist – The Other Black Gold
Cobden’s Comments – Post office closures are inevitable
Anders Hanson – No to a Britishness Day and an Oath of Allegiance
Anthony Seldon/Telegraph – All of Britain’s schools should be independent
Viral Corner
The latest video (NSFW) from Lee Griffin and Gavin Whenman: -
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Jock’s Place – Drugs and deadly sins: unbiblical and unchristian
A recent Vatican PR stunt, re-releasing the “Seven Deadly Sins” for contemporary life, has included the taking of drugs. Nonsense! The bible clearly promotes the enjoyment of God’s weed. Alex Parsons and New Humanist have more, as does the always noteworthy Mr. Eugenides. But as you’d expect, Mr. E’s take is certainly NSFW.
Alix Mortimer/LDV – Diary of a Conference Jade (aged a great deal): Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
Insider commentary from the Lib Dem crowd. With added wine.
Obsolete – Celebrities ate my homework.
Blaming celebrities for society’s ills and political failures is weak, but predictable.
Earthpal – Gold Medal for Most Greenwashed Games?
Don’t believe the nonsense about 2012 being the greenest ever. Not when the suits are demanding over 3,000 chauffeur-driven cars.
Chicken Yoghurt – Patriots: still a bit nuts in the head
Justin’s take on the proposed Oath of Allegiance. Personally, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I allow my kids to pledge allegiance to the establishment.
Dave Cole – Interview with Ken Livingstone [video]
The Daily (Maybe) – Latin America Round Up
Martin O’Neill/NS – Echoes of Enoch Powell
Paul Linford – Talking Balls
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Neighbourly Inclusion
Gideon Rachman/FT – The real problem with Power
The Times – Pre-Budget poll puts Labour within three points of Tories
Stephen Tall/LDV – Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #55
Skipper – Oaths of Allegiance Contrary to our Political Culture
Nick Cohen – Why Brits Don’t Swoon Over Obama
And finally, this week’s BritBlog Review is hosted on Amused Cynicism.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Cassilis – A troubling lack of perspective…
Both the right and left are wrong on Thatcher. Liam Murray brings balance to one of politics’ most divisive and controversial characters. She was neither a messiah nor an ogre.
Crooked Timber – Taxes and the little people
Scrapping the non-domicile tax rule has split opinion, even FT writers can’t agree.
Penny Red – A Million Women Rose! (well, almost.)
Feminism is on the march! A – somewhat personal – dispatch from the Million Women Rise protest. Beautifully written, too.
OurKingdom – Motherland is a must
Motherland is a powerful play about an asylum detention centre in the UK. It’s a must see.
Clairwil – Can We Have a Revolvution Please?
Raging against nannyism in schools, Clairwil demands teachers concentrate on reading, writing, and arithmetic.
The Crown Prosecution Service – Free Expression and the Rule of Law (lecture)
Last week, Sir Ken Macdonald QC (Dir. of Public Prosecutions) delivered a “surprisingly liberal” speech at Birmingham University. via.
Joe Otten/LDV – The issue is not faith schools but freedom of conscience
John’s Labour Blog – The 4 Johns, Eve & Gloria tackle the BNP
Anton Vowl – Femail oopsie
Blood and Treasure – Boris the Circassian
Stumbling and Mumbling – Osborne: obnoxious prat
Robin Lustig – Obama-Clinton? Or Clinton-Obama?
Mind the Gap – Femininity, sex and courtly love
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Stumbling and Mumbling – Corporate totalitarianism
You need to be learnt how to better manage your money (it would be a boon to the financial sector too, but honestly, that’s not the point). The government wants to teach you using TV soaps. Expect to see your favourite character discussing ISAs and variable interest rates anytime soon.
Dolphin Hotel – Obama Obama [video]
Seriously, is this useful or just plain creepy? As Michael suggests, is it not just a bit Pyongyang?
Jock’s Place – Facing both ways – the Tories needed someone else to blame for not having a referendum on Lisbon.
Lib Dem’rs who are now tearing at the seems of the party over the referendum, should have made themselves heard during the leadership election.
Norfolk Blogger – Suddenly you realise you are not so different after all
Nich Starling is considering his position as a party member. The civil war inside the Lib Dems continues. Say, what’s that nice Charlie Kennedy up to these days?
Lee Griffin – Support the energy saving (daylight) bill!
Wanna save the planet, or maybe you just want to trim your energy bill? Apparently the reasons for writing to your MP are overwhelming.
Dave Cole – Honesty in Politics
Crooked Timber – The Republican War on Science: Tierney and Bethell
David Cronin/CiF – Exit from Guantánamo
A Very Public Sociologist – Confession and Culture
Blood & Treasure – mgi watch: Dongshan
Big Sticks and Small Carrots – Democracy in Action
Harry Barnes – Changing The Agenda : Part 7 Of “Understanding Iran”
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
The Enemies of Reason – A sickening invasion of privacy
The Mail sinks to new lows (is that actually possible?) in its reporting of the newsreader Carol Barnes’ stroke.
Shiraz Socialist – Galloway, King of Lies, and Friend of the Taliban, at it again
Blowhard Gorgeous George has been rewriting history and generally being a git…
Dave Osler – Lee Jasper: a case to answer
If like me you don’t know much about this character, then Dave has the background. Mind you, maybe also like me, you couldn’t give a monkey’s anyway.
Freemania – Visible energy as a substitute for creativity
So group brainstorming is bollocks. I could have told you that.
New Humanist blog – Even the Church of England knows establishment is indefensible
Cassilis – Think-Tank Roundup No. 5
Blairwatch – Boris Johnson is clueless on Transport
Obsolete – Pranked over Cameron’s likeness to Obama, while Cameron himself sings from the same old hymn sheet.
anticant’s arena – Hodge bombs Proms
Freakonomics – Watching the Democratic Races
NHS Blog Doctor – Glucosamine : untried, untested and possibly dangerous
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
She did it.
While the win in Texas is nowhere near as decisive enough to really shake up Obama’s lead, the fact that Clinton won both of the big contests last night means that the haemorrhaging of super delegates over to Obama can be stemmed, and therefore her chance off overturning his lead in the popular vote at convention, remains a possibility.
What last night’s results do prove, is the American people’s unwillingness to follow a script concocted by a media desperate for a narrative. With thousands of column inches devoted to these elections, we have seen each side framed by personality and experience.
Huckabee was the charming Arkansan preacher who ruffled the feathers of the GOP’s corporate paymasters and media elite. Romney: the rich and slippery choice of the party Mandarins and talk radio hacks – happy to flip, flop, and flip again. McCain is the ageing war hero, a straight talker who offered the Republican’s a strong chance in the General Election.
On the Dem side you have Clinton: the Tracey Flick of American politics. The grade A student who handed her homework in on time, had studied and worked hard, yet was upset by the school heartthrob and charismatic quarterback: Mr. Barack Obama.
And so, while the media had thought the final chapter had been drafted, the voters in Texas and Ohio tore it up and delivered Flick, sorry Clinton, a lifeline. Hillary, like Bill, has performed an impressive comeback. Yet unlike her husband, unless she can overturn Obama’s still impressive delegate lead by exploiting quirks in the Democratic nomination system, she will not be president. Mr. Obama still enjoys a comfortable lead, and while his momentum has been interrupted, he’s still the favourite by some margin.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
Westmonster – It was 14 years ago today
John Redwood and William Hague are making political hay by pestering the government for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, yet both voted against a referendum on Maastricht back in ‘93. Surely this be hypocrisy?
donpaskini – The Brain Drain
Don points out The Telegraph’s anti-business agenda. Yet more hypocrisy.
…Millennium Dome, Elephant – Day 2618: Where’s the Rush(ia)
More sense – and the usual Elephantisms – in one post than really ought to be allowed.
Dave Cole – Liberal criticism of the BBC
Even Liberal’s can find fault with Auntie. Who’da thunk it, eh?
Obsolete – David Cameron? He’s a lot like Barack Obama, honest…
Iain Dale thinks that Cameron (who has all the personality and appeal of a badly painted wax-doll) is just like Obama. It’s either ludicrous, hilarious… or both!
The enemies of reason – How do you confuse an Express reader?
Lee Griffin – Is it time to ignore the threat of “terrorism“?
James Graham – Deconstructing the Lib Dem EU poll and other things to annoy the front bench
Jock’s Place – Q: When is a druggie not a druggie?
Charles Arthur/Guardian – [More on the Phorm scandal]
Political Betting – Should Hillary’s political obituaries be put on hold?
Richard Corbett MEP – …Conservative candidates know how to copy & paste
Viral Corner
The latest video (NSFW) from Lee Griffin and Gavin Whenman: –
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments
anticant – Weasel words
Political debate is poisoned by its own forum: a group who eschew intellectual debate in favour of ideology-based hostility and the use of “weasel words”.
Gary Younge/CiF – Obama must build a movement to take him beyond the White House
When (if?) in office, Obama must nourish his grassroots base, or all he has done will be undone.
tygerland.net – the story of the homeless blogger
Which party speaks for the rational small-state liberal?
Bloggerheads – Let’s probe some padded expenses!
Tom Watson is under fire from a certain litigiously-inclined, pseudo-libertarian blogger. Tim Ireland points out that these charges are not supported by evidence, and nor do they represent any wrongdoing.
The Yorksher Gob – Grargh
The Gob is angry. Oh, and she wants everyone to have good sex.
Westminster Wisdom – The Conformist: Fascism’s beauty and Liberalism’s untidy charm
More classy blogging from Gracchi.
Political Penguin – Phuck off Phorm! Part 1. (Part 2.)
Spy Blog – Surely the Phorm web page interception scam is illegal?
Now if ID Cards and lost data makes you angry, you’d better take a seat.
Cassilis – The perils of ‘celebrity politics’…
Chicken Yoghurt – I like
Jock’s Place – Is the Starving Man Free?
Shiraz Socialist – Two old favourites revisited
Mind the Gap – Some thoughts on anti-feminist women
Remembering the Ability in Disability - Not my usual cup of tea… or should I say curry?
The Lanson Boy – The perils of news photography. [very funny pic]
Now you’ve enjoyed my picks, why not sample the blogosphere’s original Britblog Review? This week’s compiler is Susanne Lamido.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
The “War on Drugs”
Jock’s Place – Jacqui Smith: how many have you condemned to death today?
Obsolete – How to lose the war on drugs.
The Daily (Maybe) – Dole not dope
Steve Rolles/CiF – Policy narcosis
MSM Picks
Peter Riddell/Times – Blairism loses its grip as old Labour is back on song
Steve Richards/Indi – The shadow of Mrs Thatcher still hangs heavy over the party of David Cameron
Michael Bloomberg/NYT – I’m Not Running for President, but …
Economist EuroBlog – Bill Gates should ask for EU voting rights
James Graham – Why Ed Davey is wrong about the Lisbon Treaty
Don’t trip up – Rational reform
Big Sticks and Small Carrots – No More Progress [Donal Blaney update]
Cobden’s Comments – The return of nationalisation
Jon’s union blog – Fed up with falling pay
Never Trust a Hippy – Consumerism and Exitism
UPDATE: Unlikely I’ll get chance to post a review tomorrow. Back Monday.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. So, did you feel the earthquake? Clearly the work of Islamic Terrorists if you ask me, that or Climate Change…
Chicken Yoghurt – HMP Blunkett
If you listen to the Tory bloggers, you’d think Justin was a Labour apparatchik (and therefore to be ignored), yet if you actually read his writing, you’d realise he’s one of the country’s most important bloggers. You see, this is the rub: there are a number of liberally-minded bloggers who don’t toe any particular party line. I know, baffling isn’t it?
Cassilis – This weeks Think Tank Roundup…
Liam Murray posts this week’s review of what’s going around in the heads of the political brainiacs.
Bishop Hill – How to lose readers
Giving Accountancy 101 to Nick Clegg.
Jonathan Calder/LDV – Top of the Blogs: The Dirty Dozen #2
Calder’s picks from the Labour and Tory blogosphere – from a Lib Dem perspective, naturally.
The Daily (Maybe) – [Film] Review: there will be blood
Indigo Jo Blogs – The death penalty in light of the recent murder convictions
Mike Ion – Hospital car park charges really are a tax on the sick
Kerron Cross – Are The Germans To Blame For UK Earthquake?
TMP Online – Bright in hot water at the Statesman
Jamie C’s Political Hotspot – Jamie C’s Political Hotspot
politicalhackuk – Murder in mind
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. Just time for some *really quite excellent* quick links today, as I’m very busy.
The latest video (NSFW) from Lee Griffin and Gavin Whenman: –
Script here. Special thanks to Lee for helping select today’s links.
OurKingdom – Britain’s Strange Fruit
The Sound of Gunfire – A sober debate on booze culture
Brian Barder’s website – Prison over-crowding: fewer prisoners or more prisons? Wrong, as usual
David Thompson – Territory
Freemania – Is democracy dying of consumption?
publicansdecoy – Consistency and lines in the sand
Obsolete – Scum-watch: A lesson in attempting to puncture its own emotional balloon.
Redemption Blues has the latest Britblog review.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
The Cleaver – Crossing The Rubicon: Breaking The Fake News Trance –
Take the red pill. Reject the “horseshit”. via.
NYT – Rising Inflation Creates Unease in Middle East
As Middle East states wallow in record oil receipts, subsequent inflation is squeezing the middle classes and increasing poverty among the poor. Will this lead to unrest even in politically “stable” Middle East countries?
Lee Griffin – What could the £2billion be spent on other than ID Cards?
You could add £20 to the basic state pension. It’s a no-brainer, surely?
The Daily (Maybe – Never say Nader
Jim Jay’s view of Ralph Nader’s decision to run in this year’s presidential election. Fair and balanced.
Walter Shapiro/Salon – A non-paranoid’s guide to superdelegates
New Humanist Blog – Cardinal forces Catholic hospital to adhere to his ethics code
Cassilis – A little humility would have served Hillary well…
Jock’s Place – Evan harries the invincible Cable
Hopi Sen – Conservative MPs would be mad to back a putsch against the speaker
e8voice – Nick Clegg’s Lib Dems
Colin Ross – Liberal Democrats challenge Labour and the Conservatives to support “in or out“ referendum on Europe
Though Cowards Flinch – “Chomsky with dick jokes” [NSFW]
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Musing the state of Britain’s political weeklies.
Hopi Sen – The Old Statesman
donpaskini – Myths about journals
Westminster Wisdom – Debasing the Currency: the Decline of Political Journals
Patricia Cohen/NYT Books – Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?
In a time when interpreting the world around Americans is becoming increasingly important, author Susan Jacoby worries that anti-intellectualism has become endemic.
Peter Black AM – The use of language
Phrases such as ‘extraordinary rendition’, mitigate the power of what they actually mean, this is why they’re dangerous.
Mark Elf – UK Foreign Office covers for Israel…yawn
If the UK and other countries refuse to scald Israel in public, the Jewish state will continue to flaunt international concerns over its actions. via.
Nosemonkey – We are ruled by criminals
Obsolete – Rendition: the truth begins to seep out.
Miliband apologises for misinformation, but not for the fact that the British state is complicit in an illegal kidnapping and probable torture.
PoliticalBetting – Is Hillary recognising the reality of the numbers?
Has Hill finally accepted the Obama inevitability? In other news: [NYT]Spending by Clinton Campaign Worries Supporters
Benjamin Mathis/LDV – Britain’s Town Centres – Designed for Disorder
Dave Cole – Does Julian Le Grand smoke?
Andy Worthington – “The Guantánamo Files” reviewed by New Internationalist
Freakonomics – Is Cheating Good for Sports?
Liberal England – Antidisestablishmentarianism
Schneider Home – The most articulate support for Obama I’ve seen
wit and wisdom – Serbs you right?
Jo Christie-Smith – Comment is Free contributors may well be able to write, but they don’t all seem to be able to read very well….
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. Just time for some quick links today, looking after the kids (and fobbing them off with a DVD and a packet of fruit pastels doesn’t seem to be working).
mind the gap – Skydiving grannies, enforced sisterhood, and a Mekon
John Angliss/The Daily (Maybe) – Value Pluralism [guest post]
Bodwyn Wook – As Matters Stand Now: The Elder Kiss Of Death
Ourkingdom – Vampire bat blood sharing and theories of society
Ryan Cullen/LDV – Boris on YouTube
Cath Elliott/CiF – Segregation spells defeat
john & belle have a blog – Nasty
Sasha Abramsky/CiF – In defense of oratory
Johann Hari/Independent – We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to
Lynne Featherstone – Have you been over-charged for Royal Mail stamps?
Lindylooz Muze – Stable Cable’s Able
Gavin Whenman – Kosovo and International Law
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Stumbling and Mumbling – In praise of class hatred
Question That – Theories of the Class War
Westminster Wisdom – Should Chris Dillow be hated for living in England?
Chris Dillow comments on the infamous Gap-Year Blogger, with added class-based bile, only for his readership to open a whole can of whoop-ass. Great read, nonetheless (tongue half-in-cheek? Hmmmm…).
James Graham/LDV – Blog awards: Campaign for Gender Balance announces short-list
I’ve always held a deep-seated hatred of awards, ever since I was scandalously denied a bronze medal for the butterfly at a local swimming jamboree back in 1989. They depress me.
Cassilis – This weeks Think Tank Roundup…
This week featuring those cuddly warmongers at The Henry Jackson Society.
Obsolete – Reporting suicide compassionately.
The media must be more sensitive when reporting stories such as the Bridgend suicides. Sensationalism will only make it worse.
openDemocracy – Is this the end for Wikileaks?
Say it ain’t so! (this is important, people)
NHS Blog Doctor – David Aaronovitch goes to the khazi
Nothing quite like starting the day by pointing and sneering at David Aaronovitch. All together now…
Blairwatch – Day 1 – 5th Worldwide Security Conference
Paul Linford – Was Neil Hamilton hard done by?
OurKingdom – Should we have more politics on TV?
John Hemming – Sometimes Asbstaining is the right thing to do even at midnight
Peter Black AM – Tories in confusion again
No geek is an island – Barclaycard and the credit crunch – j’accuse
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
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