Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Alex Hilton – Daily Mail’s True Colours
An email by a Daily Mail writer illustrates how the paper looks for its stories on immigrants.
The Golden Strawberry – Food for Thought
There is a global food shortage, people are starving, so please, don’t bitch about the price of bread.
Political Betting – Will the plagiarism charge hurt Barack?
Call it a tribute, dude. Anyway, IMO, it makes Hillary look desperate.
The Daily (Maybe) – Ed Rooksby: The Global ‘Credit Crunch’ and the Media
Fancy a vitriolic left-wing tirade against capitalism? Then look no further.
Bloggerheads – A poor show from the Guardian
As poor gap-year blogger Max Gogerty begins his travels in a foul teenage sulk, Tim Ireland turns attention on those who put him up to be shot down.
Steve Richards/Independent – British politics will never be the same again
There is a bigger story behind NR: reckless deregulation of the banking sector.
Christopher Buckley/NYT – The Manchurian Conservative
Wonderfully written defence of McCain’s conservative honour.
Tom Miller – The Government is right on Northern Rock
Paul Linford – The least worst option
Jonathan Calder/Liberal England – Disappointing Virgin
Vince Cable/LDV – Opinion: non-domiciles and tax
Mark Mardell’s Euroblog/BBC – Kosovo’s Serbs on the march
Liberal Burblings – Northern Rock nationalisation v the Tory “alternative“ – spot the difference
yourfriendinthenorth – “North Korean men know all the tricks of the trade” [video]
Don’t trip up – Greenshirts?
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to our daily web review. As always, share your own recommendations in the comments.
The latest video (NSFW) from Lee Griffin and Gavin Whenman is available to view from here. Full transcript.
Cassilis – Fair or not, the government will pay for Northern Rock
There was little the government could have done, but the dilly-dallying has cost them more of the public’s trust.
Matt Wardman – Ad Agencies writing your Blog Slogan? Who would you trust?
As blogging becomes more commercial, and bloggers look to monetize their content, will they turn to professional ad agencies to raise their profile?
Westminster Wisdom – Business Reporting
BBC News is economically illiterate.
Clairwil – Whining Little Prick!
A mini-tempest erupted on the Guardian’s travelog last week, as a teen began blogging his gap-year. It all went “postal” when commentators noticed that he was the son of a freelance hack. Cue cries of nepotism and all-out class warfare. Hilarious stuff, best reported by Clairwil.
Love and Liberty – Alistair Darling: Shattered Credibility and An Incredible Interview
Alex Wilcox rips the government to pieces in a lengthy post, and one that conveys much more understanding of the situation than many high-profile bloggers who have exposed themselves terribly this morning. No names. Naturally.
publicansdecoy – On China and the Olympics
Indigo Jo Blogs – The fallacy of multiculturalism helping terrorism
Remembering the Ability in Disability – I would just like to say that I am very much human
anticant’s arena – Islam in the West
Shiraz Socialist – SEIU Endorses Obama
Craig Murray – Kosovan Independence
Obsolete – Book review: Flat Earth News by Nick Davies.
Finally, this week’s Britblog roundup is hosted by the always readable Mr Eugenides.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. No NetCast tomorrow, as I’m in London on business.
St Valentine’s Day related blogging
Earthpal – Celebrating Love . . .
The Daily (Maybe) – V-Day
Kate Johnson/CiF – Love is all you need
The Yorksher Gob – Valentine’s Day
Caron’s Musings – A Valentine’s Appreciation
Lindylooz Muze – Valentines…………Yellow Roses………..and fanciable MPs
Liberal England – The 58th Carnival of the Liberals
Jonathan Calder compiles the latest “Carnival of the Liberals”. CotL? Well, there is a blog and everything.
Uncool – Feminist Carnival #53
These carnivals are everywhere, eh?
Cassilis – Framing the ‘42 Days’ debate…
You can pretty much sell any illiberal legislation to the people if you “frame it” right.
OurKingdom – The future of England
I’m not sure *I* agree with this, but interesting nonetheless.
Chicken Yoghurt – The 5th Anniversary Of The Iraq Invasion Blogswarm
It’s time to remind those in charge that many opposed the invasion of Iraq.
Obsolete – Whodunnit?
With political assassinations again in the headlines, septicisle analyses the culture of conspiratorial killings.
anticant’s arena – Human Rights under threat
Michael Tomasky/CiF – The walls are closing in, but is there still a chance to avoid the crush?
Richard Wilson/LDV – Filming the streets doesn’t catch criminals
Mind the Gap – Some thoughts on white privilege
Independent – A letter from the world’s Nobel laureates to China: You must act on Darfur
Jonathan Fryer – The Russians Have Come
BTW. The latest Realpolitik podcast is up. If anyone else has podcasts or videos they’d like plugging, drop me an email.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. Only time for a short one today.
Random twitter
“So, a Danish newspaper reprints *that* cartoon. Let’s see how many people who savaged the Archbishop defend the right to print it.” ~ Justin McKeating
The Daily (Maybe) – 12 reasons why same sex marriage will ruin society
Satire mocking charges against gay marriage.
Stephen Tall/LDV – Official: BBC Question Time’s pro-Tory bias
They crunched the figures and it’s now a solid-gold fact.
Earthpal – Chelsea Tractors to cough up more
A victory for the tree-huggers (and no-doubt terrified cyclists) as Red Ken’s war on 4X4s continues.
The Agitator – Did Bill Sink Hill on Purpose?
Surely Clinton is too savvy to make those gaffs accidentally? It’s BILL CLINTON for Christ’s sake. via.
Hopi Sen – An end to speechifying?
Bad news for Slippery Dave: stylised set-piece deliveries are a waste of breath (not sure where this leaves Obama).
Cassilis – This weeks Think Tank Roundup…
anticant – Anglicanism on the rocks
The World After Bush – Dear Gordon: why we need an Iraq inquiry
Paul Linford – Was entering WW1 the biggest mistake in British history?
Conor Foley/CiF – War on facts
Though Cowards Flinch – Environmentalist Short-sightedness
Martin Tod – MPs’ staffing and expenses: setting the bar higher
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
The third video (NSFW) from Lee Griffin and Gavin Whenman: –
Full text here
Through The Scary Door – Culture or “I Wouldn’t Lick a German if he was Glazed in Honey’
A post from last month, kindly recommended yesterday by A Very Public Sociologist An appraisal of Blackadder with a nod to class struggle and classical Greek Tragedy.
A Very Public Sociologist – Defining Neoliberalism
And from the very same Sociologist: a leftwing attack on neoliberal economics. Informed.
David Aaronovitch/Times – I’ve read it so you don’t have to
It’s been a while since Aaronovitch left his sword in its scabbard, but this is a fair appraisal of the Bishop’s folly. via.
Indigo Jo Blogs – The presumption of Melanie Phillips
Mad Mel is at it again, still railing against poor Rowan Williams.
anticant’s arena – A long and remarkable life
Remembering the Ability in Disability – The First British Freak Show
Political Betting – Will the super-delegates really be able to defy the voters?
Obsolete – The last word (hopefully) on Williams.
GrimmerupNorth – Lawson finds his moral Compass
Hopi Sen – Can someone explain…
Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats – Incapacity: Labour & Tories just as rigid
Matt Wardman has this week’s Britblog roundup.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Obama’s Weekend
In the news… Clinton replaces her campaign manager as Obama celebrates a clean sweep in the weekend’s primaries.
openDemocracy/Anthony Barnett – Taking Obama seriously
In a lengthy essay, Anthony Barnett outlines why Barack Obama has captured the hearts of so many voters, and how his style has energised thousands to work for and donate to his campaign. Barnett also looks beyond into the substance behind Obama’s political rise and why – a la Reagan – he transcends the culture wars.
Mat Bowles – Elections in America, still no winner
The races are tight. Obama’s gaining momentum, but Hillary’s still running hard. Even McCain’s lead is not beyond Huckabee’s grasp.
Michael Tomasky/CiF – Eyes on the prize
While Hillary’s camp were busy pissing about, Obama was busy winning elections. Are the wheels coming off the Clinton campaign?
Westminster Wisdom – Ironic Politics
Why can’t Brown shake off his Blair-shaped albatross?
Big Sticks and Small Carrots – An informed electorate
The hysterical reaction to Rowan Williams’ comments will scare off intellectualism in public life.
Edland – Public Finances
A Tory blogger looks at the numbers behind an MP’s London crash pad.
Who Hijacked Our Country – Iraqi War: What is it Good For?
The latest plan is to get European allies to send troops to the region. Ha! via.
Cicero’s Songs – Nick Clegg and Economic Liberalism
Dave Osler – Labour treasurer: netroots challenger
The Red Box – An “elegant retreat“ on Tory spending pledge?
Ridiculous Politics – [David] Davis embroiled in row over £20,000 donation
Doctrine of the Right – Societal Collapse – What to do?
Birmingham University Labour Students – Potential Pitfalls to the Presidency
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. No time for a full review today, so just a few links.
Rowan Williams
Blairwatch – Death comes for the Archbishop
OpenKingdom – Sharia Subjects II: Real problem, wrong solution
Obsolete – Opening your mind so much that your brain falls out.
Earthpal – The Archbishop and Sharia Law
Alex Parsons – Archbishop finds rule of law overrated
Clickeral – Rowan Williams on Sharia: Right Again
Lee Griffin – Are parents and children irresponsible alcoholics?
Nick Clegg/Times – How to stop future funding scandals
Chicken Yoghurt – The all new PMQs
Paul Linford – QT review
Election ‘08
Gerard Baker/Times – Latte liberals v Dunkin Donut democrats
Joel Stein/LA Times – He’s got Obamaphilia
Daily Kos – Money, It’s a Hit
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
NY Times – A Medical Mystery Unfolds in Minnesota
A series of mystery illnesses in an American meat-packing plant have been solved: aerosolised hog brains can cause an allergic reaction.
tygerland – The anti-McCain offensive continues (shameless self promotion)
Despite calls to rally behind the leader, Republicans are still attacking McCain with relish.
Iain Dale – Cameron Seizes the Transparency Agenda
OurKingdom thinks every Labour MP ought to read the above post by Iain Dale. I think they ought to just stop breaking the rules.
World After Bush – Seven million all
Sunder Katwala explains just how close the Democratic race is, and why the Republicans will choose McCain.
Boulton & Co. – France “Poised to Respond To Troops Plea“
Are the French about to give us a “dig-out” in Afghanistan?
Mark Mardell’s Euroblog/BBC – Tony Blair and the race for the presidency
Will Blair really get the new role of President of the Council?
The Daily (Maybe)/Natalie Bennett – Abortion: how the 40-year-old law traps NHS patients
Natalie writes a guest post imploring the Greens to back a motion to liberalise decades-old abortion laws.
Amnesty International/Unsubscribe – Ten GOOD reasons why extending pre-charge detention is a BAD idea
The Huffington Post – Bush’s 2009 Budget Calls For Slashing Public TV Funding
Westminster Wisdom – Guido vs Gracchi the Counterpunch
openDemocracy blogs – “For the first time we feel we are helpless“. A message from women’s rights advocates in Gaza
Andy Worthington – Waterboarding: two questions for Michael Hayden about three “high-value” detainees now in Guantánamo
GU newsblog – British press verdicts on Super Tuesday
Andy Howell – Here Come the Cops
TMP – Religion and Politics in Europe
Freemania – British government: an American’s guide
And finally, the latest Realpolitik podcast is up.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
So Super Tuesday didn’t sort the wheat from the chaff.
Clinton came out of the primaries with around 80 more delegates than Obama; but, as The Guardian points out, Barack Obama won the most States and has enjoys a favourable lead in seven of the remaining contests. Obama also enjoys a stonking lead in the money stakes, more than doubling the war-chest available to Hillary C (indeed, it seems that the lobby-friendly Clintons’ have exhausted their donors and are feeling the squeeze).
But what does an indecisive democratic result mean for the Dems?
Well it probably means that Barack and Hillary will be tearing strips off each other, while GOP frontrunner John McCain is able to communicate directly to the nation, bar the occasional scuffle with the limpet-like – i.e. financially self-sufficient – Mitt Romney (McCain and Mike Huckabee are pretty chilled).
Also, we’ve also seen enough of Hillary, and Bill for that matter, to know that they haven’t forgotten how to fight like rabid alley cats. Obama, for all his righteous notions of a new politics, will have little option but to descend to the Clintons’ level if he’s to have any hope of surviving another salvo of negative campaigning.
What more mud-slinging will mean is more bullshit and more people turned off from the progressive message. The Republicans may be as popular as the Ebola virus right now, but that doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten how to campaign. Howard Dean, the Democrat chair, ought to compel the two remaining Democratic challengers to fight fair. But, alas, I doubt Dean has the influence – and he certainly doesn’t have the constitutional power – to change anything.
A Dem win in November is not a foregone conclusion. John McCain would be a very strong general election candidate. Barack and Hillary would do well to remember that and spare any more blood on the carpet.
Cross-posted at tygerland.net
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Viral Corner
Austin Mitchell MP – My Family and Other Animals. A Statement by Austin Mitchell
“In view of the number of media enquiries I would like to make it clear that I do not, never have and never will employ any member of my enormous family in my office or by my parliamentary allowances.
They’re such a load of ignorant layabouts that I wouldn’t trust them working for Grimsby, my parliamentary activities, or walking my dog.” [quote] Via.
Bloggerheads – How to email Gordon Brown
Another selfless example of public service blogging from Tim Ireland. ;o)
Gavin’s Gaily Gigest – Tim Ireland: An Internet Bully?
However, Gavin Whenman is fed up with Tim.
Lee Griffin – Labour: Transparency and independent adjudication, or the lack thereof
MPs have significant powers, but not necessarily the experience or expertise. The judiciary should do more.
Strange Maps – 240 – The American Eagle, About to Spread Its Wings
I love the Strange Maps blog, and this early US Map is both beautiful and prescient.
westmonster – Everyone wins, except Romney
If Sunny’s excellent Super Tuesday coverage wasn’t enough, you can catch up with westmonster’s post-poll review.
Cassilis – This weeks ‘Think Tank Roundup’…
A new feature from Liam Murray looking at the best theory emanating from US and British thinktanks.
Love and Garbage – Smoked out Salmond?
Salmond’s unstable minority administration is faced with a tricky vote today on his budget. Salmond has threatened to “force” an election if defeated.
Westminster Wisdom – The Republican Race
Obsolete – This is Flint, Caroline.
The F Word – UK feminists must address worldwide issues
Spy Blog – Jack Straw’s Wilson Doctrine statement -Sir Christopher Rose to inquire into the Sadiq Khan MP / Babar Ahmad eavesdropping affair
Jonathan Freedland/CiF – It ain’t over yet [the primaries that is]
Melissa McEwan/CiF – Hooray for Huckabee!
Jonathan Derbyshire – The Second Plane [more on Martin Amis]
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Rolling Stone – Truth or Terrorism? The Real Story Behind Five Years of High Alerts
Examples of the Bush administration’s use of fear to shape public opinion and divert attention from its myriad of misdemeanours.
PoliticalBetting.Com – Do tactical voters hold the key to Super Tuesday?
Could the GOP-frontrunner, John McCain, suffer as tactically-minded independents vote for Obama in the Democrat Primary?
Jackie Ashley – It’s not a big idea but the old ideas that Brown needs now
Luke Akehurst – Agreeing with Jackie Ashley
donpaskini – Old ideas
The government is floundering and fishing around thinktanks for a big idea, but Luke Akehurst and donpaskini agree with Jackie Ashley: Brown should embrace Labour’s “old ideas”.
Stephen Tall/LDV – How balanced is the BBC’s Question Time?
Are the Lib Dems being squeezed off the QT panel show?
Obsolete – Changing the language of “terror“.
The World After Bush – MPs, bugs and a stupid own goal
BlairWatch – Buggers Banquet
Andy Worthington – Guantánamo: Al-Jazeera’s Sami al-Haj to be released?
anticant – Open Letter to Ibrahim Lawson
Lindylooz Muze – Caroline Flint – Let’s chuck our children out on the streets why don’t we?
schmoo on the run – Obama Clinton: it’s health care stupid. The US pharmaceutical election is on.
This week’s BritBlog review is up at Westminster Wisdom.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
The second video (NSFW) from Lee Griffin and now Gavin Whenman (also one-half of the very good Realpolitik podcast team): -
Original text here.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Fancy voting in the US elections? Hmmm. Short of becoming an American, this is the closest you’ll get. Take part in a world poll.
Viral Corner
OpenDemocracy – Towards Super Tuesday
Bill’s attacks have deflated Hillary’s momentum.
Joschka Fischer – Let’s reverse this continental drift
I once got into a set-to with a German friend over my dislike of Herr Fischer. Still, the self-serving blowhard occasionally talks sense.
Rebecca Traister/Salon – Undecided ‘08: Should I vote for Clinton or Obama?
For the first time in her life, Democrat Traister is undecided. She blames John Edwards.
1820 – Nice N Sleazy Does It Every Time
As political sleaze continues to erode public confidence in their leaders, is time running out for Labour’s Scottish supremo? [From last week]
BlairWatch – Fawk Off – A Tale Of A Fool And His Lawyer
A roundup of blogs covering the latest “Guido Fawkes reaches for his lawyer” story. As Tim Ireland appeals for solidarity.
EarthPal – Baby Nurses for all
This nurse thinks it’s a great idea. But… come on, the Tories?
Dave Cole – Quite literally the nanny state
Regardless, Dave thinks the Tories should be commended for a progressive proposal.
The Nation – Clinton won’t commit to renew constitution…
Hillary joins the GOP in refusing to sign a pledge to return America to its constitutional roots. via. Robert Rouse.
Neil Stockley – In Frame
Freemania – Opinion polls: Cameron vs Kinnock?
Love and Garbage – Martin Amis – The Second Plane
Shiraz Socialist – From the desk of General Secretary Comrade Galloway
Tom Miller – Galloway backs Ken
Nick Robinson/BBC – Bugging and confidentiality
Liberal Mafia – Conservatori Family Values
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
No time for a full NetCast today, but I can point you in the direction of two debates that are ongoing.
The first is over at Tom Watson’s place, where the MP is asking for input as he begins his new role as a government technology Tzar. We all have a stake in the government’s various IT debacles projects, so Tom has to be credited for opening up a forum for debate.
Next up is the ongoing furore over the Lib-Dem inspired policy of outlawing patio-heaters. Lib Dem MEP Fiona Hall has picked up the idea and is running with it. Lib Dem Voice is hosting this one.
If any readers have any articles they’d like to plug, fire away in the comments.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Daniel Finkelstein/Times – Are only left wing people allowed to have insights?
Da Fink treads the rickety rope-bridge of race in politics, and scores a cheap point en route.
Caroline Kennedy/NYT – A President Like My Father
This slipped under my radar until last night. JFK’s daughter on why Barack Obama is man who can inspire America again.
Matthew Yglesias/CiF – John Edwards’s indelible mark
Yglesias pays tribute to an honourable and visionary candidate steamrolled by fate.
Climate Change Denial – More Dire Ads
Have Calor Gas been grossly insensitive with their advertising?
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Jeremy Beadle Had A Disability?
Beadle was “a perfectly wonderful, amazing example of DisAbility”.
snowflake5 – The Vietnam Factor
Is actual war-experience, particularly time in Vietnam, actually a hindrance to nominees running for the post of Commander-in-Chief? An excellent analysis.
Malcolm Redfellow revivus – 11 months, 22 days … and counting
Is the GOP close to total electoral collapse?
New Humanist Blog – Texas may sanction creationism “degree”
Bloggerheads – Thinking of hiring Iain Dale as a speaker on blogging? Think again.
The World after Bush – McCain up, Edwards out, Giuliani never in
Cassilis – Final thoughts on Iain Dale & Derek Conway…
donpaskini – Sharing the proceeds of growth
Left of Centrist – A two “man” race
Westminster Wisdom – McA-Levels
Spy Blog – European Arrest Warrant extradition to Spain – Law Lords overturn habeus corpus for Farid Hilali
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Hopi Sen – The Con Way?
Cameron’s actions over the Coway scandal were self-serving and weak.
The Last Ditch – Leaving medicine
Libertarian Tom Paine takes on “socialised medicine” and the increasing number of doctors leaving the NHS.
Dave Cole – Why I intend to vote for Ken Livingstone
It’s the transport infrastructure (and housing), stupid.
Nick Robinson – Who else is on the payroll?
Nick’s gone with “Conway PLC“, but I preferred my “pocket-money Conway”. Oh hum.
Sunder Katwala/CiF – Long march of the Tory tortoises
Cameron has been proven a charlatan. Change to win? Pah! They haven’t changed at all.
Obsolete – Express-watch: Soft touch journalists.
The Express wouldn’t be misleading us again, would it?
The Yorkshire Guidon – Liberal Democrats to ban patio heaters
Will the Lib Dems outlaw patio-heaters? What, with no debate?
janestheone – Jack’s the man
Jack Straw for leader? Surely not!
Bob Piper – Winter of Discontent brewing in Shamblestown
The LibDem council in Liverpool may be a shower, but Bob thinks he can convince you that the Tory/Lib coalition in Brum is even worse.
Jenni Russell/CiF – We rage at Hain and Conway but miss the real profligacy
Amused Cynicism – More on McA-levels
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Neighbours Forgets The Ability in Disability… again!
Crooked Timber – Prediction Markets In Republican Spin
Dave Hill/CiF – Round one to Ken
Freemania – Conway, Hain, dithering and decisiveness
Fair Deal Phil – Hillary wins hollow victory in Florida: will Giuliani now back McCain…?
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Guardian – Tory MP facing suspension ‘paid another son’
Derek Conway has paid his son more than £40,000 of taxpayers money – during which time junior was at university. A second son was given £32,000 while also at uni. Conway’s chum, Iain Dale, is getting all hissy because anonymous commenters are goading him on his blog. No comment.
Quaequam Blog! – Derek Conway and the passions of Iain Dale
James Graham tackles conman Conway.
PoliticalHackUK – Imagine, if you will
As does the Hack.
Bob Piper – Stand by your man
Bob is more interested in Mr. Dale’s silence.
Conservative Home – Cameron makes the wrong choice on Conway
The Tories do their nut as Slippery Dave sits on his hands.
Charlie Brooker/CiF – A rogue trader loses £3.7bn. Further proof that the stock market is nothing more than a fantasy world
Last week’s Société Générale scandal just proves what a crock the stock market is.
Bloggerheads – MessageSpace is distributing copyrighted material without permission
Guido gets all legal, again (see comments).
The Diary of Chris K – MP faces child assault investigation
Not a good few days for David Cameron as another Tory MP hits the headlines.
westmonster – Florida’s two-ring circus
The Sunshine State goes to the polls. Westmonster has the rub.
The Existentialist Cowboy – A Genius, A Saint, and SCOTUS Agree: Conspiracies Exist!
Having spent decades talking about the great communist conspiracy, rightwingers now dismiss conspiracies and ridicule those who challenge the status quo.
Cassilis – Hari on Amis…
New Humanist Blog – Islam’s scientific golden age
donpaskini – Skillz
Neil Harding – The Final Nail In British Democracy.
Jonathan Fryer – Europe’s Growing Liberal Family
Mars Hill – Derek Conway
Martin Gill/LDV – Opinion: Choosing our Judges
Omar’s Blog – Latest poll sees boost in support for Ken
Dave Winer – Find a shared vision, v2.0
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
I’m not sure Lee Griffin realised how much work something like this would entail, but the result is very promising. Well done Lee.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section.
Jock’s Place – Is there a point at which Liberal Democrats should want to leave the European Union?
Jock buys into the theory of a united Europe, it’s the reality he struggles with. And the much-predicted presidency of Tony Blair may be the final straw.
donpaskini – Ideologically neutral
Paskini on the government’s flirtation with recommendations from the [David] Freud Report.
The Daily (Maybe) – Countryside Alliance wins Channel Four political awards
“A loose grouping who most people don’t even care what they stand for, let alone know.” [quote]
HangBitch – Catholics
Interference by “Jesus freaks” may prevent Lesbians from producing a child.
NY Times – Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Bill Clinton Plea
The Senator has rebuffed overtures from the former President. Apparently Kennedy is fuming over the Clinton’s “misleading” attacks on Obama.
Dave Osler – New Labour and ‘Jewish money’; cause for concern?
Notes from Dave’s speech to the Jewish Socialists’ Group.
Renaissance Virtues – What a palaver
What has Alan Johnson actually done wrong?
The Red Box/Times Online – Freedom of Information: an important victory against Downing Street
Oh the the games Number Ten plays to circumvent its own Freedom of Information Act.
Stumbling and Mumbling – A liberal-left manifesto
Mind the Gap – The Personal is Political
Westminster Wisdom – A UN University?
Ken Livingstone/CiF – Davos 08: globalisation in capitals
Robin Lustig/BBC – The Gaza break-out
Justin McKeating – Haji Muhammad Suharto 1921 – 2008
Remembering the Ability in Disability – Social networking sites accused of breaching the Disability Discrimination Act
Liberal Burblings – Spectator on Clegg: The “love-in“ continues
Aberavon & Neath Liberal Democrats – A bank run averted [history]
You can find this week’s Britblog Roundup at Philobiblon. Enjoy.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
Welcome to Casting the net, Liberal Conspiracy’s daily web review. As always, please feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section. There will be no NetCast tomorrow, so I’ll return on Monday. Have a nice weekend.
Shooting Hillary
Why not have a game of Presidential Paintball over at Mike Power’s gaff?
Breaking News
Peter Hain has resigned from the cabinet.
Quaequam Blog – Pigs 1, Goths 0 (UPDATE)
It seems our own James Graham has created something of a firestorm with his post about a couple of Goths thrown off a bus.
The Yorksher Gob – Still picking on James Graham
Yeah, Jennie’s especially pissed off.
The Daily (Maybe) – Weird news rash
Jim Jay also lays down his thoughts on Gothgate (sorry, couldn’t resist… I’ll stop now).
Obsolete – Scum and Mail-watch: “Cult“ suicides and idiotic sensationalism.
Septicisle at his best, tearing into the tabloid media.
John’s Labour blog – Explaining Tory “Dog Whistle” Politics in London
Michael Howard’s Tories experimented with nasty “dog-whistle” politics, and look where it got them. It seems they’re back trying them in London.
PoliticalBetting.Com – Is the “Gordon’s a weirdo” tag a deliberate strategy?
Mike Smithson follows up Paul Linford’s “This not so charming man” post .
Stephen Tall/LDV – PMQs: Nick sticks it to Gordon on Northern Rock
Stephen has the low down on yesterday’s tête-à-tête between Clegg and Brown.
Shiraz Socialist – Fanatics, bores and sceptic tanks
We need a referendum on Lisbon, because the the argument must be won.
Robert Sharp – BNP are shit
OurKingdom – Labour’s approach on rights, duties and values
donpaskini – Red Ken and the trots
Robin Lustig/BBC – The values debate
Larry Elliot/CiF – Davos 08: The shifting global balance
Skipper – Intellectual Ideas Motivating Blair and Bush’s Invasion of Iraq
Ephems by Brian Barder – The Americans and us: nought for our or their comfort
Apologies to Jonathan at Liberal England, whose BritBlog Roundup I forgot to plug on Tuesday.
If you would like your blog or site to be considered as source material for future reviews, drop me an email at aaronh [at] liberalconspiracy [dot] org with the relevant url. I can then enter it into my RSS reader and monitor it for suitable content to be included. Likewise, if you have a specific article/post you feel deserves a little more traffic, get in touch.
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