Hey all, here is a post about the key moments that are happening in this potentially historic election. There is the liveblog/chat on the right of the main page for quick and more light hearted discussion, but here you can be as serious and excitable/cynical as you need to be about what is happening.
05:20 – Last word
Only five states are left to come in, all republican. Obama is likely to take Indiana, Montana and North Carolina off of the Republicans hands, but I can no longer wait up to see this happen. Good night all, it’s been an amazing evening. Well done to the new President Elect, Barack Obama.
Will this be the election that shows the change in power of those in politics through the change in power of those in the country? I’m talking, of course, about age demographics.
I’ve been a great believer in the “common sense” of the young. That’s not to say that they know better than all those entering their twigh-light years, but it is to say they have, en masse, differing views from separate generations. A century or so ago Christianity was a big deal, organised religion in general held a lot of sway. These days? My personal opinion is people are privately religious, and probably more out of game theory than true faith…but I digress.
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And more…
House prices fall 14.6% amid 34-year sales slump
Obama shakes up Georgia’s Senate race
Jonathan Ross’s BBC career on the line as BBC committee meets
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Lee Griffin
So…Russell Brand prank calls an old guy, during a near recession, and it’s the PM and Leader of the Opposition’s job to wade in, sparking the BBC to suspend him, because of days of front page tabloid over-reaction. Hoax call a police force on the other hand and you get little more than slight coverage in the tabloids. I despair, as such here are my highly subjective links for the day…
5CC explains just how this Russel Brand story pervades in the Mail, while hoaxing the police (another publicly funded organisation) doesn’t get half the attention.
Septicisle continues on yesterdays analysis of the situation in the papers, even the Guardian is being bat-shit crazy over all of this…
Clawsfour thinks people are further getting their priorities mixed up when stating this “gag” is a perversion of the freedom of speech.
Wouldn’t it be scarier baffles at the numbers of complaints for this stunt, but more at the masochistic ends to which people endure to justify their complaints.
Pooter Geek on the benefits of a proper and nonsense free apology.
Wongablog provides us with our much needed light relief today.
If you cannot have border controls that you can count people in and count people out the country…if you can’t have that proper system, and carry the confidence of the public with you, you cannot help the immigrant to integrate in to society. – Phil Woolas
I can’t even begin to get over how absolutely ignorant this man seems to be, this latest statement combined with his earlier weekend announcement just absolutely confuses me. The old school talk of limiting immigration makes me do little more than hark back to Brown’s “Britishness” agenda and wonder just how close to the BNP they intend to get.
Stop immigration! This time it’s not because of the children (directly), it’s because poor old multiculturalism is being stifled by too many people from other cultures invading our sweet land. That’s right, it’s not a government unable to deal with communities… unless they’re slapping an ASBO on them that is… causing an issue with multiculturalism in this country (if there is even a problem outside the Daily Express readership), it’s just people trying, perhaps literally, to fit in to this country.
Indeed if you’d believe Mr Woolas’s asinine comments you’d think we’re on the brink of a crisis of overcrowding that can’t ever be dealt with; a comment that I have previously written about as being complete bullshit.
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What would we be without people like Geoff Hoon standing up for us, protecting us in our eternal hours of need?
In weeks where the government is at least trying to appear like they’re getting rid of bullshit policies that have only drawn fierce criticism, Geoff Hoon is clearly the man tasked to buck the trend, to show that while the backtracking may be happening in practice to some degree (though clearly is nothing more than a reorganisation of strategy), that there can be no denying that this government is still absolutely the toughest kid on the block when it comes to punching out those terrorist bullies.
From yesterday evening’s Question Time, Geoff Hoon says:
“If they are going to use the internet to communicate with each other and we don’t have the power to deal with that, then you are giving a licence to terrorists to kill people” … “The biggest civil liberty of all is not to be killed by a terrorist.”
This is the mentality of our government, a mentality that keeps adapting and trying to implement their insane plans by any means possible, a mentality that says “Sit down, shut up, we’re doing all of this for your benefit”. It’s a dangerous one for sure, once you start saying that you’d “go a long way” to stop terrorism, to the level of giving the green light to mass (and under this government, insecure) data storage on our lives, where do we stop?
Call it paranoia, but this is the sort of question that needs asking in these times. Slowly, slowly we’re seeing more and more liberties leaked in the name of “Terrorism”, slow enough that it seems that little fuss is caused.
Indeed we have to perhaps be thankful that Hoon makes an ass out of himself with his language. Terrorists can communicate over the internet so we have to have it monitored? We already monitor phone calls…but I suppose next on the list of things to achieve a way of retaining communication details not transmitted through technology. I’m not sure I would be surprised if Labour did turn around and ask to have all of our personal conversations in the street to be recorded, if they could only find a way to make it come in at the right price.
US Senate injects new momentum to $700bn bail-out
France seeks €300bn rescue fund for Europe
Fresh criticism and concerns over “42 days”
Cabinet reshuffle expected
House prices fall further
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Lee Griffin
CiF/Joanna Lumley I don’t think we can highlight enough how the Governments illegal actions are finally being overturned on the Gurkhas.
Obsolete wraps up the analysis of the Tory conference. In short, the Tories are certainly appearing to be the next party in power, even if they sound as shaky as ever.
Amnesty International UK Is Northern Ireland a sexists paradise? With figures like these we have to ask, is there a cultural problem here in urgent need of change?
TPM highlights the hypocrisy of the McCain campaign team, on the one hand trying to appear noble and above petty politics, but then also trying to blame Obama for everything that’s wrong in the world.
A week is a long time muses on the benefits of mistakes if you clear up the mess well
CiF/Colin Matthews Thinks that all this talk of “no third runway” at Heathrow is unrealistic.
Extended list will be on my blog later
McCain and Obama at odds over “campaign suspension” stunt
Shake up of Monarchy rules planned
Labour announce free school meal trial
School defends putting hurdles in the way of health of young girls
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Lee Griffin
New Model Army is one of the first to get out there and say he’s proud to be backing slightly strange Lembit Opik for the Lib Dem presidency. Can he do a Boris Johnson?
Political Betting urges caution around the 7% Labour poll boost. This always happens, and you shouldn’t get your hopes up.
Jock Coats analyses the inevitability of the political machine to grind on relentlessly, and what it means for “change”.
CiF, an anonymous writer discusses arranged marriages, and the exploitation within.
Current Vision thinks unity is over-rated…that’s being chummy, not the blogger.
Max Dunbar uses the book, Unjust Rewards, as a launch pad for a discussion on the gap in wealth.
Bristol Blogger uncovers the announcement for a Bristol Congestion charge in…Builder and Engineer magazine? Read for the ensuing comments.
Lanson Boy on why the Lib Dem’s should never setlle for the AV system of PR voting. Why exactly do the party continue to let Norman Lamb talk?
As usual, extended list up on my blog
MRSA reduction targets being met
Uk unemployment in worst situation in a decade
Nick Clegg: “We’re headed for Government”
Alan Milburn increases Labour tensions
LHC back on collision course
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Lee Griffin
CiF/Lara posts about her experience in the sex industry, by and large the comments are supportive and/or constructive and well worth a read.
Septicisle, and myself, think the paralympic effort this year was great on behalf of the athletes, but on behalf of the media it’s been woefully lacking.
UK Liberty reports on yet more instances of people being subjected to layer after layer of scrutiny to keep the children safe. God forbid you ever get accused of something but never trialled for it though.
Forceful and Moderate has a three part explanation of our economic situation. Parts 2 and 3 are also up.
CiF/James Graham reports on the Lib Dem Conference.
CiF/Libby Brooks looks at the film “Eden Lake” and how it reflects on our societies inability to engage with youth.
CiF/Naomi Alderman wants you to know that there are lives to be lived outside of the City.
As usual, see my extended list on my blog
Civil servants are to vote on strike action
Storms in the UK leave six dead
US mortgage lenders could get the “Northern Rock” treatment from the US Government
UN Climate chief wants people to consider eating less meat
DAILY BLOG REVIEW / by Lee Griffin
Tim Ireland finally sees a response from the Daily Mail over “reporter” Julie Moult’s false claims about a “Googlebomb” on Hazel Blears. The funny ensues.
LDV/Stephen Tall reports on Michael Portillo lending some weight to Local Income Tax…just…uh…don’t mention that it’s been a Lib Dem policy for years. Ok?
Chicken Yoghurt muses on the idea of Jeremy Kyle’s involvement at a higher political level than unemployment TV.
LDV/Mark Park wonders why Yougov attracts a different political standard of women respondents. More to the point, does this make Yougov more or less accurate?
Neil Williams joins in on the hate on EA for their free petrol give-away stunt. Given the main complaints were from residents that couldn’t even get out of their driveways, shouldn’t irresponsible driving also take some of the blame though?
CiF/Leo Hickman waits for the end of the world, nice knowing you all.
Destructoid reports about a pair of teenagers banned from owning pets and playing video games because they microwaved their cat. Now what are they meant to do to pass the time? My vote is on terrorism.
Hello! It’s Thursday, and as usual I’m back to offer my thoughts on the best of the web. Check out my blog for an extended list a little later, it’ll include some links to the Gary Glitter situation, BBC on Brown and Belgium’s potential breakup…
A blog from the back room – Hopi looks at “fairness” and who wins out between Labour and the Tories, though Hak Mao has other feelings.
CiF/Marting Narey – You have to feel appreciative of the sheer amount of optimism from this rose-tinted glasses wearer, but sets out what Labour really should be doing about child poverty.
Peter Kenyon – Peter also wonder’s what exactly Labour are waiting for to abolish child poverty for good.
Transform – Steve has an absolutely stunning rebuttal of Dr Ian Oliver’s stance that prohibition is an overwhelmingly positive thing.
Cassilis – Are we ignoring the point of what exam grades are for, dumbing down or otherwise?
5CC – Could it be that there is more definite proof out there about inherent racism in the Daily Mail?
CiF/AC Grayling – Mr Grayling almost continue reading… »
Welcome to Thursday, isn’t it glorious? Of course it is more glorious if you live in the south, but I won’t go there…no need when so many others have! As usual, extended list will be up soon on my blog with some more on the Northern issue, Prince Charles and Obama.
Stumbling and Mumbling – Given how much bad shape the North is supposedly in, they should be worried about the long term side-effects of recession in their diet.
Kerron Cross – Now about that Northern thing…
Liberal England – …It seems to have struck a bit of a chord…
Quaequam Blog – …especially given a Lib Dem’s involvement in it…
Darlington Councillor – …it seems very, very few are impressed…
ePolitix/Adam Marshall – ..but even fewer try to move on to the next stage.
Schmoo on the run – On a lighter note, get off your head on drugs and save Gordon Brown in the process.
UK Liberty – Don’t panic. For those that are high, the way politicians are going about a “Bill of Rights” *is* arse about face.
Casting Back:
Indigo Jo Blogs (2004) – It’s always sobering to know nothing changes when it comes to the gutter press.
Welcome to the netcast, tips in the comments or to the usual place. Today is my Birthday, yet here I am giving the gifts…it’s like some strange Hobbiton around here! As usual my extended list will be online shortly
CiF/Ian Buruma – Belgium is on the brink of collapse? Won’t someone please think of the chocolate!
Freemania – Tom thinks a little bit of reservation goes a long way to dealing with obesity issues, the same way just a little bit of glorious cookie makes the needle move a long way…
OurKingdom – James gets out his crystal ball and forsee’s the future landscape of British politics
Mary Reid – After a midnight brain lull of trying to read this thinking it was about Cherie Booth, I found an interesting tale of local politics (maybe) working.
Dave’s Part – If we do have rat’s in our wards, they deserve to be cleaned away by a better class of cleaner…or as they shall be called, NHS rat wardens.
Eaten by missionaries – Cameron et all are keeping mighty quiet over the recent shaming of their party through a PPC. Quick more rat stories!
The Bristol Blogger – Bristol plans to use taxpayer money to fund propaganda about recycling. Will they include instructions on how to recycle the useless plastic produced?
Back to the usual schedule, welcome to Thursday and the cusp of the best month in the year. You can check out my extended list that will be up on my blog, and I’m sure Jennie would encourage you to lambast me about my lack of ability to see the supposed sexism in the new Batman film. Tips to the usual place, or in the comments!
The bleeding heart show – Neil has a great insight in to the female side of our prison population
Neil Harding – Is it time for Labour to take hold of the English Parliament idea and run with it?
Peter Kenyon – Peter rues the missed opportunity for giving Brown credibility from the start.
Max Dunbar – Religion only does good, right?
Ministry of truth – It’s the Mark Brewer saga, and it’s still going. Let’s not forget this is still going on.
Open Democracy – The ongoing Ethiopia situation should perhaps shame some of those concerned over the rising cost of driving to work.
John Pugh – Watch out, the next scourge is coming. Time to ban exercise weights for the burden they place on the NHS.
Casting back:
Antonia’s blog (2005) – A look back at a view on school selection.
Doug is off, perhaps stalking monstrous vampire rats, or maybe curing AIDs, either way you’re stuck with me for today. As usual you can check out extra links on my blog.
CiF/Polly Toynbee – Labour have announced a set of new policies, it’s just a shame that only a handful of them are more exciting than shelled peas.
The bleeding heart show – But if you don’t like your fur labeled real, is there really any get out clause?
Neil Harding – Neil explains why he feels democracy isn’t being served in modern times.
Jo Christie-Smith – Where to find female political blogs? Under the stairs? The third floor of the empire state building? I just don’t know!
Max Dunbar – Basically, just because you’re religious doesn’t make you good. Case in point: Spanish inquisition.
CiF/Julie Bindel – Julie sees the benefits in changes to murder law, it seems very few don’t.
Chicken Yoghurt – Apparently Nuclear energy tickles.
Casting Back
Political Betting (2004) – Have Labour ever recovered?
Welcome to casting the net. I’m a little late today after a long night at a work social. Remember to leave your links in the comments or email them to tips[at]liberalconspiracy[dot]org, and check out my other musings. My extended list won’t be on until tomorrow most likely. Final words from me now: Comment is free? Sort your act out, we don’t need gagillions of articles about Obama and Batman when there is interesting stuff happening on our doorstep.
Chicken Yoghurt – Vote now in the unboycottable “worst political blogs” list!
UK Liberty – In some countries I’m sure the level of intimacy the state wishes with us would be seen as kinky.
Same Difference – Sarah walks about the condescending ways of “including” people.
The progressive/Emma Jane-Cross – If you see a person getting beaten up on a virtual street, don’t turn a virtual blind eye.
Liberal Burblings – The Max Mosley victory is a much greater victory for all.
Bristol Blogger – MPs such as those in Bristol are all happy for banning happy hour…just not their happy hour.
Casting Back
Blogger1947 (2006) – Stan is only asking for consistency, god damnit!
Welcome to the Thursday casting the net slot. The parliamentary recess is soon to be underway and we had our last PMQs, so bring on the months of benign news! A request from myself, if you have a blog that you would like to have checked for posts let us know on tips[at]liberalconspiracy[dot]org. We have plenty of liberal and Labour blogs, but less so of more independent ones! As usual this, along with a few further links, will be up on my blog.
Gl0rfy! – Seven years ago Blair backed the brutal actions of Genoese police, actions that have yet to be punished.
CiF/Libby Brooks – A woman is (rightfully) asking for issues of rape to focus on the offender, it only took an hour for someone to undermine the point in the comments. Is this progression?
Peter Black AM – Peter Black points out some very hypocritical views in the Welsh assembly.
Millenium Elephant – House of Lords reform? Not if Jack “never make a decision” Straw has anything to do with it!
Linylooz Muze – Adding to the voices of concern about Cameron’s qualification for making certain statements, Linda wonders how much he can do for Black fathers.
Bloggasm – Simon has done some poking around to find some stats for blog readership in the US. Anyone want to do the same for the UK? continue reading… »
Welcome to the July 10th edition of casting the net. Contributions as usual to tips[at]liberalconspiracy[dot]org to let us know of the amazing works being posted around. This has been a quiet week, maybe it’s just the weather, but with a hilarious Harriet Harman performance in PMQs, a communities bill announcement, the G8 summit and (of course) the H&H by-election I expected more. Bad bloggers, must do better! As usual my extended round up will be up shortly on my blog.
The Register – OK, not a blog but Sunny will poke me with sharp, hot things if I post where I got this link from. Jacqui Smith and the government start a propaganda site to indoctrinate our children in to ID cards. Fails spectacularly.
Andreas’ Blog – Someone is a little critical of those calling themselves liberal these days.
A Lanson boy – Who do those liberals think they are, telling our children to be off our streets by 9pm?
Though Cowards Flinch – David is unimpressed with the politics of fear, especially the Tories hypocritical role in it.
Lib Dem Voice – Who said what now? Certainly it seems David Davis is in the clear despite many Lib Dem supporters anger. continue reading… »
Welcome to the Thursday casting the net. Surprisingly there is no analysis I can find of yesterdays Finance Bill vote. This is ok though as you should be able to check back at my blog site after 6pm and see my analysis of what I thought was an all round shoddy debate. Meanwhile, on to the good stuff, as always more links will be posted shortly on my site, and links can be sent to us at tips[at]liberalconspiracy[dot]org.
OurKingdom – Anthony Barnett asks what is next for those that are interested in democracy with the H&H by-election looming. Make sure you put aside 30 minutes to read this!
Crooked Timber – Henry wonders about the impact of blogs and participation on them in the political process amongst other things. A truly interesting article that doesn’t come around often.
The Yorkshire Gob – Jennie was one of the first to comment on the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s poverty findings, and is actually not doing too bad in her impoverished state, thankyouverymuch.
Obsolete – There is a darker side to CiF, and this analysis of the treatment of Majid Ahmed (refused entry to Imperial because of a theft conviction) on the site shows it plain as day.
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The Telegraph has gained access to a handwritten letter by Chief Whip Geoff Hoon, addressed to Keith Vaz, leader of the Home Affairs select committee, on the 12th of June that he hopes Mr Vaz “will be appropriately rewarded!“.
Welcome to the Thursday casting the net. It’s Henley by-election today so exciting times for 24 hours and I’m sure a wealth of links fo Aaron tomorrow. Yesterday was the blog nation event, and this week has provided great material to blog on, so here are the links. Feel free to post up your favourite links in the comments, especially thoughts on last night’s Lib Con event. As always please send lovely tips to tips[at]liberalconspiracy[dot]org!
Brian Barder – What Jacqui Smith said yesterday regarding Homosexuality and Iran is completely unacceptable and it certain seems to have irked a fair number of us out there.
Max Dunbar – A thoroughly interesting and, from my perspective, spot on analysis of a recent occurrence on Big Brother. With so much tension around, the actions of the few muslims and immigrants in the house are bound to be under scrutiny.
Beeblebear/ukpolitics – If you’re brown and muslim then the moment the police break in to your house to arrest you you’re targeted by the media immediately. Kiddy fiddling, fascist, white terrorist? Well you’ll make the paper only when charged.
Neil Harding – He doesn’t like Labour MPs unless they’ve got a spine.
continue reading… »
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