LC Westminster: UKIP tops chart in lost deposits at election; nearly quarter million
David Osler V Johanne Kaschke judgement today
Trial summary; Pictures; video with Dave
Lc Westminster: Watch: satire of new Tory-Libdem coalition and their previous remarks
Alex Smith: Has David Miliband made two early strategic errors?
Nafeez Ahmed: The “new politics” of Cameron and Clegg, and our responsibility
Sugar the pill: This is what “new politics” looks like?
Join us at 8pm for the live debate along with the New Statesman, LabourList and Left Foot Forward.
LC Media: Poll: only a minority of public bothered by #bigotgate
LC Westminster: Watch: MP resigns and urges people not to vote Libdem (satire)
Political Scrapbook: Conservative candidate posted racist slur on blog
Sunder Katwala: Surely unfair BNP repatriation policy would fuel white grievance politics
Angry Mob: A Talk About Immigration
Cath Elliott: We still need the unions
Anthony Barnett: Guardian letter in support of Lib Dems – why I signed
Sugar the Pill: Why I will not be voting Conservative – a manifesto analysis
Shuggy: Tribalism: Labour’s besetting sin?
Sunder Katwala: 11.6 million people excluded from Tory tax break because husband & wife work
Angry Mob: Your Local Candidates: who are they?
Claude Carpentieri: Clegg’s great-great-aunt was a spy!
BenSix: The Progs And The Clogs
The Staggers: David Cameron pops up on BNP video
Greek instability threatens Germany
Growing opposition from the German public to a planned bailout of Greece is jeopardising Angela Merkel’s chances in a key state election next week and could ultimately undermine the stability of her coalition government.
Nick Clegg – I want to be Prime Minister
Liberal Democrat leader tells The Times he can supplant Labour and has stated that his ambition is to lead Britain…
9:30pm LC Westminster: Labour unveils new attack ad against Tories
8:30pm: YouGov tonight: Cons 33%, Labour 29%, LDds 28%
Populus / Times poll: Cons 36%, Libdems 28%, Labour 27%
LC Media: Even Sun’s page 3 girl Becky is “concerned” about electoral reform
3:20pm: Tory candidate Philip Lardner has been suspended for making ‘offensive’ comments on homosexuality. See Shamik Das.
- Also praised Enoch Powell.
Sunder Katwala: Fact-checking Cameron’s first-past-the-post mythology
Afua Hirsch: If Britain is really post-racial, why is the election so white?
LC Westminster: Watch – angry Libdem voters heckles Cameron at rally
Stuart Weir: Lib Dems must hold firm on the need for PR
Philippa Willitts: Silence Does Not Equal Consent
Raincoat Optimism: The Fallacy of Sharia Law
Tory support keeps falling
Conservative support is at the same level as the party achieved in the 2005 general election and would leave the party far off a majority. That will add to anxiety within the Tory campaign.
Police publish Blair Peach report
A previously secret police report into the death of a protester in London 31 years ago is set to be released.
The Staggers blog: today’s poll numbers
LC Westminster: Majority of Libdems would be “dismayed” with a Lib-Con pact
LC Media: Jan Moir wages class-war on Clegg family as Daily Mail removes articles
George Eaton: The Tories’ “decapitation” strategy is likely to backfire
Michael Meacher MP: Lies, damned lies and environmental fibs
Sunder Katwala: Now, even Murdoch fears that Murdoch is going over the top
Paul Cotterill: Jeremy Hunt eviscerated in 5 Live Interview
Left Outside: Why conservatives should care about immigration
Sim-o: on hung parliaments
Hain questions LibDem-Con alliance
Senior Labour figures yesterday warned Nick Clegg not to overreach himself by trying to dictate to Labour whether Gordon Brown could remain as party leader in a hung parliament…
Pope memo will not affect UK visit
UK newspaper reports have quoted Vatican sources as saying the September visit could now be in doubt. But Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said: “For us the case is closed.”
YouGov: Cons 34% (-1), Libdem 30% (+2%), Labour 28% (+1)
PeeZedTee: Why progressives should vote LibDem even if they hate the LibDems
John B: A working class hero is nothing to pretend to be
Claude Carpentieri: UK election in the European press
Putney debater: Election Videos – are they making a difference?
Climate Sock: The Greens’ election battlegrounds
John Crace: You can’t beat the (voting) system
Anton Vowl: Hope v fear
Reuben: Labour’s AV system is a recipe for permanent inertia
Mark Pack: Telegraph misrepresents financial data during Hung Parliament
Harpymarx: NL aint been punished enough over Iraq
Splintered Sunrise: How discrimination works
Tomorrow’s polls
Mail on Sunday / BPIX: Con 34%, Libdems 30%, Lab 27%.
Indy on Sunday & Sunday Mirror / ComRes poll: Con 34%, Libdem 29%, Lab 28%
Sunday Telegraph / ICM poll: Con 35%, Libdem 31%, Labour 26%
News of the World / Ipsos MORI: Con 36%, Lab 30%, LibDem 23% (rogue poll?)
Sunday Times / YouGov: Con 35%, Lab 27% Libdems 29%
Sunny Hundal: Two reasons why the Libdem vote may not hold up
Will Straw: Is Britain heading for a progressive majority?
Mehdi Hasan: Is Compass about to call for tactical voting?
Alan Travis: Back-door immigration amnesty has been in place for 20 years
Ian Burrell: Someone tell the press that rules of the game have changed
Sunder Katwala: Dacre keeps up class war on Clegg
LC Westminster: Watch: The spoof leaders’ wives!
Media attacks on Nick Clegg put pressure on Conservatives
Claude Carpentieri: Why the right-wing smear machine will backfire
Sunder Katwala: Now its Class War on hypocrisy fom ConservativeHome too
LC Westminster: Nick Robinson confirms CCHQ’s newspaper smear operation
LC Media: It’s here: #NickCleggsfault – the song
The Staggers: What Cameron and Brown have taken from the far-right
Anthony Barnett: Clegg holds his ground: who will have to ‘Get Real’ now?
Left Outside: Defending immigration – population density
Giles Wilkes: Speculators bring down Greece. Really?
The forces that have been blocking British democracy are becoming visible in this election
To understand what these forces are, you have to start with a fact that is usually kept obscure: Britain is a country with a large liberal-left majority.
Join us at 8pm for the Leaders Debates live-chat!
YouGov tonight: Conservative 34%, Labour 29%, Libdems 28%
Dave Osler: Trial (strike-out application) hearing tomorrow
Women Labour helpers knocked to ground by Tories. Was it libcon troll Martin Coxall?
James Macintyre: Sun removes all mention of Clegg from front-page
Justin McKeating: How #nickcleggsfault originated
Michael Wolff: Will Murdoch Lose Britain?
LC Media: Is Sky News campaigning for someone?
Stuart White: Can Labour stay in the government if it comes third?
Tom Rafferty: Cameron’s foreign policy ignorance damaging to Britain’s interests
Anton Vowl: I’d rather eat a dog turd covered in Marmite than vote BNP
Daily Mail-o-matic goes all Nick Clegg crazy
Hope Not Hate: Nick Griffin – a horse ban?
Tories lose ground to appeal of ‘safer’ hung Parliament
Voters see a hung Parliament as more radical and less dangerous than a complete switch of governing ideology. Poll indicates that those attracted to Nick Clegg believe that he offers a less risky version of change than that on offer from the Conservatives.
YouGov at 10pm: Conservative 33%; Liberal Democrat 31%; Labour 27%; Others 9%
Ipsos Mori: Libdem jump represents highest score we’ve recorded since it formed.
Watch: Cameron gets egged
Paul Waugh: Osborne’s bad hair day
Evening Standard: Labour and Libdems surge in London!
LC Westminster: Want to know Clegg’s Achilles heel? Here it is
LC Media: Guess the newspaper editor most annoyed with Libdem surge?
LC Westminster: Watch: Do people really have a clue about politics?
Sunder Katwala: Let everyone watch the debate! 10 reasons to #showitlivebbc
LC Media: Support blogger Dave Osler at libel courts on Friday
Indymedia: Save Bita Ghaedi from Deportation!
Nicola Smith: Dole queues today nearly half the size of the 80s and 90s
7:20pm: Times/ComRes poll – Clegg’s support jumps 10pts in one week
2:20pm: YouGov: 34% think Libdem support will last; 52% sceptical,
Sunny Hundal: Labour must prepare to boot Brown
Left Foot Forward: David Clegg-eron, change you can’t believe in
Giles Wilkes: Desperately searching for Panic
Anthony Barnett: Trying to destroy the Lib Dems
Anton Vowl: We haven’t got a fucking clue, admit pollsters
AVPS: The Far Left and the 2010 UK General Election
The Staggers: Election 2010: Party promises
Brown refuses to rule out Lib-Lab pact
Asked if there would be a coalition government, he said: “There is common ground between Liberal Democrats and us … but it’s for the people to decide.”
Lib Dem voters: No deal with Cameron
The ComRes poll for The Independent and ITV News shows that 46 per cent of Liberal Democrat supporters would be happy if the election resulted in a hung parliament and Mr Brown remained in Downing Street; it found 31 per cent would be happy if Mr Cameron became prime minister in these circumstances.
8:20pm: YouGov/Sun Con 33% (+ 1), Lib Dems 31% (-2), Lab 27% (+ 1)
Opinium/Express poll tonight: Con 32% (-7), Lib Dems 29% (+12), Lab 26% (-1)
6:30pm: A ComRes poll tonight is expected to project Labour as the largest party. Con: 32%, Lab: 28%: Lib 28%. Lab with 279 seats / Tories 245.
5:17pm: Report on ‘mystery poll’ on Libdem policy. YouGov deny wrongdoing
LC Westminster: Cameron’s new election plea: please vote for me you bastards!
Political Betting: PB/Angus Reid has the Lib Dems up 10pts
LC Westminster: Boris doesn’t like Clegg’s rise; suggests “dissolving electorate”
3:30pm Guardian: Libdems jump 10pt in latest ICM poll
Sunder Katwala: So, does ANYBODY count as truly British, Mr Dacre?
Adam Ramsay: Memorandum to Cameron, in advance of the debate on foreign policy
Owen Tudor: Former J.P.Morgan Managing Director backs financial transactions tax
Catherine Redfern: “We Need the Women Back at Work”
Harpymarx: Medicated kids
Clegg in the news
Labour and Tories terrified Clegg will play Iraq card
Clegg Seen As ‘Change’ Candidate, Not Cameron
The Fightback Begins: knives come out
Other blogs
Harpxymarx: Just how people are stopped under Section 44?
Left Foot Forward: Hanging on in a Hung Parliament
Anthony Barnett at oK: How to lose an election
The Staggers: Let’s play David Cameron’s “Last week I met…”
1:45pm LC Westminster: Cameron’s “black man” doesn’t even back Tory immigration policy!
Sadie’s Tavern: The law of unintended consequences
Bob Piper: Where’s David Davis (for freedom) when you really need him?
LC Westminster: Libdems claim 60,000 new members after debate
Paul Sagar: The Double Demon Maneouvre
Tim Ireland: David Cameron’s head on a stick
Tories want Cameron to attack Clegg
The inquest among some Tories focused on the three-party format. “We should never have allowed Clegg to have an equal footing. That was a big mistake,” said one party insider.
Ash cloud costing airlines £130m a day
BA shares fell by more than 3% today. Other European airlines shares also fell, reflecting the fact that the volcanic ash cloud has disrupted flights across Europe.
Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda
Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the spectre of domestic terrorism has returned to haunt the Obama Administration, with a warning from the FBI that “home-grown and lone-wolf extremists” now represent as serious a threat as al-Qaeda.
LC Westminster: Cameron wanted a taxpayer-funded Lexus for himself but now criticises police for it
Sunder Katwala: Hull and Met police challenge Cameron claims as misleading
Claude Carpentieri: Obama: equal hospital visitation rights for same-sex partners
Gary Dunion: EXCLUSIVE: Labour’s new ad
LC Media: ITV blocks unofficial #leadersdebates footage on YouTube!
LC Media: Sky News makes polling mistakes after #leadersdebates
New Statesman Staggers blog: Clegg ahead in first post-debate polls
The non-televised debate
via Hang ‘em
Clegg smashes through two-party system
The Liberal Democrat leader seized the moment by matching Gordon Brown and David Cameron blow for blow during 90 minutes of lively exchanges which confounded expectations that the 76 strict rules of engagement would produce a sterile discussion.
Obama vows renewed space program
“Step by step, we will push the boundaries not only of where we can go but what we can do,” Mr. Obama said. “Our goal is the capacity for people to work and learn, operate and live safely beyond the Earth for extended periods of time.”
Across blogs
LC Media: ITV blocks unofficial #leadersdebates footage on YouTube!
LC Media: Sky News makes polling mistakes after #leadersdebates
Paul Sagar: On a Liberal’s Blind Spot
Sunder Katwala on Next Left: Cameron’s super-soundbite strategy
LC Westminster: Car Crash TV – Devil’s Kitchen gets ambushed on BBC
Katie Ghose on oK: Where do the parties stand on the Human Rights Act?
Claude Carpentiere: France condemns Vatican for anti-gay slur
Giles Wilkes on Guardian: For sound economics, vote Lib Dem
LC Westminster: Election sexism watch, pt 5
In the news
Ninety min that could change Britain
A ComRes survey for The Independent and ITV News found that 65 per cent of the adult public say they will watch the three debates – about 30 million people. Half of them say the contests could influence how they vote on 6 May.
NUS elects president who opposes fees
A staunch opponent of higher university tuition fees was voted president of the National Union of Students today, setting the next government on a likely collision course with students.
NYT: Poll finds Tea Partyers confused
Some defended being on Social Security while fighting big government by saying that since they had paid into the system, they deserved the benefits. Others could not explain the contradiction.
Ed Wallis at Next Left: Why Cameron is heir to Alastair Campbell
Mark Pack at LDV: Buckingham Palace, the Bank of England and a donation to Tories
New Statesman, Mehdi Hasan: The myth of the “big society”
Adam Bienkov at Tory Troll: Tories “in it together” with underage drink sales
Across Liberal Conspiracy
2:35pm: Westminster: Election sexism watch
2pm update: Nick Clegg launches manifesto
Westminster: Tories wrong on lobbyists register
Westminster: – ‘Where are your spending cuts?’ asks right-wing think of the Conservative party
Westminster: Charles Kennedy joins Libdem electoral reform group
Media: Tory PPC challenges anti-BBC stance
In the news today
Tory claim on NI job losses under fire
Research done by George Osborne’s main economic adviser has thrown into question the Conservatives’ claims that Labour rises in National Insurance contributions would destroy upwards of 57,000 jobs.
50 heads attack Conservative education plans
A group of 51 headteachers, including prominent academy leaders, today attacked the Tories’ plans to give parents the freedom to set up schools and said they feared “across-the-board cuts” to schooling under the Conservatives.
Lib Dems offer tax bait to voters
Mr Cable made the remark as he helped his party leader, Nick Clegg, launch the Lib Dem manifesto, a document that Mr Clegg said would help “hardwire fairness” into British society – and which has a £16.8 billion tax cut for low and modest earners at its centre.
JP Morgan smashes expectations with $3.3bn profit
As well as beating the $2.14bn profit recorded in the same period a year ago, today’s earnings also exceeded the $3.28bn profit racked up in the last three months of 2009.
VAT holiday over as tax revenue collapses
Restraining orders to combat domestic violence
Fees slashed in squeeze on legal aid bill
Iran lets in UN nuclear inspectors
WHO warns against homeopathy use
Afghan count begins in tents
CIA hired Blackwater for assassination
Cameron tries to end Tory turmoil over NHS
Lockerbie bomber to be freed
Bank split on £50 billion QE increase
Labour urged not to cut skilled migrants
Swiss to reveal secret UBS accounts
Truck bombs bring carnage to Baghdad
Scientists uncover new threat from plastics
Islamic scholar hits out over sacking
Third of nurses ‘don’t want swine flu vaccine’
Northumbria police tops on use of Tasers
New students face £23,000 debt
Social housing plans axed as rents cut
China ‘angry’ at Australia tour
Japanese election campaign begins
Chicago shuts down to save money
Afghanis: peace talks with Taliban top issue
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